
Review Detail of Unchainedx in Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

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I was very excited to read this novel, when i read the firsts three chapters my animation only increased, but soon after that the novel went downhill, the author writes very well, has an interesting idea, the universe star wars is incredible, but the execution is done in a very poor way, I felt like the author was very excited and worked hard in the firsts three chapters, but after that he got unmotivated and started writing in a lazy way (no offense, just my feeling). The protagonist has a personality (?) Incompatible with his life story, he is not a genius, he did not start training since he was a child, he does not have any kind of miraculous treasure, and he is not the most hardworking, he had motivations, but when he "transmigrated" these motivations weakened, he practically wants nothing, he is just living, in one of the first great difficulties that he faced, he DIED, even so he still has an inexplicable desire to train a padawan ... That does not make sense. The story has become boring, nothing happens, the "firsts" chapters are based on encounters with uninteresting characters, dialogues with uninteresting characters, shopping with uninteresting characters and traveling with uninteresting characters. ... I don't feel any progression, the MC did not "look" for his kyber crystal (in he previous life he did), there was no search for interesting pieces to assemble his lightsaber, there was no depth in the act, he simply bought the pieces in a store and assembled an absolutely generic saber... I don't feel any progression ², the MC does not train, he only teaches, his padawan does not have an interesting history, it is simply forcibly introduced, it is not natural, the author wanted the MC to have an apprentice, so he simply forced her in the history I don't feel any progression ³, i have no idea of ​​the powers that the protagonist has and how powerful he became after he transmigrated, the author leaves everything very vague, you don't know the strength of the MC or the level of skill that he has with a saber. The novel has a lot of potential, the author writes very well and the universe is incredible, but honestly, i would prefer if the protagonist had not died and continued on his original timeline...

Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)


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