
Review Detail of PIECUP69 in Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Ulasan detail


great story, as well as very well made with a constant update of new chapters. the story doesn't progress too quickly but not too slow either just perfect. keep up this amazing work.

Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)


Disukai oleh 9 orang




Thanks, It's good that you talk about the pace of the story as I wasn't sure. I started to think it was too slow, but I always have new idea or want to modify something. The clone should have started at C20, but as I was writing, I thought it would be too fast and the characters would be shallow. Now, I'm writing the 51 and I still don't know when I will start the war as I decided to introduce the love interest before the clone wars and not during it. Thanks for the review, it give a lot of insight to continue.😂😃


Clone wars should have started at C20 *

Faylan:Thanks, It's good that you talk about the pace of the story as I wasn't sure. I started to think it was too slow, but I always have new idea or want to modify something. The clone should have started at C20, but as I was writing, I thought it would be too fast and the characters would be shallow. Now, I'm writing the 51 and I still don't know when I will start the war as I decided to introduce the love interest before the clone wars and not during it. Thanks for the review, it give a lot of insight to continue.😂😃

I think you should start the clone war at chapter 60

Faylan:Thanks, It's good that you talk about the pace of the story as I wasn't sure. I started to think it was too slow, but I always have new idea or want to modify something. The clone should have started at C20, but as I was writing, I thought it would be too fast and the characters would be shallow. Now, I'm writing the 51 and I still don't know when I will start the war as I decided to introduce the love interest before the clone wars and not during it. Thanks for the review, it give a lot of insight to continue.😂😃