
Review Detail of amaturewriter in Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Ulasan detail


I dont like star wars...make no mistake I love the characters..the lore...the weapons..I just dont like it cause theirs a **** ton of stuff but thats what makes it great,,,,so when I read FF's most of the time I dont understand some of the references..but some FFs write dope **** that despite not understanding you still enjoy it..this one is like that.its amazing ..only sad thing is that theres tragic **** here...maybe add some fluff and happiness to balance out the depressing **** like slavery and ****.BUT its still great...

Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)


Disukai oleh 7 orang




There will be fluff and happiness but not much before the love interest show up. Thanks for the review.


I saw the miniature version of the stories cover in my library just now and thought that it looked like a flavored condom. Since I can't get that out of my head after thinking it, I wanted to put the thought in someone else's head

Faylan:There will be fluff and happiness but not much before the love interest show up. Thanks for the review.

F u c k y o u

Hentai_Senchou:I saw the miniature version of the stories cover in my library just now and thought that it looked like a flavored condom. Since I can't get that out of my head after thinking it, I wanted to put the thought in someone else's head