
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Komik
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82 Chs

Chapter 61 – Purest Jedi

"How do we kill a ghost, by the way? We put some great soundtrack and fight using vacuum cleaners?"

The two jedis looked at Layan with surprise in their eyes.

"What? It's a joke."

"I know. But we're not used to see you cracking jokes. It's almost disturbing."

"Vima agree, I got goosebumps."

Ood was looking at Layan with a small smile on his lips as the change the young man undergone during the last year started to show even outwardly. He was always too focused and steadfast, but he slowly changed over time spent with the young girl he took as an apprentice.

The three of them may be called as masters by the others, but they were a group of oddballs. A woman traumatized by the lost of her child and spent decades in sorrow and loneliness. A living tree aging back to thousands of years in the past. And a youth coming back from the future.

Each one of them has personal problems, but the wounds were slowly closing up with time.

"If only Lyn was here, she would have told you I have a great sense of humor."

"Never mind. To answer your question, we have two main possibilities. Either we suck the force as it is what hold his spirit intact and alive, or we dissipate it."

"Once again. How?"

Ood was really knowledgeable, but he has the bad habit to give explanation no asked him.

"There exist several ways. Combining our powers to create a wall of light, mental attacks, beat him in his mental scape, or in this case it would depend on you, force drain."

"Not my favorite. Let's keep it as a last resort."

As the three of them finally reached the temple's vicinity, Layan's communicator beeped, T3 was informing him that a ship exited hyperspace and was heading for Yavin IV.

It wasn't long before they saw the ship heading toward the temple, and inside was a force- individual, a particularly strong one estimating by the presence in the force.

"Is it me or this presence is…"

"Pure, clean, light, untouched."

Ood was talking by experience. The presence was similar to his own apprentice, but even purer, closer to the light side. Whoever was this individual, he or she was a formidable practitioner of the light side of the force.

"In the current times, I can think to only one person fitting the bill."

The starfighter landed a dozen meter away, in a small open space with just enough space to not be bothered by the jungle.

Layan couldn't finish his phrase before the cockpit opened and the individual, he was thinking to got off the jedi starfighter.

A woman wearing Jedi robes got off the jedi starfighter. Her appearance was striking, she wasn't sexy but beautiful, and her simple presence was inspiring serenity to others.

"Jedi Master Fay."

"I see that your master description of her was exact, such a presence in the light side. If the Solari crystal wasn't lost, she should be the new owner of it."

"I never heard of her carrying a lightsaber though."

The Jedi master known as Fay was a legend among the Jedi Order. Not believing herself mean to be a fighter or a teacher, she roamed the galaxy during centuries, especially the Outer Rim, guided by the Force. With her presence in the force and her wisdom, she prevented wars, stopped conflicts and saved lives.

She never used her lightsaber through her entire career and was surely the only Jedi admired as a hero and not shunned by the public under the same despising reasons like other Jedis.

Master Fay was the ideal of what a Jedi should be, a peacekeeper following the will of the force. In an era where the Jedi Order was riddled with mistakes, she was the exception.

Layan was thinking to Fay, in his past life, during a mission in a separatist's chemical factory, she sacrificed herself. Giving her last strength to heal Obi-Wan Kenobi rather than heal herself after she was stabbed in the back by Ventress. Her sacrifice permitted Obi-Wan to bring back the antidote back on Coruscant.

She was on the list of people he chose to save from their fates. She may not join his side, but he respected her and would save her by respect. She was the ideal of a Jedi and sacrificed herself to save thousands.

The ageless Jedi walked toward the trio, who were looking at her with interest and respect.

"Hello, friends. The Force guided me to you. I hope we may collaborate to ease the passing of this soul."

"You appear as young and as beautiful as in my memories. The force is keeping you ageless. You're still a mystery master Fay."

Vima was speaking while looking at the woman she encounters a handful of times in the past. While time wasn't tender with her, it seems to have no effect on master Fay.

Fay was a near human, around twenty years old in appearance, distinguished by her pale skin, blond hair, and her pointy ears. She also had distinctive tattoos on her left cheek and forehead.

"Master Boda, is it you? I thought you to be dead, no one heard about you for decades."

"Yes, Vima mind was it lowest, but the force guided this young man to help me. Now I'm trying to rebuild the ruins of my past self and teaching the new generation."

Master Fay was astonished when she saw Vima, as she was said to have disappeared and presumed dead. Time changed her appearance. She now looks like a crone, but Vima's strength in the force as an heir of the Sunrider's bloodline cannot be faked.

"I'm happy that the force guided me to an old friend. I'm master Fay, may I know the identity of my companions for this mission?"

"Layan Vaherg. A pleasure to meet you master Fay, your renown is known through the galaxy. You're an example of virtue."

"Ood Bnar, likewise I'm delighted to meet you."

While Layan was happy to meet one of the few Jedi of the current era he was holding in high regard, Ood was looking at her while remembering his apprentice Shaela.

The two of them made Master Fay raise an eyebrow as Layan presence in the force was extremely powerful and in equilibrium between light and dark. While what took her interest of the Neti was his name.

Not only this, but she could feel that the force was around Layan like a nexus. Something was telling her she will meet him again several times.

"Master Ood, are you related somehow to the Ood Bnar of the past who died fighting Exar Kun during the Great Sith War?"

"This is me. I didn't die. I used a Force Trance to keep myself alive and used the force of the planet to sustain myself alive all those years until Layan woke me up from my slumber."

This information surprised master Fay, as she was now in front of a Jedi Master from the time of the Great Sith War.

"May I ask you if you know who is the soul who must be put to rest?"

"Exar Kun."

At Fay's question, Layan simply said while looking at the old temple still standing in the middle of jungle even after thousands of years.

"A great challenge. The four of us won't be too much to destroy such a formidable opponent as weakened as he may be."

"Our plan is to either suck the force the Exar Kun's ghost used to sustain itself or disperse it. Thus, the skill we can use are limited. Lightsaber and physical attacks will be useless."

"Understood. Let us go toward our challenge."

The four of them walked toward the old Sith temple while mentally preparing themselves for the fight. Fay wasn't in the know about the seal and that Exar Kun's ghost wasn't able to connect to the force and regain his strength, thus preparing her mental defenses even more.

They walked through the corridors of the temple while being wary of any eventual trap. The temple was really grand inside, numerous rooms, high ceilings and statues everywhere. The temple was completely made of stone, cut in arcs and pillars.

Navigating through the dim temple for some time and exploring the rooms one by one, they finally arrived in front of a huge door leading to what must be a throne room following a logic layout for a temple.

"I can feel it. The dark spirit is trapped behind this door."

"Exar Kun. Our rematch has come after thousands of years."

Using telekinesis, the gigantic door opened slowly, revealing the sealing place of one of the most infamous man of all history.