
Review Detail of DrakonC in Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

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This is the only novel I have found that has executed the traveling back in a elegant way that addresses not only the consequences of changing the past in major ways but also the moral and ethical implications of changing them as well as the question of whether the order even deserves to be saved. Ot has a so far beautifully executed arc of character growth as well as the development of the story as it isn't a granteed victory because of the lack of knowledge he had before he came back. There is actual ******* and suspense about whether he will mess up or not because it is a real possibility he wasn't in any prominent position or or special place to know the full backstory behind order 66 so he is operating on fragmented information and what he learned from shaak ti and the empire. I love this novel because it actually makes you care about the characters and their is real mystery as to whether he will succeed or fail.

Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)


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