
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Penulis: Faylan
Anime & Comics
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What is Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Baca novel Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped) yang ditulis oleh penulis Faylan yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past.What will be the consequences of his actions?...


Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

4 tagar
Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

Miss President's Bodyguard

$$$$$$$ Rania Wong, a rich young lady or a multibillionaire that currently leading a worldwide company, Diamond Enterprise. She was targeted by many unknown enemies and also from the attacked of unknown organizations. Her grandfather, Master Wong decided to appoint a personal bodyguard in order to protect her although he knew that his granddaughter already have a dozen of bodyguard. Although she is known as a ruthless and cruel person but actually she has another hidden side of her. ************* Ryan Mu, a skillful and talented man but also a very secretive and mysterious guy. He is the personal bodyguard of Master Wong and always in a secret mission of protecting the young miss, Miss Rania Wong. He knows her very well, although it's been a very long time since they last saw each other .unlike Rania who doesn't even realize his existence around her. What will happen when 2 person from different world and different attitude paired together? Will Rania keep acting cold and distance towards Ryan? Can Ryan protect his young miss from any upcoming danger around them? and can the pass and hidden feeling between them appeared again? Can Rania keeps her guard up againts Ryan when he constantly saved her in exchange of his own life? ••••••••••••••••• Please add this book to your library if you want to know more. I'm not a good writer in english but i really want to try. I'm deeply sorry if i have a lot of grammatical errors. Please do support me. I'm not a humorous person so i don't really have any idea to make you guys laugh, i just hope you will like it. ^-^ •••••••••••

Arian30 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Love beyond Ranks

“My luck kind of great. I finally found you. No! you presented yourself to me like a prey coming to its predator den. Amazing right?” he drew his eyebrows up, asking with his beautiful lips that had a playful smirk. Lydia responded in silence. She had no idea what this man was going on about. Rumbling some nonsense or maybe something similar. All she could think about was to get his permission to live in his house for three months to carry out her plan. ‘Please don’t see through my disguise and you can talk whatever you want.’ She only prayed for it. Hiding her gender and pretending to be a man. It was frightening to keep that business smile on her face while the surrounding was so cold. After all, she was in front of a ‘S ranker’ who could snap her neck like mincing mud without giving any shit. “Hmm?” he gazed the girl standing in front of him from up to down. “Haha… I will do my absolutely best to serve you, master,” awkward smile tiring her face but successfully she completed what she needed to say. Ethan smirked. He leaned back on the chair, the sharp silver earing glinting back, the blue sapphire looked pretty and cold as his eyes. “How?” “Ha?” Lydia tilted her head slightly in confusion. “How are you going to serve me? There are many possible ways. If my mother has sent you to work, I guess you know I prefer men more. Maybe you will be warming my bed at night,” he looked at the girl disguising herself as a man who looked charming and shiny from every angle. Lydia denied strictly, “My purpose is to assist you in your house. There is nothing to do with the bed. I can do cooking, cleaning, repairing and many more but…” “Then you can do that too, I assume.” He chuckled testing her expression. The chances of being kicked out were more before entering his house but now the situation unfolded differently. He looked more welcoming to a lowly ranker than she has thought.

Ananya_Mk · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs
Latest Update
Jilid 1


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  • latar belakang dunia

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great story, as well as very well made with a constant update of new chapters. the story doesn't progress too quickly but not too slow either just perfect. keep up this amazing work.


I dont like star wars...make no mistake I love the characters..the lore...the weapons..I just dont like it cause theirs a **** ton of stuff but thats what makes it great,,,,so when I read FF's most of the time I dont understand some of the references..but some FFs write dope **** that despite not understanding you still enjoy it..this one is like that.its amazing ..only sad thing is that theres tragic **** here...maybe add some fluff and happiness to balance out the depressing **** like slavery and ****.BUT its still great...


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Really good story, amazing useage of star wars lore (at least legends) i need to feel this thing with 140 characters, keep up the good work author


Love the story. It's a great idea and I love the OC. Having a MC of a fanfic that isn't human was refreshing, and character development is great. The characters themselves are all nice and add to the plot nicely. Overall, my only complaint is that it seems dropped, I hope the author picks it back up again.


I am so enthralled by the world in which you have created within the canon of star wars making characters of your own and interacting with the canon characters. This fan fiction is top for star wars I just wish that there can be more chapter uploads. You have inspired me to think about making a star wars fan fiction as well I just need to think where it goes :) thanks again for this fan fiction my only negative of this fan fiction is the slow chapter release that is all.


Great story, I have learned a lot about the Star Wars universe and planets. I would recommend this as it has long chapters and great lore to be had.


I like this 10/10 Filling: HshehwvhdhehdhvdhdbjdujdhjsvvdhjdkkdbdvhshdhdjdjwjjwjdjbdjdjdidopdpdldkkdjdhdhhehdjduehejjedjdjdjdjdjdjudjdkskdidkdjdjjdhdhhshdhhehdhdhjdbdjydkfhizguztkzgkshkzgjzgjzgjzjsrusfhsfhsrharuFjatusrusruatjsrusruurw


Despite the somewhat poor grammar and occasional improper word use, this is probably the best star wars fanfic I've read on this site. it's unfortunate that it's in hiatus, and I hope that it isn't actually dropped. if the author had this story edited and started posting again I'd give this story a 5 easily. even without further editing I'd love to see this story picked back up.


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Après avoir lu une 2eme fois pour trouver des failles Je dis bravo à l’auteur Mon anglais n'étant pas très bon, je reste neutre d'un point de vue grammatical Je me permets cependant d'écrire mon opinion de l'histoire, la conception des personnages et le contexte mondial L’histoire tiens le rythme les condition son possible dans le monde Star Wars. Puissance économique, militaire, politique sont nécessaire pour changer l’histoire, le mc n’est pas un bourrin qui agis sans réfléchir, il sait où sont les failles et exploite ses connaissances historiques Même si les changements déjà effectué influence déjà la guerre des clones. Spoiler : si Jango quitte les séparatistes maintenant, il y a peu de chance que ce soit lui qui tente d’assassiner la sénatrice, Obiwan ne peut plus remonter jusqu’à kamino. L’armée n’est donc pas découverte. La guerre peut débute d’une manière très différente. L’histoire peut prendre une tournure très différente Les personnages et leurs points de vue sont en constante évolution, la plus flagrante de tous est Lyn, qui évolue vraiment vite peut être même trop vite à mon gout. Le contexte mondial de star wars est un mélange de politique et de science-fiction et l’auteur intègre merveilleusement bien l’univers étendu dans le contexte mondial montrant les divisions jedi/jedi vert/sith et république/csi star wars n’est pas un endroit simple pour ecrire une fanfiction Tous mes encouragements et surtout n’abandonne pas. ^^ Je le classe dans le top 3 de mes fanfiction avec 1- Bend in time (harry potter) 2- Dragonborn saga (skyrim) 3- Star wars new fate (star wars) 4- Pokemon a mystical journey (pokemon)


Love it, want more. 😤


a very good star wars fanfiction, continues like that. the story has a good pace, we wait with haste for historical situations. we make it attract in history, waiting for a new chapter and that's great.


Over all I like the direction and outlook that this story comes from. The author made a great character and has given him a mission worthy to draw in fans.


I really love this book. This is amazing. I love the action and adventure, and because I love adventure and action books without romance, this is my favorite. Thank you so much author!!!


I have been waiting for a great star aars story for a long time and I'm pretty sure this is it I like and am invested in the story and am intrigued because I did not keep up with the books so each chapter brings something new.


The book is absolutely amazing it's well written with few mistakes and I dont know about anyone else but star wars novels on webtoon are hard to find so I applaud you even more for writing this to the point I'd even off to check for grammar mistakes for u if it guaranteed you to keep writing. So keep writing your great book


This is a very well written story with excellent character and background development. It's only fault is it's not updated regularly enough since I'm greedy. Please don't stop this halfway and thanks for the story.


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