
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Title Here

A few weeks have passed since Hisato last mission ended. Things went back to normal, The Akatsuki are resorted to form a team of three or two when doing low risk missions because of the lack of members.

Hisato is in his room, sitting on a chair with his eyes closed and resting his chin on his arm 'Hmm... what do I do with the Byakugan? should I just implant one eye or just change it when I need it?'. I thought about it for a while and decide to ask the system 'system do you have a skill that can make me store spare eyes and changed it at will?'

[There is a skill called Eye Sockets it will let you store eyeballs in an extra socket and you can change it at will. It only costs 100 Sp]

I hesitated to buy it 'If I buy it will it give me extra eyes or something?' I asked the system. [No it will not change your appearance]

'Really? that's great system buy it,' the system bought it and I stand up from my chair 'So how do I store them?', a blue screen appeared in front of me and there's a note that says 'Put the eyeballs here.' I grabbed the Byakugan and toss it to the blue screen.

The note changed into 'If you want to use the eyes just say their names'. I closed my eyes and focused "Byakugan." My pupils become more distinct and the increased blood flow to my eyes causes the veins near my temples to bulge.

Now I can see everything in black and white color including their chakra pathways "This is so cool, but I don't know who's who since I can only see their chakra pathways and not the person, well I can see them but it's only an outline, maybe I have to train it more"

I kept staring at them until I saw someone walking towards my direction, I deactivated my Byakugan and he knocked on my door "Hold on" I walk to my door and open it, there I see Kyusuke standing in the front door.

"What do you want?" I asked, he said, "Elder Brother have requested your presence."

I nodded and changed my clothes into Akatsuki clothes then went out with Kyusuke to the meeting room. Once we got there Yahiko told Kyusuke to leave and I sit on the chair. I noticed they were looking a bit anxious

"So did something happens or what?" I asked them.

Nagato grabs a folder and gives it to me, I open it and see many faces "Lots of people requested to join Akatsuki, of course, we accept them with open arms, but some of them have ulterior motives," I keep looking at the folder while listening to him and one of the people in the folder have been crossed out.

"We found an undercover agent trying to sabotage our base, luckily Konan managed to prevent them from doing so. He is affiliated with Hanzo since one of our members tried to interrogate him the only thing he said is Hanzo still alive and poison fog came out of his mouth killing him and poisoning our member," He explained.

Yahiko then summarizes the mission "Your job is to catch any suspicious member and bring them to the interrogation team, it will take time for you to do it alone so your partner will be Konan since she is a sensor ninja."

'Actually, I have the byakugan now so I can watch them, but I don't know everyone's chakra signature so I don't know.' Yahiko told me to prepare because they will arrive an hour later, I placed all of my Hiraishin seal in an important area such as the meeting room, archive room, and storage area.

-1 Hour Later-

We decided to meet at the balcony since we can observe people easily from up there. "This will be a boring mission," I said while walking towards the balcony, I heard many loud noises in the back and it's bugging me but I decided to ignore it.

I arrived on the balcony there I see Konan sitting on the stone bench "Sorry I'm late," I walked there and sit beside her. There's a large space in the middle of the Akatsuki building they will gather all of the members there and we can observe them. From the large door, lots of people entered the room with Kyusuke leading the pack.

I count them all and I was surprised by their number "There are at least one hundred and fifty people in there, where did all of them even come from?". Konan then answered my question with a calm tone "Well most of them are the people that we saved, some of them are orphans from the war and the rest is from Hanzo so we have to monitor them."

I slumped on the bench "So our job is to keep an eye on them? this mission is so boring" I groaned 'I doubt they will try anything on the first day, maybe some of them might.'

She said, "Quit complaining this is our mission after all" I stare at her "I'm bored doing this kind of a mission, I prefer sleeping right now," I said. "We only knew each other less than two weeks, but your most defining trait is your laziness" she chuckled.

Yamaru starts to laugh inside of my head 'He got you there partner.' he said, when I'm about to argue with him I saw Konan looking at my eyes "What?" I asked her. "Your eyes seem a bit paler than the usual did you do something."

I sweated for a bit "What do you mean my eyes always look like this" she seems unconvinced but let it go "If you say so". The recruits are getting their Akatsuki cloak, it went for a while and they finally finished.

Kyusuke said, "You can explore this whole place, but please don't go to anyone's rooms or any important room since some of our members got poisoned" he sounds sincere, but this is just a bait.

"Konan if they entered the meeting room or any room that's important tell me so I can go there" she nodded and focused. 2 hours have passed and I'm starting to get a bit drowsy suddenly she said, "I detected two unknown chakras entered the meeting room".

I yawned a bit and teleport us there, once we're there we see two people rummaging the files, I throw a kunai at his arm then kick his face hard and Konan wrapped the other guy with dozens of paper.

"Now we just send them to Yahiko and Nagato so they can interrogate them while we keep on the look out," she said. I questioned her "Why do we need to send them to Yahiko and Nagato while I can just interrogate them?".

She closed her eyes and sighed "If we do it now the others will Inflintrate and steal any of our important stuff, besides it's not like they will just give their info away."

One of the captured enemies starts talking with a Lifeless expression "We were sent by Hanzo and his allies from Konoha to sabotage this whole place, our secret base is located at the outskirt of Amegakure and there are twenty of us in this whole place."

"You were saying?" I looked at her with my sharingan active, she looks away from embarrassment and says "shut up, and since when do you have a sharingan?". I looked at her with a confused expression "You're telling me that you didn't see my sharingan even though I activated it when we get out of the village?"

"I was distracted by the giant explosion and I closed my eyes when it happened, anyway let's just report back to Yahiko" She quickly left the room and I followed her 'Fair enough, they were stunned by that explosion guess they can't see anything and its a good thing she didn't ask me where I got it'.

We reported back to Yahiko and I make the captured ninja spill out all of his secrets then he tells us his comrades. We manage to capture all of them and bring them to the interrogation room.

Yahiko throws somebody at me "We found the leader of this mission, maybe he can tell where's Hanzo and what has he been up to."

I grabbed his head and force him to look at me, I use my sharingan against him "Tell me where's Hanzo and what is he planning."

He looks down on the ground "Hanzo is still alive and his condition is getting better. Originally he arrived with Ibuse carrying him on his back, Half of his body got obliterated and he's on the verge of death. But, someone came in and offered to heal him, in exchange he will control all of our forces and he will get a chunk of Amegakure land, so we had no choice to agree with him.

And recently his condition is getting better and his limb grows backs though it looked very pale. 3 days from now he will launch an attack at the Akatsuki base you can't escape if you escape we will start a war that will endanger the whole Amegakure destroying it, and I know how much you care for this country" then he stopped talking.

The room was in silence when they heard that 'His limb regrow? does he get Hashirama's cell? but Orochimaru supposed to experiment after Minato became the fourth Hokage," then something clicked on me 'Let me guess I'm here changed everything again,' I rubbed my forehead and excuse myself from the room

'I need to stop this time traveling bullshit.'

Hisato is walking to his room while Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan start discussing. Yahiko slammed the table hard "Damn you Hanzo If we escape now all of our hard work will be for nothing." Nagato then said, "Maybe we can win this since we had Hisato and Sasuke on our side, we have to pay them back for what have they done to Konan."

Yahiko started to relax "You're right tell all of our old members to gather at this place we will discuss it now."

"I'm tired thinking all about this time travel stuff, I just rest now" I entered my room and jump to my bed without hesitation suddenly someone knocked on my door "Oh come on" I get off my bed and opened the door there I see Nagato "Yahiko wanted all of the old member to come to discuss Hanzo Raid" he whispered.

"Wait a minute okay!" I closed the door and walk far from the door 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' a shadow clone appeared in front of me "You know what to do!" he nodded his head and went out with Nagato to the meeting room.

"Finally I can get some rest" I lay down on my bed and I heard a notification sound 'Really?' I get out of my bed and see the notification.

[The Hashirama cell successfully implanted, the following effect are:

Boost In Stamina, Strenght, and Lifespan

Increased Regeneration

Water and Earth affinity has been increased by a large margin]

I looked at the list and notice something "I didn't get a wood release?" I put my hand on my chin and think about it 'Well my water and earth release is increased so I guess it's not a problem'

'I guess I can test it out' I opened the dojo and entered the lowest level, I got transported into a mountain "Ah.. the Nostalgia" I looked at Shoosuva and I created a paper and a pen then draw a seal "Fuinjutsu: Restraining Seal".

I place it on his head preventing him from moving.

Then I start thinking 'If my Water and earth affinity is increased can I do a wood release?.' I focused and try to combine my two new chakra nature then I tried to convert my chakra into wood.

I thrust my hand forwards and all of the sudden my hand is covered in a brown substance and it's spilling everywhere "What the hell is this thing, Is this... Mud? or maybe it's just shit" I wave my arm around and try to stop it, Eventually, it stopped and my hand is covered in mud.

"System what the hell was that?" I asked. [What a surprise host that was Mud release a combination of Water and Earth chakra nature it's not famous since people only knew Water and Earth makes wood].

"I see, judging by the fact mud just came out of my hand, Mud release create mud while earth releases use pre-existing mud to use a specific jutsu". I practice it a bit and I realize I can harden it into clay so I got an idea for a Jutsu.

I used my new Jutsu on the Shoosuva "Mud Style: Land Eater". The ground around him started to melt into mud trapping his legs making him unable to move. The mud quickly changed shape into a jaw then eat him, dragging him into the ground. I activated my Byakugan to observe it and saw the mud entered his body then I harden it, turning it to clay and killing him.

"I can do so many things with this!" I said excitedly. I got transported back to my room and my arms are full of mud, I ran to the nearest bathroom to cleanse it "Is this a thing now? every time I use mud release my arms is coated in mud? well, that kinda sucks."

I walk back to my room and I got the memory from my clone, mostly it's just discussing should we tell the new member about the upcoming war and morale boost, tomorrow Yahiko will tell everything whenever they want to leave or not it's up to them.

I arrived at my room then jumped to my bed then I sleep.