
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

B Rank Mission Gone Wrong (Edit)

'I'm now a chunin and I can finally say goodbye to d rank mission and I can do mission alone outside of konoha or maybe with the other chunin'

I was walking through the village until an Anbu come in front of me

"Hokage Sama wanted you to come to the Hokage office," He said

I nodded and go straight to the Hokage office knocked on the door and the hokage tell me to come in when I entered I saw the village elder there. I bow my head and ask

"Why do you call me Hokage sama?"

"Hisato you're going to receive a B rank mission it's nothing much you just need to take down a missing-nin take it as a learning experience"

He gave me the bingo book and the page of the Konoha missing-nin

'So the target I'm going to kill is a B rank chunin that has backstab the other member of Konoha and an Important scroll'.

"Alright, I do this mission Hokage sama where is he located now?" I asked.

"He is spotted near the Konoha border by the looks of it he wanted to go out of our range, if you find him take him down and find where is he hiding that scroll"

"I accept the mission Lord Hokage," I said then leave, when I leave, I saw Danzo comes in not want to interact with him I go out immediately.

After I leave they started talking.

Danzo Pov

"Hiruzen I can't believe you still letting that child free, he is a suspicious individual, he is Hisato Arashi at age of 4 he is in an orphanage but after the Kyuubi attack, he disappeared without any traces,".

"I know that I can't find him either we only let him enter the academy to see if he a spy or not when I see him not making effort to find friends I was suspicious but still let him have his chance and when he with his teammate I saw him save them and talk to them so I don't think he a spy or traitor," Hiruzen said.

"Hiruzen you only see a child but in the shinobi world, even a child can kill you, when he disappeared a few days later we got a report for Evil energy sensed by the kunoichi but we can't find ant trace do you think this is a coincidence?".

Hiruzen is just there contemplating my words and I leave him to think about it, Danzo goes t the root headquarter and sent a root member to spy on Hisato if he does something that should brand him as a missing Nin eliminate him.

Hisato Pov

I accept the mission and go to the front gate and give the gatekeeper my mission. I go out of the village and start jumping from tree to tree. 'From here to the border will take 2 or 3 days, but not for me'. My leg is covered in lightning and I start jumping faster.

I arrived near the border and I start to look around, I keep searching until I found a base camp I searched for a bit until I found my target 'Looks like I found him, maybe he recruit these people to guard him'.

Ding Quest Alert

[Kill the missing Nin and retrieve the scroll] :

Rewards: 20.000 Exp, 20 SP, B Rank scroll

[????]: 30.000 Exp, 40 SP, 2x A-Rank Scroll

"Woah a new quest but what is that question mark? I think about it later now I have a mission to do"

I use my [invisibility] and jumped down from the tree I entered his tent, I knock him out from behind face and leave a bunshin behind and use henge to transform my clone into him, I carry him far from his basecamp and tied him up, I wake him up by punching him.

"Oi wakes up, now you tell me where did you hide the scroll, or else you might not like what's going to happen next" I threatened him. "Like I ever tell you where it is," he said.

"Fine by me" I activated my sharingan and use genjutsu on him "tell me where did you hide it", he emotionlessly said " I hid it on the mercenary tent" as he said that I cut his head off and store in my inventory.

I go back to the camp and I quietly entered the mercenary tent I saw him and went for the kill.

He dodges my attack and looks at me

"what you thought I was a normal guy, just so you know I have defeated many jounin and most of us here are a ninja and you're alone what are you gonna do now".

As he said that all of the ninja and bandit appeared they started to mock me and I smiled "Good for you guys now you all can die together" I rushed towards them and created many Lightning clones they serve as a distraction.

I go to the back and created [Rasenringu] I throw it at them and it explodes killing all of the bandit and some of the ninja. The mercenary survived and ordered the rest of them to kill me.

I take my sword from my waist "[Switch Style: Energy]" I slashed my sword and a blue crescent shaped wave came out of my sword, killing everyone except the mercenary. He takes out his sword and clashed with me.

I strike him again but he dodges it and throws a scroll that's exploded into kunai into me I [Switch Style: Speed] and spin my sword deflecting all of the kunai, I rushed to him and stabbed his stomach.

He smiled at me and his body create a giant explosion smoke covered the area and I appeared having burnt marks around my body "Tch.. you're still alive" he said annoyed

"what you surprised I just use my Clone great explosion and I covered it's back with many paper bombs how do you like it," He said smiling.

'So that's how he defeated many jounin by using that cheap tricks, fucking bitch I almost died in that if I didn't dodge it, I'm going to torture you' I equipped my Shoosuva Armor

And my body starts to emit red lightning

"You're the first person that has ever damage me this badly and you're going to pay" Lightning coated my body and I disappear from his view. He panicked and look around, I appear on top of him and use [Lunar Bomb]

I hit my leg against his head bringing it down to the ground and created a lightning explosion I jumped back and see he is Unconscious, I spread lightning to his body to wake him up.

I use my [Calamity Discharge] against him electrocuting him and he screamed. I smashed his head to the ground and I slam my fist to his head killing him.

"I got carried away with that, I just need to find the scroll" I rummage his tents looking for a scroll and I found it in a hidden compartment.

I grab it and go outside and looked at the gore scene. Suddenly I got alerted and throw my sword at a tree.

From the tree came out a person wearing a black hood and an animal mask

'Isn't that a root member what is he doing here, he spying on me damn you Danzo what should I do if I kill it now Danzo will just more cautious of me but if I let it go he will tell all of my secrets, I must kill him now'

The root member ran away and I [Warp] to my sword and chase him, with my speed I catch up to him and I drop kick him making him fall to the ground I created [Rasenringu] and throw it but he barely dodges it. I use [Calamity Discharge] to electrocute him, he got caught in my jutsu but he still standing.

"Why are you spying on me" with a serious expression, the root didn't talk and rushed to me "so you don't want to talk huh" I created a Lightning clone, and we both fight him.

'I don't know if I can win against a root'.

I slash him with my sword, he dodged out of the way my clone use [Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop] and appear above the root and chop his body. He got slammed on the ground but get back again. I use observe on him

[Root member]



He suddenly appears in front of me and slashes a kunai at my face it grazed my face and he kicked me back, he throws a couple of shuriken at my clone, and my clone dispersed into lightning. "Heh finally getting serious huh?".

[Switch Style: Speed] I rushed to him and rapid slash my sword he can't block it all and some gash appears on his body, he jumped back and use Fire style: Majestic Destroyer Flames and Wind style: Gale Palm, Amplifying his fire style and making it bigger.

I go to the side to dodge it but some of the fire burn my body I recreate water on top of me to get rid of it, He comes and stabs my shoulder with a kunai and kicks me away from him then I hear a paper bomb setting off. And the bomb exploded I got thrown against the tree breaking the tree and I stopped when I hit a rock. "Gahh.... shit.." I cursed and I slowly stand up my body is bruised and bleeding.

The root member walk towards me and said

"Danzo sama sent me to watch you, using a sharingan, using a unknown weapon and a jutsu that look like the fourth hokage Jutsu

You must be eleminated".

'Tch... he saw me do all of that I have to get rid of him and now I'm going to try something I never try before'. I created a Lightning clone and make it more sturdy because of my chakra control.

I give him my sword and I equipped the Shoosuva armor, my body emits red lightning and my clone emits dark lightning. We rushed together, I punch the ground making a crater making my clone, and the root member jump and my clone slash him in midair he blocks it but his kunai flew off.

I jumped and use both of my hands to slam his head back to the ground, my clone throws his sword to the ground and use [Warp] and he pointed his sword upward making the root member fall to the sword hitting his stomach.

And in the air, I created [Rasenringu] I pour all of my remaining chakras into it and throws it. after I throw it I [Warp] my sword to my hand because I don't wanna damage it.

The Rasenringu collided and created a giant explosion I got caught by it and my consciousness is fading my last thought was 'I hope he is dead if not I'm screwed' before I pass out because of Chakra Exhaustion.

[A/N: Hope you like the chapter and my new writing style. Peace]

Thanks for reading the chapter and I hope you enjoy it. Maybe I post again later.

Nechromcreators' thoughts