
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Chakra Awakening

Currently I'm in my house thinking about chakra 'alright if I remember correctly chakra is a substance native to lifeforms on some planets. Due to it being the component to create Chakra Fruit, the Otsutsuki Clan travel from planet to planet to absorb all the chakra on them to create the fruit to consume.'

You may ask where do I get this info of course with my creation the dimensional phone it recharges with chakra I can only search I can't communicate with other people because that ROB said no, so I just use it for entertainment and playing some game.

"I have to go to the academy or else people will get skeptical how can an orphan use a chakra, I'm not going to graduate early because Danzo will notice me and it's going to be a problem. Also, I need to unlock my chakra but I don't know how and I'm not gonna follow all of that stuff I read because who knows what will happen"

I remember something "oh hey system don't I get a starter pack or something!" I said out loud


Achievement unlocked: Easy Mode For you

Ask a starter pack

Reward: Chakra Starter pack,20 SP

I got annoyed at that "hey are you mocking me you stupid thing what do you mean easy mode this is an insult!!!, whatever just open it".

System: Chakra starter pack, select your starting chakra:

-Normal Chakra

-Tailed beast Chakra

-Senjutsu Chakra

-Star Chakra

-Dark Chakra

I start to consider my choices

'Normal chakra is for normie so I don't wanna pick that.

What the hell is that? dark chakra? sound cool and powerful but I gotta be more careful choosing one because you know what they say don't judge the book by the cover.

Tailed beast chakra is powerful but I'm just gonna go rampage and there's no one here to help me control it so no.

Senjutsu chakra is good but if I run out of it I have to meditate gather it back, It will take a long time to master it.

Star chakra I think I saw that somewhere but I don't know what it is'.

"What should I pick this is difficult," I frowned and close my eyes then I decided "Alright I decided, I pick dark chakra my Jutsu will be powerful but I have to have extremely good chakra control and I can't be disturbed or my body will deteriorate."

System: dark chakra selected integrating to host ( Warning will cause pain )

Suddenly my body feels like burning then I screamed in pain "AAAArgh SHIT this hurts so much" dark chakra gathered around me and entered my body, my chakra tenketsu opened and after that I fainted.

Sometime later

Inoichi Yamanaka POV:

Inoichi Yamanaka is just minding his own business in the Yamanaka Flower suddenly become alerted because he senses something malice he stands up and become worried "What is this chakra, it feels evil " he then started to search where that chakra is but couldn't find it ' what this ominous feeling that's no normal chakra I have to report this to the Hokage'.

At the Hokage Tower

Hiruzen pov:

"*Sigh* what should I do after Minato sacrificed himself he wanted to announce his son as the hero by containing Kyuubi, honestly Minato what were you thinking' i thought sadly while smoking my pipe. Suddenly there was a knock at the door

"Come in, " Hiruzen said, he saw Inoichi Yamanaka entered the room "ah Inoichi want do you need," said the Hokage. Inoichi then said, " Lord Hokage I have an urgency ". He said with a serious tone, Hiruzen become alerted and ask "What is it".

"I have detected an evil chakra in the village and I worry that someone has an evil intention"

Hiruzen became alerted and let Inoichi take his leave then he calls "anbu"

2 Man with a mask suddenly appeared "yes Lord Hokage".

Hiruzen said with a serious tone "Don't let anyone leave the village, patrol the village and interrogate anyone suspicious we can't let anything happen we just survived the Nine Tails attack there no need to be more tragedy"

"yes lord Hokage," the anbu said and Immediately Left. "*Sigh* this week is getting worse".

[A/N: Inoichi Yamanaka is a sensory Ninja so of course, he senses it, also he relevant enough than using no name character it also if you wondering why he can't sense it anymore is because the Dark Chakra just opened his chakra pathway not filling it 100% it will fill gradually so if he unconscious more than 1 day then Inoichi can sense where his location is hope you understand]

Alright next chapter is a 4 year time skip

Nechromcreators' thoughts