
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Komik
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82 Chs

Chapter 43 – Relics

In it was everything related to the warring past of the Vizsla clan. They hide their treasures from the new regime to not have it confiscated.

"Could I learn what we are searching for? Because a strand of DNA it's a pretty vague description."

Lyn asked for further details as the storage room was filled to the brim with antics from a past era. Her master's eye was already glittering when saw this.

"I don't know exactly, maybe bloodstained relics, an old armor, or an old sample of blood."

While talking, Layan already began searching the room, rummaging through everything, and it would take time as the quantity of items inside was impressive.

"Why do we search for DNA to begin with?"

"I want to create a clone."

At this perfectly flat answer, Lyn was surprised as the idea was peculiar. Cloning would become mainstream in collective mind only after the apparition of the Grand Army of the Republic. Those taking part in cloning before this were few and looked upon strangely.

"And what's the point of it?"

"To have a new crew member, a kriffing mandalorian and previous Bearer of the Mand'alor title."

They resumed their search through the storage room. All types of mandalorian armors were displayed, Beskar'kandar, Neo-crusader armor, the old death watch armors, all the ages were represented. There were also relics from diverse cultures, ores, old weapons and even Jedi armors. He even found old fine bottles of wine coming from all across the galaxy.

The most astonishing find was a full armor of knight of Zakuul with the lightsaber pike and the shield. To Layan who love galactic history, it was an incredible find, and it pushed the idea he kept at the back of his head to the foremost.

"Tomorrow we come back and empty it completely."

Lyn looked at him as he just contradicts what he said before about letting no traces behind.

"They will know of our passage then."

"No. They will know thieves came in and emptied their storage room."

Lyn let go of the lame excuses as her master greed over the old historical relics was visible on his face. And it got even worse when he saw an almost destroyed Basilisk war droid, someone was visibly trying to repairing it but was far from perfect. Looking with more attention, he saw that every key component was destroyed, only the external appearance was left.

"Master, you're drooling."


The Basilisk war droid was the symbol of a war machine. He heard of a Mandalorian bounty hunter which mysteriously got his hand on one a bit before 0 BBY. Layan was so jealous at the time, if he had known where the guy was hiding, then he would have stolen it. And now, he had one in front of his eyes. Yes, in the present state its place was more in a junkyard, but Layan was already planning how to repair it in his head.

He reluctantly turned his head and resumed his search and finally found what he was searching for after 30 minutes of looking at every nook and cranny.

"The armor of Shae Vizla."

In front of him, inside a transparisteel display, was a black grey armor of ancient mandalorian design. The helmet design wasn't in a T-shape like usual and more a M-shape. The visor wasn't black either, but golden. A jetpack was on the back of the armor. On the two wrists were a flame thrower and mini missile launcher, and finally a wrist computer.

"Don't tell me the one you want to clone is her? She fought side by side with Darth Malgus, fought on Alderaan and participated in the Raid of Coruscant!"

Lyn wasn't really against the idea of creating a clone, in fact she didn't care at all, but if it was to recreate someone with such a reputation, then it made fall her motivation to zero.

"The clone will be a whole different person, even if I admit I'd like for her to even surpass the original. Furthermore, you forget that she fought to stop the reborn Revan and the revanites to screw up the galaxy and also fought against the Eternal Empire. She was a kriffing warrior, the only mandalorian I can compare her to in the currents time is Jango Fett. Jango may become a friend, but still, better to stay away from him."

"If I remember good from a historical hologram, Shae Vizla was a beauty. I hope it isn't to satisfy a sick fantasy of yours."

Lyn was looking at her master with a sly smile. It was always funny to get on his nerve, and he took the bait.

"Who do you think I am? I don't need to create a clone to bed a woman. For this, you'll have a good punishment once we are back on Ossus."

After slashing the display in half, he took the scanner and searched for any traces of DNA left in or on the armor. But after all these years, every cell had degraded.


"Too bad, no redhead supermodel."

Lyn looked at him and said on a false, sad tone and with a big smile.

"I'll smack you!"

At his words, she simply giggled and continued her search. Layan did the same. Even after all this time they found nothing, as the storage room was huge and filled to the brim with antiquities.

"I hope we find something, as the Mand'alor, Shae Vizla undergone the Kote ky'ram, the death ceremony of the mandalorian warrior at her death, her body was cremated and reduced to ashes. If we don't find it here, in the Vizla now Vizsla clan storage, then we'll find it nowhere else."

Finally, after a few minutes, Lyn finally found a promising thing. A refrigerated storage filled with blood samples. The names written on it were all previous leader of the Vizsla clan and the oldest aged back to when it was called the Vizla clan. His eyes finally stopped when he saw the name he was searching for.

(I was sure I was right. She took part in battle all the time, it was certain that she had blood and other samples just in case. But why do they keep all the blood of their ancestors?)

Layan exclaimed with joy in his head when he finally found what he was searching for.

"Good, we can depart. Tomorrow we'll have to kidnap Pre Vizsla, retrieve the darksaber and do a little theft."

"The Storage hold of the Phoenix will be full. We may have to use the spare rooms to store all these relics."

Lyn was as usual when Layan was talking about historical relics or droids. They really didn't share the same hobbies.

"I'll let you try the Basilisk war droid when it will be repaired. Happy?"

He couldn't see it, but under the holographic camouflage shaped as a mandalorian armor, but she got a big smile on her face.

"Yup. You're the best."

Once outside, they made their way out without being detected and reunited with HK-47 which was in a foul because he couldn't shoot, and his play time is now reported to the next day.

"Statement: What a boring mission. You're annoying, I'm not sure if I was right in following you."

"Don't fret over it. Tomorrow you will enjoy a whole batch of mandalorian warriors."

While listening to their conversation, Lyn remembered the man she broke the neck of. In the heat of the moment, she soon calmed her mind and focus on the task at hand, but now she was remembering the scene.

"Don't worry, he was a terrorist. He deserved his end. As for the bad feeling, it will pass with some time. Now, let's go to sleep, we have to fight tomorrow."

His words were barely of any comfort to her, but she nodded, trusting his words.

After a short ride on their speeder bikes, they reach the still invisible Phoenix and boarded the ship. By now, the mandalorians must be searching for the ship which didn't followed the landing coordinates, but they would never find it without deploying foot soldiers equipped with specific sensors.

Inside the ship, Layan put Shae Vizla blood sample in a small cool storage inside the secured storage of the ship, with the Sith Holocron and Chu-Gon Dar cube. He could have chosen to let it inside the library, but as he was the one who found it, he wanted to keep it.

Layan equipped some HK-47 series with holographic disguise devices. Disguised as mandalorian guards, they would keep watch over the ship stealthily and show up only in case of problems.

"Good night, Lyn."

"Good night, master."

After a small meal and a cool shower, they headed for their respective room to get some sleep. But to Lyn, this was bound to be complicated as she was once again tormented by nightmares for the first time since months.

During the night, Layan was once again looking at his target list and was checking every name to see if maybe he could change his enemies into allies. He was doing this because he was thinking to Jango Fett. He was hesitating as to whether let him die on Geonosis at Mace Windu's hand, or try to save him to serve his interests. He had more than enough informations that may interest the bounty hunter to make him switch side, or at least leave Dooku's service.

Jango may serve him to take control of Mandalore and could prove to be a good ally with incredible fighting skills. But if he did that, he could as well betray him and continue to obey Dooku.

"I'll take my decision on Kamino when Jango will be in front of me."

He whispered before switching off the hologram and going to sleep.

I know the Vizla and Vizsla clan were never confirmed to be related, but it's good enough for a theory.

Faylancreators' thoughts