
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Chapter 55 – Second trial *The lost city of the Jedi*


The Kom'rk-class fighter/transport was making his way toward the moon of the planet Yavin, Yavin 4.

Yavin, or Yavin prime, was a gas giant around which orbited 26 moons, with only 3 of them being unhabitable. Yavin 4, the fourth moon was pretty famous in the galactic history because of Exar Kun's temple located on it and it was the place were Grand Master Satele Shan and Dark Councilor Darth Marr led a group to put and end to Revan and the Revanites.

"Such an insignificant moon played a key role repeatedly through our history."

I couldn't help but being stunned while watching at the jungle moon. I could see from the orbit, jungles and forest were covering the whole moon, with six interconnected oceans covering the left space.

"Where do I find a lost city? He could have given me a head start."

*No, it would have been too easy. *


I looked around me but couldn't find him and I clearly heard his voice directly in my mind, not through my earring cones.

"He can use telepathy at such a distance. He never told me."

Learning his level of mastery in the force was this strong surprise me as normal jedis weren't able to do this. Only formidable one like Revan or Meetra Surik were able to in the past.

"Now that I think to it, when he talked about his fears, he told he became more powerful than he could ever dream of. Ah, I want so much to know what he is hiding."

I landed my ship in a place with a flat land and with fewer trees, not a simple place to locate in such a landscape.

I could feel animals all around me, I saw colorful birds flying with a slight barely audible sound like a whisper. A species looking like monkey were sitting on a tree branch while eating fruits; these monkeys were colorful too, with a fur of deep blue and golden color and a long red and yellow tail. Rodents were running on the ground and hide near a tree as I was stepping on the moon's soil.

Sitting on my speeder bike, I raced through the tree at full speed while searching for any clue which could lead to the so-called lost city. I had to do it this way, because even while scanning the moon from up there, I detected few structures.

"Here it is. Let's see if I can find clues inside."

*Don't go. It's Exar Kun's temple it may be dangerous, even more so for a padawan. It has no relation to the city you are searching for. *

Once again, my master's voice echoed in my mind. A pretty strange feelings, but it was good to see he was still looking after me.

*You're sweet, you know. You should be like that most of the time. *

"Leave my thoughts alone!"

Taunting each other was our main way of communication, and it played a good part in making our relationship grow closer.

After this setback, I resumed my search of the Lost City of the Jedi, but without any clues it was tiring. I searched for a day and only found constructed by Exar Kun's slaves, the Massassi. Each time, my master's voice echoed in my head to remind me of the danger.

After several hours of search, night arrived, and the visibility became poor.

"Can't I get at least a clue? I'm not asking for the exact location!"

*Pch, what an impatient little girl. According to Ood, prior to Ossus 'evacuation, The Jedis intended to build a city deep underground after eliminating Exar Kun. *

"Couldn't ask for a better tip. What should I do? Take a shovel and dig?"

*Maybe. Enjoy. *

As usual, my master was enjoying himself while I was struggling. Maybe it was a payback for Mustafar. Such a spiteful master.

I contacted T3 via my communicator and boarded my shirt for a good rest. Next morning, I resumed my search while searching for any underground entrance or cavern which may lead to the Lost City.

I did this for hours, then days, and couldn't help but think I was doing the dirty job of my master, which he immediately confirmed using his telepathy. According to him, it was two birds with one stone. It made a nice trial, and I search for the lost city.

After several days of searching, I saw something interesting while exploring a rainforest. I saw a circular wall made of blocks of green marble.

In the center of the circle was a tubular transport for descending underground. In the middle of the circle was a tubular transport which may lead underground.

Getting off my speeder, I walked toward the tubular transport and when I approached it, the door opens by itself.

"Is it really safe?"

My master appeared by my side using the same ability he used on Felucia and looked at the transport with suspicion.

"Strange. It ages back to the same time as the destruction of Ossus. Why would the technology be intact as if it was new? Did they build maintenance droids to keep the place and forgot it after? Or is it someone else?"

"The first option seems most likely; I saw no footsteps or technology on the surface."

I stepped inside, and suddenly my precognition gave me a bad vibe.

"I have a bad feeling."

"I didn't tell you the discovery I made while studying the transporter. Enjoy your ride."

As the door of the transporter closed, I saw his smile, and I knew this smile. I have the same on my face when I tease him.


The transport dropped. Extremely fast. I was trapped into a tube of metal falling at incredible speed.

I thought I would let my stomach behind. I was unable to see, falling into absolute darkness. Soon, flickering lights appeared from luminescent rocks. The transport came to a stop after falling for a few miles.

Stepping out, I saw a cavern brightly illuminated. Inside were dome-shaped houses, transport vehicles, and streets made of cut stone. I stepepd out of the transport, still groggy from the fall.


Master once again appeared by my side and looked around us, truly an impressive sight to behold.

Droids were walking in the streets and looked at us strangely, but took no offensive actions. I walked through the streets of finely cut stones while looking at the technology surrounding us.

"This place is strange, all these tubes going deeper underground and upward may be related to geothermic, but if the heat is sent upward, then it may be a way to control the weather. But why would droids living underground would do that?"

"A most impressive observation. Could I know who you are?"

A droid with a white plating, a metallic beard like appendage and red photoreceptors shining like rubies came walking toward us. His face was strangely shaped for a droid and almost a dignified air around him.

"This is my apprentice and I'm her master, but she has work to do. I'll let her do the talk."

The droid face looked at me and waited me to speak.

"I'm Lyng'Ella. My master sent me here as a part of my trial and on Master Ood Bnar request to reclaim Ossus's knowledge."

"I have no knowledge of you nor your master. As for master Ood Bnar, he was killed on Ossus after Exar Kun assault."

The droid voice was perfectly calm while speaking about the past events.

"No, he used a hibernation trance and used the force of the planet to sustain himself, we even created a New Jedi Order with the descendants of Ossus's Jedis who survived inside the lightsaber crystal cave."

"Your theory is credible, but I'll need a proof."

"I'll be that proof."

Maybe my master told the situation to master Ood because he appeared using the same ability.

"According to my data's, your appearance match perfectly master Ood. I have 3 main functions, as such I can't allow you to take the knowledge away, but I agree to give you access to the city and all its facilities."

"3 functions? Can you explain further?"

Master was interested at the droid's statement and asked for further information.

"Protect the city and its facilities fulfill 3 goals. Protect the library and the knowledge inside. Restore the environment of Yavin 4 using the terra formation station, this objective was accomplished long ago. Keep Exar Kun's spirit sealed in his temple."

"WAIT!! You just told that Exar Kun was still alive?"

My master was totally stunned and Ood was just as much. It was the same for me as Exar Kun was a fearful being, if such a man is still alive, it didn't mean any good for the galaxy.

"Yes. During the Jedi offensive, Kun was using a Sith ritual to become immortal and merge with the force. The Jedis used a Wall of Light to counter the energy produced by the ritual. The consequences of these energies exploding were the destruction of Kun physical body, the trapping of his spirit into his temple and the transformation of Yavin 4 into a barren land."

"When the Jedis realized Kun may still be alive, they constructed this city not only to house the library, but to use it as a seal for Exar Kun's spirit."

Ood Bnar became dark, and it was understandable as the worst enemy he fought was still alive even after thousands of years, like himself. The old master wanted to know more.

"This seal is perfect? There is no chance for him to break out?"

"Only one. If this city is destroyed or badly damaged, then the seal will be broken and the imprisoned spirit will be freed."

Ood became silent and started to think while my master's reaction was something else.

"Why can't Sith just die once and for all? They are always resurrecting as if it was the most normal thing in the world. This galaxy is messed up!"

The droid led me to the library after my master and Ood disappeared to talk between themselves. Like on Ossus, every subject was in here, from galactic history, to force techniques or Scientific studies. I also saw several Jedi relics kept into displays.

"I have a question. As you leave sometimes to collect information about the jedis and the galaxy in general. Then why did you never contacted the Jedi Order when you realized the city was forgotten?"

"I made an observation. Sith and Jedis are always fighting each other's. Even when one disappears, they will come back even stronger. As such, if the existence of the city was revealed, it could have been its doom. If the city was destroyed during a war, then Exar Kun would be freed."

The droid answered in his usual cold tone while I was reading a book about the skill the Jedis used to destroy Exar Kun and his ritual. It was a skill combining the power of several, even thousands of Jedis to repel dark energies and can sever an individual connection to the force.

"Come back on Ossus, your third and final trial will take place into the lightsaber crystal cave."

My master appeared after two hours as apparently he finished his conversation with Ood Bnar. My third trial would finally begin.