
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Clash in Land of Snow

Currently, I'm riding my motorcycle to the north, heading to the shore. I arrived at the shore then stopped and get down from my motorcycles 

I take out my map "According to this map the Land of Snow should be on the other side of this bay" I squinted my eye and in the distance, there are icebergs scattered everywhere.

"That should be it" I take out my boat from my inventory and place it on the water, I hop in then activate the engine, and set sail to the Land of Snow. 

I sit on the bench on the balcony 'when I get there, I will steal some chakra armor and study it to see how does it work, maybe I can upgrade it and change the metal into something stronger' 

I'm getting closer to my destination and it's raining snow here. I have prepared for this, I changed my clothes into a jacket with a black body and red sleeves, with long black pants

I arrived and hopped out of my boat then placed it back to my Inventory. 'Time to search for the fortress' I recreated a snowmobile and drove it in search of a fortress.

When I'm riding my snowmobile I see a village near me 'what village is that? I check on it later' I keep riding until I see a giant fortress in the distance, I stopped and get down from my snowmobile "this should be it!"

I activated my [Invisibility] then I sneaked into the factory, there a couple of guards outside, but I managed to pass them. "Now if I was keeping chakra armor where would I hide it..? probably in the armory or lab"

I searched the right side of the fortress and found a place that looks like a lab 'maybe they're making the armor here' I looked around and there no one near here.

I started to search for blueprints around the lab and find it stacked with other blueprints. I stole all of the important stuff and leave the useless stuff behind, I leave the lab and searched for the armory.

I scouted some people and they're talking about the armor and headed towards the west, I followed them from behind, eventually, they lead me towards the armory and I waited for them to leave.

Once they left I took some of the chakra armor and placed it into my inventory then I rushed to the front gate and leave this place.

I get back on my snowmobile and I drive it far from this place, I arrived at a forest and it's quite deserted "I should make a base somewhere around here". I make myself an underground base so no one can find me here.

I build a small base that only has a bedroom, bathroom, and my working station. "I already bought the [Engineering] skill now I can study it and try to improve it by making it more stable and powerful, I will also replace the metal with a stronger one".

-2 months later-

For the past 2 months, I have been working on the armor, it's more powerful and stable now, the chakra barrier is also quiet strong now I just need to replace the metal, my armor design is based on Doto prototype armor, but my armor covers my whole body.

I occasionally failed to create a powerful chakra core resulting it to explode, so I have to steal more armors because the sudden disappearance of their armor, they raised the security so It's harder to sneak in now. 

At first, I tried to make it like an exoskeleton armor that covers my whole body from down to the top, it almost looks like Iron man first armor, but simpler. I tried to make it so many chakra cores can fit in there, but I realized it's too unstable so I just discard it outside.

"I'm almost done with this, now just need to replace the metal with a stronger one" I remove the metal and replace it, I make the armor a bit thin so my clothes can fit in.

One more month has passed and I finally created my chakra armor 'I finally made it".

I take the armor and wear it then I wear my clothes on top of it "with this my chakra should be amplified and this will be my second best defense, the first one is my Susanoo".

I stretched my body " I have been cooped up here for three months, it's about time I get out of here". I went out of my base and prepare to leave when I see an explosion happening in the distance

I drive there with my snowmobile and saw the fortress is getting destroyed, I saw someone flying and someone hanging with a rope "that should be Naruto and Doto right? I better go there" I followed Doto from the ground.

He finally landed down in the middle of five walls that looks like it was made out of crystal. I stopped and hide behind the hills,

Doto takes Koyuki necklaces and inserts it to the device, the surrounding area started to become warmer and the snow is melting.

'That so sad, he searched for that necklaces thinking he will find a treasure, but instead, he found a heating device' I hold my laugh as I watch him suffer then I heard a sound and looked at the source.

I saw Naruto with the camera crew riding a snowmobile towards Doto, Naruto hops out of it and the camera crew are heading to my way 'Can't you find another spot' luckily for me they stopped before reaching the hills.

I wipe off my sweat 'That was close'

I looked at Naruto and he started to fight Doto.

"Naruto can handle it, I want to watch, to see how much you improve than your canon self".

Naruto has the chakra seal on him and tried to fight Doto only to get beat up and sink into the lake. Sasuke appears and throws a kunai at his head, Doto blocked it easily then Sasuke uses fireball jutsu at point blank range and manages to fracture it a bit then Doto punches Sasuke, sending him flying into a rock

"his armor has been fractured, the.. rest is up... to you NARUTO!" Sasuke said before he passed out.

Moments later many Naruto's come out of the lake "Its payback time pal, Wind Style: Vacuum Bomb" all of the Naruto released a giant sphere of wind and launched it at Doto before he says "Twin Dragon Blizzard" two black dragons came out of Doto hands and destroy most of the clones creating a huge smoke.

All of the wind spheres hit Doto sending him his armor and launching him back, his armor starting to break. Naruto came out of the smoke holding a Fuma shuriken "Wind Style: Vacuum Blade" he exhales wind fused chakra to the shuriken and throws it at Doto.

The Fuma Shuriken launched fast at doto and was coated in wind chakra increasing the range 'Woah that looks like a pseudo rasenshuriken' I thought.

The shuriken is heading towards his armor chakra core, the chakra barrier appeared but it can't handle the shuriken and broke, the shuriken hit Doto stomach breaking the chakra core then the shuriken got destroyed.

Doto ran and punched Naruto only for it to disappear in a cloud of smoke, the smoke from Doto jutsu disappeared and revealing 2 Naruto holding a rasengan, he started a speech about how justice will prevail and ran to Doto while holding the Rasengan.

The crystal lights up and his rasengan starts to become rainbow colour. Sakura and Kakashi arrived at the scene, "look rainbow chakra just like in the movie" she said.

Kakashi widens his eyes when looking at Naruto jutsu 'That jutsu... is rasengan.. how did you learn it Naruto?'.

Doto hit Naruto clone and Naruto slammed his rasengan at him creating a shockwave and sending him flying to a rock, he landed face first on the ground.

"His wind jutsu is stronger than the last time, I thought he slacked off or something" the snow in the area started to disappear revealing grass underneath.

Everyone watched it and smiled until Doto started to stand up his armor has broken but it revealed another armor he pressed the button and his body was covered in an exoskeleton that has strong metal protecting his front and back around his body there are six chakra cores in his legs, arms, chest, and the back.

"I don't care if this is a prototype or unstable, I will kill you all here" He yelled. I sweated and looked at him "hey.. isn't that.. the failed armor that I threw away?". Team seven gets alerted and Doto yells "Ice style black dragon blizzard". 

A giant dragon bigger than before was launched at Naruto, but Kakashi managed to get him out of there, one of the chakra cores that Doto used exploded but it's not enough to hurt him badly.

He continued to use the jutsu against Sasuke but they managed to escape in time, the ground got destroyed, another of Doto chakra cores exploded.

I analyzed his armor. "His jutsu became very powerful but every time he used it one of the chakra core exploded". Kakashi went to attack him with Chidori but a chakra barrier appeared around Doto protecting him then another chakra core exploded.

"Even the chakra barrier got stronger, you're really are a madman making my armor to function like that, but it's very unstable he might as well die while using it".

"Twin Dragon Blizzard!" He yelled. Two black dragons are heading in Naruto direction, 'enough watching now is the time for helping' I jumped out of the hill and appeared in front of him while holding my sword and using it as a shield. It exploded creating a giant smoke.

Most of the people screamed Naruto's name, when the smoke disappeared, they saw me holding my sword out with Naruto behind me, Team 7 widened their eyes knowing who I am, except Sasuke.

With my speed I use shunshin and appear behind him then stab his chakra core "Oi bastard that's my failed experiment, why do you have to find it" I kick him away from me "[Chidori Exploding Spear]".

I threw it at him once it collided. The spear exploded into a burst of lightning destroying his other chakra core and making his armor explode with him. He was sent flying the crystal wall and all of the snow disappeared, making the surrounding area into a grassland.

"Phew.. that almost went bad" they were all looking at me and I look back at them,

Naruto started to run at me while Kakashi tried to stop him "Naruto get back he's an 

S Rank Criminal".

Naruto ignored him and jumped, I thought he was going for a hug so I opened my arms until he kicked me on the face, I fell to the ground and held my face "Hey what was that for!" I said to him.

His eyes started to get watery for a bit. "That's what you get for leaving the village, I thought you died on a mission!", he said. "Sheesh... there is no need to kick my face", Kakashi started walking to me cautiously and asked me "Hisato Arashi what a ninja like you doing here?".

"I'm here to make something now I already made it, I probably leave this place" Then I thought 'there's no need for them to know that is my failed experiment' while my eyes looking away in the other direction.

Kakashi looked at me while thinking 'how does he know Chidori? he even changed his form and how does Naruto know about him, apparently Sakura knows him too'. While he was thinking, me and Naruto started talking for a bit and he seemed excited to see me.

"Where were you for the past few years?" he asked me. My face started to frown. "Danzo set us up on that mission, so I had no other choice but to get out of there" I explained 'and one day kill him' I thought to myself.

Naruto started to think and asked me with a confused face "Who is this Danzo person anyway?"I looked him in the eye and said, "Naruto it's better if you don't know and don't ask people about it okay", He nodded.


I joined the parade because I wanted to explore this place, plus Naruto asked me.

'So this is the village that I passed by months ago'. We started celebrating and eating food although Kakashi was wary of me, and Sasuke asked Sakura about me then she explained it.

I overheard them and Sakura was about to talk about my secret base, I got out of my chair and grabbed Sakura "ah.. Sakura comes here for a bit. Naruto wants to ask you something" then I dragged her away from them. 

"Sakura haven't I told you not to tell anyone about my base?" I raised my voice a bit, she nodded her head and quickly left me, I sat beside Naruto "Hey Naruto do you know anything about my old house?".

He looked at me and said "well we used to make it as our base but then the others started training and they have less time to play, so I sometimes sleep there and your house now is kinda dirty" he laughed sheepishly.

I sighed "That's fine I got another house anyway" we continued eating there and we celebrated until afternoon while I was exploring the place. They said their goodbyes to Koyuki and went back to the ship.

Naruto looks at me and asked, "Hisato, how are you gonna back?". I pointed at my ship and I jumped into it, we are going in a separate direction. He waved at me from their ship and I waved back.

I yawned 'what a long day, I'm tired maybe I should go to sleep'.

[A/N: This is before the chunin exam so Sasuke didn't know Chidori, and Mc left Rasengan scroll this is the first time Naruto used it on the public that's why Kakashi surprised, he learned rasengan after Zabuza mission (he was perfecting his chakra control and other wind Jutsu, also Naruto didn't train as hard).

He it is I'm done I think my writing is now decent

Nechromcreators' thoughts