
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Komik
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82 Chs

Chapter 6 – Corellia

They arrived in the proximity of Corellia two days later, which he used to continue to train Lyn in her meditation. She didn't get any new vision and started to get the hang out of it and finally became able to meditate for a few minutes.

Exiting hyperspace, they saw a world with big oceans and greenery visible from space, not only this but 4 other worlds and a space station as big as a moon could be seen in their field of vision through the cockpit.

Corellia was peculiar, not only because it was the birthplace of several legendary figures through history and where the best engineers in the galaxy are or a founding member of the Galactic Republic, but because of the Corellian system itself.

Corellia has several twin planets that seem almost identical from up space. Historians said that the Celestials brought these 5 five worlds from all across the galaxy and created the system artificially and later populated the planet with humans from Coruscant. This theory was most likely as Tralus and Talus orbited around the Centerpoint Station which was housing the Hollowtown, a settlement the Correlians created when they explored space for the first time.

The Centerpoint Station was one of the oldest pieces of technology known in the galaxy, but the technology that made it work was so technologically advanced that the Corellians never were able to understand how to make it work.

"Look at this, the Centerpoint station, one of the most evolved technologies of the galaxy and also one of the oldest. The proof that even if civilizations are incredibly powerful, it can't resist the flow of time."

The station was huge, like extraordinarily huge, ships like the Venator-class Star Destroyer in comparison were ridiculously tiny. The station had a width of 100 kilometers and a length of 350 kilometers, the only thing that could be compared with it would be the Death Star he saw in a hologram after its destruction.

Layan pointed to show to the girls in the cockpit while thinking to the Empire. He often thought to the Centerpoint station as a claim to prove himself that the Empire would crumble one day, nothing is eternal.

"Woh incredible, I only saw holograms in history class-courses." Lyn said excitedly.

"Really impressive!" Followed Aola

"It's not the first time I see it but I cannot help but marvel when I see it." Was Xiann comment.

Sienn was looking at it, but she didn't talk as she was still nervous and was in a hurry to be reunited with her father that was here somewhere on Corellia. Focusing on the task at hand, Layan asked her father's location.

"Sienn, do you know where your father is gone?"

"In the capital, Coronet City. My father had to visit the CEC headquarter to buy a new cargo transport ship to transport more merchandise."

"Good, that's where I wanted to go too."

Nearing Corellia, they could finally see the Orbit Industrial Zone, where ships for the Corellian Engineering Corporation were built to avoid an ecological disaster on the order of the Corellian government.

Layan piloted the Gozanti Cruiser toward Corellia, then Coronet City and were indicated by transmission a landing platform to land on Corellia.

Coronet City, the capital also called "The Jewel of Corellia" was a magnificent urban metropolis located on the coast of the southern continent. Some could say that the urban development paled in comparison to Coruscant, but Layan preferred Corellia over Coruscant.

Coruscant was a world fully covered with human construction, all gray and were everything worked from top to bottom, literally. Except for those living in Coruscant Underworld, almost no one touch the ground, it was reserved for the poor and criminals. Rich and influent people live in high towers and travel using airspeeders, seeing the light of the sun on Coruscant is reserved to them.

Whereas Corellia kept an equilibrium, several big metropolises are established across this world, but the constructions didn't become exaggeratedly high and kept a few trees in the city. The rest of the world had kept rural communities and wild fauna and flora. This world was better without any exaggeration.

Landing on the platform, he activated the platform making her lower to the ground while preparing for what was to come. When he landed, he detected a strong force signature near here, most likely a green Jedi that detected his arrival as he didn't use Force Stealth to hid his force-sensitivity. He could have tried, but he never tested this ability in front of Jedi masters, only the emperor shadow guards.

He chose to not use it, if he was discovered while using it, he would become extremely suspicious.

Once the platform down, he went down with the girls, they were like a pack of birds, never separating from each other. The bond they created after suffering the same thing together made them really good friends. 4 young attractive Twi'lek will draw attention toward them, even more with 3 of them being lethans, but the security of Corellia was really well known in the galaxy.

Looking down the platform, Layan saw it, a green Jedi male accompanied by 3 members of CorSec the Corellian Security Force. Behind him, he could hear the waves hitting the shore and smell the sea breezes.

Green Jedis were worthy of their name, wearing green clothes from head to toe. The Corellian Jedi was a male human wearing a green Jedi apparel, boots, loose-fitting pant and a cloak accompanied by a garment and a utility belt with clipped at it a lightsaber.

Behind him were standing 3 members of CorSec, 2 women and a man wearing the same uniform, boots, tight-fitting pants and a white uniform with buttons to close it on the side and over it a utility belt with a blaster in a holster.

"Nejaa Halcyon, Jedi Master of Corellia, please to meet you."

"Layan Vaherg, all pleasure is mine." Layan answered politely to his greetings.

"I would like you to follow us to One CorSec Plaza. We have a few questions to ask you."

"No problem, but can the girls come with us. They have a trust problem with strangers."

"Yes. Let's go."

They all boarded an airspeeder and headed to One CorSec Plaza, the headquarter of the Corellian Security Force.

After a short travel, the girls and Layan were separated and brought to separate rooms.

When he heard the name of the Jedi, Layan knew who he was, Master Shaak Ti talked a lot about the Clone Wars, and this man became renown during this period as he was one of the twenty corellians Jedi that choose to not stay neutral and take part in the ongoing war.

Nejaa was seated in front of him, ready to ask his questions., they were in a pretty comfy room, not in a cell nor an interrogation room, maybe a meeting room.

"Your presence in the force is peculiar it feels a bit like Mace Windu but not quite and you're definitely not a dark Jedi. So, why a Jedi or initiated force-user came unannounced here on Corellia and to which organization do you belong?"

Layan was perfectly calm, in the past he fought Siths and dark jedis, furthermore, Corellian Jedis were laxer and not as paranoiac as the Jedi Order on Coruscant.

"None, I was trained in the ways of the Force, but I walk my own way, searching to reach balance in the Force searching to not confine myself to either side, furthermore be a virgin for all my life isn't my style."

Layan explained to the Green Jedi with a slight joke that made smile the man.

"I came here to buy a ship and find the father of one of the girls you saw me with before."

"Tell me their story."

Layan explained to him the story of the girls, that he freed them from slavery and that he just started to train Lyn in the ways of the Force.

"How long will you stay on Corellia?"

"I don't know, the time necessary to find Sienn father, but with your help, it should be fast. And the time needed to add a few modifications to the ship I'll buy. Meanwhile, maybe I'll go swimming at the Golden beach or visit Bela Vista or the Zoological and Botanical Garden."

"Alright, I detected no ill will or falsehood, I'll let you go but you won't be surprised that you will be under close watch, we can't let run free a force-user we just encountered. We may see each other later; I'll report your case to the council maybe they'll want to see you."

With these words, they left the room, walking side by side while discussing unrevealing topics.

"So why did you choose Corellia to buy a ship?"

"Like you don't know, you have the best engineers and pilots of all the galaxy. I encountered a guy named Solo in the past, a smuggler with a YT-1300, surely the best pilot I know of and each time I saw him, he was boasting Corellian ship quality."

"Solo, you said?"

The voice of the Jedi raised a bit and had a questioning air around him.

"Yeah, why? A problem?"

"No, but in the past, Solo was the prestigious name of an influential family on Corellia. Now, they fell into oblivion."

"Sorry, but I can't help you about it. The only thing I know are his piloting skills. He was Corellian and was a cheater when playing sabacc."

After that, he found the girls that were interrogated too and left heading to the CEC, the Corellian Engineering Corporation to find Sienn's father and buy a brand-new ship.