
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Time Skip

[A/N: A lot of you request time skip so this is it. The Jutsu or Skill will be explained in the end]

-1 Year Later, Fire Country---

Under the night sky on the clearings of the forest, three people are fighting, two of them appear to be on the same team while the other one is alone. 

I'm currently fighting against a Hunter-Nin, I'm just minding my own business before I got ambushed, they failed to ambush me as I already sensed them.

One of them tried to slash me, I block it with my sword, I spun around and stabbed my sword to his stomach then I kick him in the chest sending him flying "[Chidori Exploding Spear] I created a Lightning Spear on my hand and throw it at him, the spear hit him making the spear burst into lightning, electrocuting him.

The other guy tried to stab me with a chakra kunai, I dodge it and grab his wrist then slam him to the ground. "[Warp]" I teleported my sword to my hand and sliced his neck.

I put my sword back to its scabbard. "Another day, another ninja trying to get my head" I looked at my level, "level 110 huh!, it's getting hard leveling up, I need at least 20 more levels to defeat Lucifer". I packed my belongings into my Inventory and I jumped out of here.

'Over the last year I keep training and fighting against the Hunter-Nin, they keep coming but it's good for me as I keep defeating them'. 

I frowned. 'If I keep doing this my bounty will rise and I'm sure Kakuzu will come at me. 

Sure I can beat him, but Kakuzu's partner is Hidan. It will be troublesome if he gets my blood'.

While jumping through trees I found a cave 

'this should be a good spot to rest tonight', I jumped down from the trees and entered the cave, I placed my bed and lay down.

'I better leave this country tomorrow, there are too many shinobi that know I'm here'.

-Next Day-

I packed my belongings and start jumping through the forest, I went out of the Konoha border and jumped down from the tree

"Finally I'm out of the fire country, now where should I go? Hmm.." I looked around and noticed in the distance there a village to my left "Isn't that Amegakure? I'm not going anywhere near that place", I looked to my right and there a village too "what village is that? I'm just gonna check it out for a bit".

I placed my motorcycle and drove it into the village direction. "Sheesh... there are so many trees here it's hard to drive" when I'm close enough I placed my motorcycle in my inventory again.

"[Henge]" I transformed into an adult with brown hair and civilian clothes, I recreated a backpack full with items and many pouches and place it on my waist, I walked into the village.

When I'm close enough the guards stop me 

"Halt, state your business," said the guard. 

"I'm just a wandering merchant trying to sell my items here", they check my bag then nodded and let me enter. Before I entered they said "welcome to Kusagakure".

'Kusagakure, I think I heard about this place before.... never mind that I just look around here' I looked around the place and I'm interested in it. I found a library here so might as well just check it.

I found many books here, most of them are Diplomacy and Political books. I tried to enter the second floor but the librarian stopped me "This is a restricted zone for civilians sir so you can't enter it". I nodded and left the library.

When I'm outside I use [Invisibility] and sneak in to the second floor, there I saw some shinobi so I have to do this quietly, I searched for the Ninjutsu section and found them. I looked around and saw no one and stole many scrolls and placed them into my inventory.

I immediately left the library, 'Heh that was easy' after I leave there a sound of an alarm going off. I saw the nearby shinobi including a jounin entering the library 'must be an important jutsu good thing I have it now'. I quickly walk toward the entrance of Kusagakure.

When I'm near the gate, the guards stop me 

"Halt, before you leave we must check you," they said. "Sure go ahead" they checked from my bag, pouches and didn't find anything. "You may leave", I happily left the village until someone touched my shoulder. 

I look behind me, before I can do anything he said "Fire Release: Heavenly Prison" I flinched back and it undo my henge. "Well look what we have here, I'm suspicious of you but I didn't expect you to be a missing-Nin," said Mui.

'Fuck now I know why this place is familiar' I saw him call reinforcement 'I don't wanna fight the whole village so I just leave' I sprint out of here because of my DEX I can run pretty fast when I get far from him suddenly I feel a burning sensation on my body.

"Gahhhh!!!" my body is burning from inside out "come... on.." I struggled to raise my hand and recreated a big amount of water around me, making the fire disappear, I stood up "Tch...I didn't expect that, but now I'm out of the village I can kill them easily without any backups.

I just wait here until they come" I waited for a bit, Mui and his bodyguard appeared "just give it up you can't escape" he smiled wickedly. 

I smiled and activated my Mangekyo 


[A/N: Hey you must be thinking how did MC use jutsu when he got hit by Fire Release: Heavenly Prison isn't that jutsu supposed to stop him using chakra and how did he make the fire disappear by just creating water?

Well here the answer: The drawback is, being a fire technique, it cannot work in water. Also, this technique only suppresses normal chakra from within one's body. MC has dark chakra so it won't work on him. It's the same when Naruto gathered Natural Chakra and he did not get burned. 

Also, the Mc didn't kill them there because if he defeats them, more of the shinobi will come and Mui can activate the seal whenever he wants (must have normal chakra) so he can't fight in the village. (Mui didn't activate it because he was caught off guard)


"[Storm Release: Thunder Sphere]" I created a giant sphere made out of lightning and threw it at them, they were surprised because they thought I can't use chakra, the sphere hit them and many lightning arcs came out of it, electrocuting them. 

I jumped high and use "[Lightning Style: Rasenringu] I created a rasenringu on my hand but the ring is now made out of lightning. I threw it at them, the rasenringu flew at them with lightning speed.

The Rasenringu hit them and exploded creating a giant ball of purple lightning, I landed on the ground and looked at the fire seal "It's gone, that means he is dead, this will probably raise my bounty.. sigh... well at least I got some new jutsu on my hand". I leave the area and start running to the north.

After a while I stopped running and look around "this should be far enough" I take a rest near a lake 

"Woah the scenery is beautiful here, maybe I'll make myself a home here". I recreated a modern house and covered it with wood, the inside is fully furnished.

I looked at my inventory and threw all of the useless stuff, when I grabbed the chakra paper that I have, I'm curious and just channel my chakra into it, the paper wrinkled instantly

"that's satisfying oh well better get rid of the rest". He threw the chakra paper away but unknown to him the paper started to burn a little.

-1 Year Later-----------------------

I have been training hard since last year, in the morning I woke up and went outside searching for a Hunter-Nin or a ninja on a mission for me to kill.

"Level 126 huh! I think that's enough to fight him again" I opened the [Dojo] and pressed Lucifer. I got transported back to the forest and saw him there standing "Hey there, miss me? how about a rematch".

He smiled at me and many swords came from every direction, I jumped in the air and recreated a Floor made out of tungsten below me, the swords hit the floor and exploded.

The impact made the floor launch into the sky, Lucifer from the ground began to fly at me, I jumped from the platform and used my jutsu [Lightning Style: Lightning Arm] a giant reptilian arm made out of lightning appeared behind me and grabbed Lucifer slamming him to the ground. 

I use [Doppelganger] and 4 clones appear beside me, They scatter in 4 different directions. The four clones arrive at their destination and electricity starts to emit from them to the sky, 'this jutsu needs some time before it explodes'.

I equipped my Shoosuva Armor and used [Lunar Bomb] to hit him, he blocked it with his sword and fired a laser from his mouth. I backflipped evading it and used [Lightning Style: Rasenringu] I threw it at him, but he dodged it at the last second.

he generated 5 swords behind him and started to attack me, he tried to stab my arm but I blocked it with my armor, the swords behind him hit me in the leg and exploded.

"Arghh.." I was sent flying to the side of a mountain, he flew towards me and grabbed my head dragging me across the mountains "Tch..." while dragging me he created a small swords spike and dragged me towards it, my back was dragged across the spike and tear of my skin.

I screamed in pain then I activated my Mangekyo  [Storm Release: Thunder Drill] a drill appeared in my hand and I used it on him, the drill started spinning creating a lightning arc around it, Lucifer screeched in pain and let go of me. The drill still stuck to him then slowly disappeared.

I stand up slowly and looked at him "[Storm Release: Thunder Armor]" my body is covered in purple lightning that moves like water. 

He comes at me with a sword and I blocked it, when I block it my armor electrocuting him then I punch him in the face and kick him in the ribs "[Storm Release: Thunder Vortex]" a ball appeared in my hand and I throw it at him

The Ball slowly became a vortex sucking everything within the area and exploded.

I shielded my eye from the dust and he was still standing.

I looked at him "now I'm getting serious" I activated my Susanoo and my eyes started to bleed.

The Susanoo appeared behind me but it's different. The Susanoo has blue wings and white body with some blue stripes on the left side is a shoulder armor while on the other side is a spiked shoulder armor, has three horns, and two arms made out of skull the left one has a sword. I am hovering inside of the chest.

(Pic Here)

Susanoo aimed his right arm at Lucifer then fired an Energy ball at him, Lucifer tried to dodge but it's no use. I rushed to him and Susanoo arm slash him into two,

I use [Storm Release: Laser Beam] Both of my hands emit a giant electricity beam at him.

He summoned his swords blocking it, his body are now attached and he smiles at me 

'Why is he just standing there doing nothing?', his hand pointing up and I looked at the sky and hundreds of swords were hovering above me.

"Shit that was his plan all along" I fly away with my Susanoo but his sword appears and restrain the Susanoo from moving, Lucifer brings his hand down, the swords begin raining at the same spot as I am right now.

"Shit" I recreated a tungsten wall above me, I grabbed my sword and threw it away "[Warp]" when I warped the tungsten wall broke.

I appeared at my sword and started to chase him down.

He retreats and the swords are chasing me, Susanoo is shooting lightning balls at him while I block the swords that are chasing me, he dodged a few but got hit and fell to the ground. 

"Take this [Lightning Style: Rasenringu Barrage]" the Susanoo began shooting a Barrage of Rasenringu from his arm to Lucifer,

I landed down and Susanoo slice him, only for him to dodge "I guess this thing is too big

[Susanoo Armor]", I compressed my Susanoo making it like an armor to me 

'this compressed Susanno is harder to control

so I can't recreate stuff right now'.

I dashed towards him and bring my sword down upon him, he blocks it with his own and created swords spike on the ground I fly away and charge my arm and shoot a giant laser beam.

Lucifer flew off evading my laser beam, He threw swords at me repeatedly hitting my armor and exploding the swords, eventually I hit him and he exploded, He fell to the ground.

I run towards him and placed my hand on his head

[Storm Release: Binding Chain] a chain made out of lightning restrain him from moving.

He created swords and made it fly towards me, I started to run away out of the field while Lucifer was struggling to get out, I saw the four lightning arcs in the distance. "Alright do it"

Four of my clones yelled "[Lightning Release: Limelight]" the four arcs started to combine and exploded creating a massive electric ball, eradicating the whole forest.

"Is... he dead...? that jutsu took a lot of chakra...." I walked slowly and found his remains, I use [Observe]

Lucifer Lv.150

HP: 2

'He is still alive what a monster' I [Warp] my sword to my hand and stab him, as I stab him a sword came out of the ground and hit my stomach exploding it.

"Gahhh.." I was sent flying to the back then I heard a notification sound. "Mother fucker still tries to kill me even when he is almost dead" then I got transported back to my house.

[You have defeated Lucifer

Rewards:Exp:100000, SP:100, [Lucifer Soul]{Legendary}{Exclusive}

"What's a Lucifersoul?"

[Lucifer Soul]

[A soul from the demon Lucifer it will grant someone with his power if they are deemed worthy, you will be transformed into Lucifer Cost 100 EP/ hours]

[Effect: Advance Regeneration, Access to Lucifer Sword, the effect will change according to your abilities]

[EP is energy point it's needed for some skill]

"Awesome I can transform into that guy" I hold the soul and it's entered my chest, I stand up

"transform" blue light covers my entire body and it disappears, from it emerged Lucifer but this time his red color is now blue.

"Awesome," I said in a distorted voice, I spread my wings and flew away in the sky. "I wonder if I can do this." I concentrated and a sword appeared on my arm, but this time it's blue colored, I concentrated again to make it fly and it started flying around me. I generated some more swords and I got tired when it's Fifty swords "this is my maximum for now".

I looked for some random ninja, I found three chunin resting in a forest "looks like they are on a mission" I bring my hands down and the swords start flying at them, all of them get stabbed and the sword explodes leaving some electricity behind. 

I got excited about my new abilities and flew back to my home, I landed on the ground an transform back to myself, I looked around me and noticed it was blurry "Tch.. my vision is getting blurry".

-1 Year Later--

1 year has passed since I defeated Lucifer, on the first 6 months I have been training to master the Lucifer Soul I'm pretty decent at it now, the condition of my eye is getting worse

so I changed it with the old eye's.

Now I only have 2 tomoe sharingan since the guy that has it didn't train it. For now, I don't have my Susanoo or Storm release since that was my eye's unique ability.

For the next 6 months, I have been relaxing in my house and I trained for a bit, now I'm 16 years old, I never noticed it but I'm now 5 feet 6 inches tall. "The canon has started".



Name: Hisato Arashi

Occupation: S Rank Ninja

Lv.142/ Next level 20%



EP: 300/300

STR  :[520]

INT   :[560]

DEX. :[590]

DEF :[470]

WIS  :[450]

CHA :[460]

Skill:[Gamer Mind On/Off] [Gamer Body] [Chakra Camouflage] [Absolute Chakra Tenketsu] [Chakra reserve Increased] [Afterimage] [Observe] [Killing Intent] [Lightning Body] [Electrokinesis] [Invisibility] [Lightning Ravindra Taijutsu] 

[Sharp Nail] [Blacksmith] [Poison Res]

[Lucky Number]

Weapon Skill: [Burst] [Lunar Bomb] [Warp] [Switch Style] 

Jutsu: [Lightning Beast Tracking Fang] [Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop] [Bunshin no Jutsu] [Henge] [Kawarimi] [Lightning Style: Calamity Discharge] [Rasenringu] [Lightning Release: Shadow Clone] [Lightning Style: Lightning Pillar]

[Susanoo] [Storm Release: Lighting Barrage] [Chidori] [Lightning Strike Armor] [Storm Release: Petrifying Rain]

New Jutsu: [Chidori Exploding Spear] "[Storm Release: Thunder Sphere] [Lightning Style: Rasenringu] [Lightning Style: Lightning arm]

[Storm Release: Thunder Armor] [Storm Release: Thunder Vortex] [Storm Release: Thunder Drill] [Storm Release: Laser Beam]

[Lightning Style: Rasenringu Barrage] [Susanoo Armor] [Storm Release: Binding Chain] [Lightning Release: Limelight] [Lightning Release: Heavenly Prison](this is just the lightning version)

New Skill:[Doppleganger 20EP/Clone] [Lucifer Soul 100EP/H] [Doppleganger Change 500EP]

[Checkpoint 300EP/ Month]

Doppleganger:[It will create the clone of the user, the clone has the user HP and Chakra, all of it's jutsu and they share the same mind Whatever the clone see the user sees too

(1 doppelganger cost 20 EP/H)].

Doppelganger Change:[ This Skill is hard to explain so let me just simply it.

This works like Izanagi so if he dead, his soul will be transferred to the other Doppleganger]

Checkpoint:(So if he Lv 1 and saved in Konoha at year 2000 and 7 year later he in Kumo at level 100, if he use this he will be transported back to Konoha as level 1 but the year is still 2007) hope this make sense.


Hope you enjoy it, I almost lose my brain cell creating new mechanic

Nechromcreators' thoughts