
Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)

Ongoing · 2.3M Views
  • 164 Chs
  • 4.7
    84 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)

Read ‘Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)’ Online for Free, written by the author Chill_ean_GUY, This book is a TV Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Reincarnation is not bad, says someone who has gone through the process several times, there are only certain occasions ...


Reincarnation is not bad, says someone who has gone through the process several times, there are only certain occasions that you die at the moment you are born or have a long and boring life as a servant of some noble, the most normal is to reincarnate as the 99%, but when I finally had the opportunity to reincarnate as the center of political power, a European king, fate played a cruel joke on me, sending me to Westeros, the land of treachery and intrigue, luckily I was not transported alone, but sometimes I think it would have been better if I had come alone. Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or Asoiaf. Disclaimer II:Some stories will feature topics such as torture, rape, sexism and xenophobia. These topics do not represent me, I only seek to give the most historical perspective possible to the social relations of a medieval era. Disclaimer III:I don't speak English, I am in the process of learning, so I will make several grammatical mistakes, any help on the lexicon is accepted, I am not a person so deeply versed in the lore of GoT

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“ข้อขอโอกาสอีกครั้ง ขอโอกาสกลับไปแก้ไขความผิดที่กระทำต่อนางอีกสักครั้ง” ชาติที่แล้วเพราะโง่เขลาเบาปัญญาหลงเชื่อคำพูดของคนชั่ว ทำให้เขาปฏิบัติตนไร้น้ำใจต่อนาง หากมีโอกาสอีกครั้งเขาจะรักถนอมนางเพียงผู้เดียว เขาคือ เจิ้นหลินเฟิง อดีตองค์ชายรัชทายาท เพราะพระมารดาหรืออดีตฮองเฮาต้องโทษและประหารทำให้เขาถูกถอดยศ กลายมาเป็นองค์ชายธรรมดา และถูกส่งมาอยู่เมืองหน้าด่านที่ทุรกันดาร จึงทำให้พบกับลู่ซีที่นั่น สตรีทึนทึกที่อายุเลยวัยปักปิ่นไปแล้วหลายปี หน้าตาธรรมดาไม่งดงาม ในคราแรกก็รังเกียจที่ต้องให้สตรีขี้เหร่ผู้นั้นสอนหนังสือ แต่เมื่อได้อยู่ใกล้ชิดกลับพบว่าลู่ซีนั้นคือสตรีผู้มีจิตใจงดงามผู้หนึ่ง และมีอดีตเรื่องความรักที่เจ็บช้ำ นางเป็นพี่สาวแสนดีที่คอยปกป้องคุ้มครองเขายามถูกคนดูแคลน รู้ตัวอีกทีนางก็เป็นมิตรภาพที่เคียงข้างช่วยเหลือให้กำลังใจเขามาตลอด แต่เพราะมารู้ทีหลังว่าบิดาของนาง เป็นผู้ที่ทำให้พระมารดาเขาต้องถูกประหารและตัวเขาต้องโทษ จากมิตรภาพจึงกลายเป็นศัตรู และไม่ใช่ว่าที่อุ้มชูเลี้ยงดูเขาไว้ในตระกูลลู่ ก็เพราะหวังผลประโยชน์จากเขาในอนาคตหรอกหรือ เพื่อกลับคืนสู่ฐานะเดิมเจิ้นหลินเฟิงจึงหลอกใช้ หาผลประโยชน์จากลู่ซีและครอบครัว และแก้แค้นนาง ทำให้นางเจ็บช้ำน้ำใจถึงที่สุด จนกระทั่งช่วงเวลาสุดท้ายถึงรู้ว่าเขาทำพลาดไปแล้ว ข้าเจิ้นหลินเฟิง ขออ้อนวอนต่อเทพเจ้ามังกร ให้มีโอกาสอีกครั้งแก้ไขเรื่องผิดพลาดทั้งหมดนี่ด้วยเถอะ

Pum_Nanth · History
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45 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 3 :The monster of the west


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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

The story idea is good . The author really needs to learn when and where to use quotation marks. He uses them for every paragraph.


This fanfic is good-----------------------------------------------------------Chapters update schedule is stable and not inconsistent, the grammar is good and the writing is not annoying, the characters are well written and not boring(my favourite character is the Finn), the story is interesting and entertaining, the author is willing to listen to good suggestions and answers questions and he is doing his best to make it realistic so no forced plot or unrealistic gains and wins, the MC has flaws and is not perfect which shows the characters being put to good use as advisors and not just being put there to be amazed and awed.-----------------------------------------------------------Overall nice story, its one of my favourite fanfics good job author 👍


It would be a good story if there really was a sense of protagonism. Splitting the POVs by centering other people's point of view to take up more than 80% of the story is disastrous... No need for other people's POVs when this can be solved simply with third person POV, the author seems to want merge the concept of a novel with something like a book or movie, where there is not really a centralization of the characters in most cases. At least that's the point of view of someone who wouldn't even be able to identify the protagonist if the first 3 chapters are removed...


Hi, guys, here is the author, as I said I will continue with the story but I will rewrite it and add more chapters, as always I am open to your comments as I am always looking to improve, please leave your reviews as sincere as possible I don't care if it is the minimum grade, 5 stars because I am an shameless author.


I am to say the least, disapointed. I loved the original even with all of its flaws, it was well written, barely any grammer or punctuation mistakes, and the story and characters felt alive. When I heard there was going to be a rewrite I was not happy to say the least but I added this story and let the chapters build up, now that I’ve read this I’m disapointed that the quality of the story when it comes to grammer, punctuation, and characters have gone down hill. I’m still going to read it but I wanted to air my grievances


I really like this story, its one of my favorites story from webnovel. The only problem i have is with the stability of uploading new chapters.


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Loved the first story, amr this is shaping to be just as good, maybe even better. good job author :))


The story idea is good . The writing has improved a little. but a few huge inconsistencies are a bit problematic. N1: how come everybody just accepted the fact that they just switched worlds. not even one character missed his family or his hometown. Also how old is wilhem he was 7 at the begining but we dont how muchttime passe from then is he 37 because he fought in the 30 years world or more, it's pretty important info that is missing or i missed it maybe. there are othert issues but i don't to be too negative it's still worth giving it a chance.


one of the best Game of thrones fanfiction


After you get over the beginning few chapters the story is great and really worthwhile.I would recommend the author to edit the early chapters for grammatical mistakes as earlier chapters make the initial impression.


Great novel hope you writing


It's a good fanfic it just needs more updates without sacrificing quality, would recommend reading.


This novel is really good, please don't fall I need 300 or 400 of this, the write ando the type of chapter it's really good I love this novel


good novel






its good so good that its great but the greatness is overwhelming that it became awesome but the awesomeness is overflowing that it turned into i dont know good again i think


Buen día amigo Realmente aprecio tu trabajo, pues es una gran historia qué hace de mis días paso agradables, usted tiene una habilidad nata para la escritura y la perseverancia de una novela de wuxia, espero con ansias y paciencia los siguientes capítulos de esta gran historia, usted amigo se ha ganado un nuevo seguidor


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