
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

นักเขียน: Nechrom
Anime & Comics
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What is Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

อ่านนิยาย Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped} โดย ผู้เขียน Nechrom ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me)Dying at age 16 is just ...


This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

4 แท็ก


你见过男美人么? 你见过蛇蝎心肠!智商逆天!心狠手辣又孤寡一生的男美人么? 重生后,面对系统的陆绵咬牙切齿的表示: 她!遇!到!过! 上辈子,她就是就脑子发昏,拜倒在男主那个蛇蝎boss的美人计里。 身为恶毒女配,下场凄惨是标配。 但是! 站在镜子前,陆绵狠狠的对着镜中漂亮美艳的御姐脸扇了一巴掌。 陆绵啊陆绵,长着这么漂亮一张脸!做个啥明星的不好么! 就算!就算…… 她是栽在季辞这个长得绝世美人大帅比身上,这波不愧! ——但是美貌之下,吃人不吐骨头的蛇蝎大佬、他心狠手辣! 这一次重生。 带着恶毒女配系统,陆绵发誓。 这辈子,惹不起她躲得起,哪位惊才绝艳,腹黑逆天的绝美总裁大佬,拜拜了您哎! …… 她就是自戳双目,也绝对不会再被美貌冲昏了头脑! 身为女配,心里有数。 陆绵想好了,她就躲在这海边小别墅里,哪也不去。 但是! 海浪声声,她脸色惨白的看着被海水打晕到自己小别墅边上……湿淋淋的美少年。 阳光照着那张绝美的脸上,水滴都犹如钻石。 少年纤长的睫毛蒲扇,大狼狗失忆秒变不会说话的软萌小奶狗, 那双漂亮的像是说:“姐姐,求收养~” ———— 前期,蛇蝎大佬失忆秒变小狼狗美少年,追着女主姐姐走。 (后期,总裁恢复记忆,女追男浪漫妖艳。)

乌鸡丸 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
620 Chs


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Ehh, I mean it's good and all but if your going to wish for something use it, don't be a pussy bitch use the fucking ability to its max or theres no point in wishing for it, like with the recreate ability he could recreate anything ( Other than the universe? The restrictions god placed aren't really clear ) he could make juubis, chakra fruits, he could use it to recreate the thing that gives him levels etc, he uses the ability once to make a bunker house and then does nothing. Fucking idiotic.


bro is a 4.5 star novel, but does not use wishes and nerf Mc because the author does not have the ability to write without nerf (a lot and a lot of nerf but in the sharingan it was sad) when I read the nerf on the sharingan. I stopped and asked myself why am I reading this? novel 4.5 star Nerf a lot = -1 star Nerf sharingan = -2 star only read if you want to get angry with an incompetent author who doesn't know how to make the weak to strong and stay nerfing your character. hoping to extend the story


I'm writing this after reading till chp. 13, as I really can't read more. First, this story is interesting enough and writing quality is decent(way above most fanfics). But failure to use his own whishes to it's full potential is really off-putting. Mc has adaptable body but he doesn't train physically, he has no self healing techniques, no fuinjutsu training and is only specialised in lighting, even though he has skill tree to get knowledge. i mean, given mc wishes he should be op by now but nooooo, dark chakra is cool, let's spend 8 years on chakra control so he can finally start his ninjutsu training. let's not forget about his hideout which can be discovered by kids, but somehow a village full of ninjas containing clans specialising in tracking, sensing, and seeing(hiyugas) hasn't descovered it yet.


This is my review at chapter 26. Imo the premise was promising but story got real bad and bland real fast. First we got the classic bipolar, no personality other than being unnecessarily ruthless mc that occasionally has happy go lucky moodswings. 2. I am 26 chapters in and mc has no visable aim or ambition other than killing danzo which is basically mandotary at naruto fanfics at this point. 3. 0 character development including the mc. But I don't want to just criticise the novel so here are some good points. The good points for this novel would be 1.grammer isn't horrible, you could even say its about avarege for this site. 2.Author updates frequently. That's about it. Sorry for the long review I hope it can help you guys :)


The story start to get better I like how it going please don't stop update new chapter 5 star from me 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.


The biggest problem in your story is the lack of povs (points of view). There are no reactions to his feats, there are no feelings what so ever. In the entire story, there is just one time we saw some reactions, when Hiruzen talked to Danzo about him, there were a lot of chances for you do it, when he was with Mei Terum you should have shown it from Mei point of view and Mei and Hiruzen reactions after he left, naruto reaction when he becomes a missing-nin, and a lot more (pov) especially Shikamaru's, his analyze are always cool, or anyone opinions on the matter, his team members, even some citizens will do, etc... And something else bothers me, why does everyone think he is a citizen? you didn't mention any records of him, no father or mother, nothing, maybe he was an Uchiha that slipped away somehow, he can close his Sharingan after all which was shown to be impossible without being an uchiha, and I fail to see the village just leaves orphan kids to fend for themself. and living in a secret place is much more suspicious than him getting some money...


is mc going to use his 3rd wish? cus the 3rd wish seemed kind of useless or is it is iq is so low that he can't even remember his 3rd wish?................................................


The first chapter has been edited yet is still full of errors. Gave up immediately. Needs more work in my opinion, but its not impossible to read just not worth the effort.


i really like the story and it was great. but there are some inconsistency to it. like the use of storm release techniques. some of the storm release can be considered as lightning release. some gramatical errors. but i know as you write it will improve. also some plot hole about the time he spend on the dojo training. he spend 3 months on that. it means that he didnt eat and just sleeps for 3 months and he's fine no weakness and what about the wounds he suffered did it heal well or some sequela. what if some found him and kill him or since he was just floating in the sea what if he was affected by a strong typhoon or crashed into a big boat or more. and may be im just worrywart . but over all i'm satisfied with your work and KEEP IT UP!!!


very good story I really like how you put work into the chapters you do thank you for everything and please don't stop your story like the others


People keep criticizing me about MC third wish, Like what he supposed to do I already created the Limitation so He can't recreate Bullshit OP stuff, he is fighting someone what do you expect him to do summon giant monster that eats people, chakra fruit, Guns, Rocket, Bloodlines, he can't recreate those things. What do you want me to make while MC fighting huh create a campfire to warm the enemies NO!. He can't create a Mecha zoid out of nowhere.


Уфффффф. Начало было вроде бодрое. Но потом пошла лютая дичь. Наркомания какая-то. Жалею, что потратил свое время. Концы с концами не сходятся. Непонятные выдумки, глупые поступки гг. Ещё и временные аномалии🤦🤦


Its a good novel man, Im giving a 4.0 star becuase you rushed the MC's abilities and did not go into detail about it. This left me thinking why MC was holding himself back in every situation. Still a very good novel, but just something as small as that can make people unable to continue it.




very good story I really like how you put work into the chapters you do thank you for everything and please don't stop your story like the others




Keep up the great work .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel Good Novel


yaa aku belum membacanya, mungkin nanti, dan kenapa aku memberikan bintang 5 pada fanfic ini, ntah la... ah sial apa lagi ingin ku katakan, aku sangat buruk dalam kata"


"The fastest way to get a girl's heart is chidori, right? Obito." Good Book Good Book Good Book Good Book Good Book Good Book Good Book Good Book Good Book



General Audiencesmature rating