
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Chapter 39 – A Crazy Idea

"You can use your emotions, but don't let them control you. You can't let them take over your rational mind."

Lyn and Layan were currently confronting each other in a sparring match, and like usual as her training began shortly, she was on the losing end and it started to annoy her to never be able to win even though she was able to see her progress each day.

He had to calm her as she started a barrage of blow while boosting her natural abilities using Force Rage, but was losing all sense of strategy and was only using brute strength. It was pretty incredible of her to be able to use it instinctively, even if it was a basic skill.

"Sorry, master."

Lyn took a long breath to calm her mind before resuming their spar as Layan was waiting, watching her calm herself down.

"The jedis are held back by their code and the Siths are controlled by their own emotions. The Sith and Jedi code both are heartless, one denies emotions, the other encourage emotions but they can't become a weakness, hence some had to destroy this weakness, the source of their feelings."

Today, Layan started focused on teaching her his view of the Jedis and the Siths philosophy. As well as his own point of view about the two organizations.

"To my mind, the Sith code promote only negative emotions and not positive ones."

Lyn was using Form VI Niman, her favorite form. Even though it has no advantages compare to other forms, it was the most balance, and if she had to take a more offensive stance, she often chose Form II Makashi.

"Siths use rage, pride, anger, hunger, hatred, greed, envy as these emotions are explosive and strong but it doesn't mean positive emotions are useless. On my end, I can't say I'm sure of it as I'm often using negative emotions to empower my skills but you have to possess the said emotions first to use it."

Lyn understood the meaning behind this phrase. He was feeling far more negative emotions than positive ones, thus was using negative emotions more often. She found it a bit sad that he admitted this matter of fact with a perfectly straight face.

"Jedis promote peace while Siths promote conflict, to me both are right and wrong. Both of them promote the absolute of each, but an everlasting peace mean stagnation while an everlasting conflict made no society viable military and economy-wise."

She continued to listen while parrying his powerful blows but finally, after parrying a horizontal blow coming at her neck, she didn't have time to react as a knee kick came straight in her stomach.

"I got you with the same thing last time. Focus more than that."

"Koff, koff. Yes, master."

She was coughing heavily and tried to catch her breath with difficulty.

"Statement: If it was me in front of you would have died over one hundred times, female meatbag."

"Sithspit! Shut up metalhead or I'll kick your metal ass!"

HK-47 was watching the two training from the sidelines and was clearly mocking the young girl.

"He is telling the truth. I forgot the presentation. Lyn this droid is HK-47, the companion of Revan, and surely the one with the highest count kill of Siths and Jedis alike. Hey, are you okay?"

When he looked at her, he saw Lyn with a stunned expression on her face, her eyes wide open as if they would pop out.

"Holy Sith! Are you kidding me? This rusty metal ass is the HK-47?!"

"Statement: Your reaction is normal in front of my glory and formidable skills, but if you insult me one more time, I'll be forced to take offensive actions."

The droid was pleased by her reaction until she adds the insult. He had to take care of this meatbag otherwise she wouldn't respect him. He couldn't kill her for the time being and would have a Teethree alike on his arms once again if he let it slide.

"You don't seem so impressive to me."

She said with a smirk as she stared at the rusty red droid.

"Statement: Give me a target and I'll show you, stupid inferior female meatbag."

"Don't add more insults you kriffing useless rusty stinky metal ass!"

Lyn became furious with the insupportable and haughty droid. Ever since Layan came back with him yesterday, he was mocking her and she had only one desire, to cut him in half.

"Why do I have to suffer this way?"

Layan found their banter funny at the beginning, but after more than a day of fighting like kids nonstop, he started to be tired of their antics.

He simply watched the droid and the little girl fighting each other and with time Lyn was screaming at the top of her lung which made HK-47 chuckle while looking at the poor little girl he was tormenting.

"Hey the two kids! Stop yelling and fight! It'll give me time to relax."

Less than a second after Layan finished speaking, Lyn had her lightsaber drawn and the droid his blaster in hands.

Lyn rushed at the droid with her abilities enhanced by the force, but HK-47 large experience in fighting against force users prove to be impressive. He had a perfect knowledge of her fighting style as he had every lightsaber's fighting forms in mind.

Her every blows were dodged easily and with his blasters, he was targeting her legs. Lyn chose to switch for the Ataru form, which has more speed and agility to attack and avoid the blaster bolts.

"Statement: You are jumping like a monkey, but what else can you do?"

Lyn rushed an offensive, but HK-47 continued to target her legs to break her rhythm. She was destabilized, and the droid caught her wrist and tighten his grip until her lightsaber drop of her hand.

"Statement: You are lucky. With grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets, plasma charges, poison gas, or mines, I would have taken you out in less than a second."

She was angry with herself to not being able to take out a single droid and was clenching her teeth. It was as if the past six months of training were useless, she was still powerless and her life wasn't in her own hands. They were still a lot of powerful people out there, able to make of her whatever they wanted.

A hand was put on her shoulder and took her out of her self-reproach.

"Don't let it go to your head. This droid is a freak able to take on almost any Jedis or Siths and killed a good number of them. And your training started barely six months ago, your progresses are astounding."

Layan knew really well this sensation. Being powerless and doing everything in your power to become stronger. But it can't be rushed, no one can become a powerhouse in one day, it takes time to reach such a level.

After this, Layan resumed her training even though Lyn mood was still downcast after her loss. So, he chose to change her attention with a bit of action out of Ossus.

"I have something to do in the moon of Mandalore in a few days. You'll come with me and give me a hand. You will see that your skills aren't to trifle with, HK-47 is just a monster in its own right."

"Statement: Exactly. Praise me more."

The droid haughty attitude was incensed when listening to Layan comment, and it started to give Layan a headache, it was a wonder as to how Revan could support the attitude of this droid, not only did he have psychopathic tendency but was extremely boastful.

The trip on Mandalore wasn't exactly something crucial or important for the future. It was just to accomplish a personal goal of Layan. He wanted to create a crew to help him accomplish his objectives, a skilled group able to accomplish any mission whatever the level of difficulty.

He wanted to have a freaky Mandalorian to fight by his side, but the few he knew of would die soon or was just a kid during this time period. So, a crazy idea came to his mind. What if a Mandalorian of the past, a previous bearer of the Mand'alor title became his crewmate? The idea was totally crazy and was more of a dream than anything else until he thought to the Kaminoans which created the Great army of the Republic.

"Shut up, metalhead! What will we do on the moon of Mandalore?"

"I don't know, I have a crazy idea but the probability of it becoming true are slim. We'll try to find an ancient DNA sample in whatever form and maybe kill an asshole."

"Kill someone?"

"Yes, a terrorist, murderer, kidnapper, thief, and add whatever you want to the list because he surely did it already."

Lyn was still surprised and worried about killing someone even if she saw Layan break someone neck with his bare hands when he freed her and the girls from slavery, but participating in it willingly was still something else.

He was totally calm and talked of it as if it was totally normal, a daily occurrence for him. Learning that the target was such a criminal alleviated a bit her worry, but still it would be her first time participating in someone's assassination.

"Also, from tomorrow on and the few days before our departure you'll train alone. I'll have to create my new lightsabers; our target may bare his fang at us and I prefer to be prepared just in case."