
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Blast to the past

Heavenly Prison Fire Sword" Sasuke brings up a large flame in his right hand, which soon after takes the form of a sword he dashed towards me at full speed and I dodge it resulting in him hitting the side of the building melting it.

"Hey! Be careful on the structure, I worked hard on designing it, " he throws his sword at me and his right arm changed into a Chidori, I duck under his sword to avoid it. He vanished and appear beside the sword

Sasuke teleported to the sword and thrust his Chidori at me, I counter it with my own Chidori and the surrounding area exploded. I was sent sliding on the ground and stopped.

I scanned the area and from the smoke came out multiple crescent shaped lightning wave heading towards me, I throw all of my kunai into the smoke and jump to evade the lightning wave.

When I'm in the air a giant fireball is heading towards my direction then I use Hirashin to my kunai. He predicted my location and he struck me with a chidori. I got knockback and recovered in mid-air.

I looked at my wound on my shoulder "Not bad". I'm matching his strength right now because we are just so sparring. I also noticed that I got a second nature transformation.

"Fire Style: Hell Rain" I spew up a massive fireball into the sky, once it's in the air it multiplied into several giant fireballs and it rained upon Sasuke. He dodges them all and sprinted towards me.

"[Switch Style: Speed]" He whispered and proceed to slash at me, I created a staff made out of lightning and blocked it his attack is getting faster and faster, I blocked his sword and thrust my staff at his stomach making him cough, I spun around and smack his head like a baseball bat.

He was sent flying and I throw my staff at him, once it's close enough 'Now' from the staff came out many spikes that pierce Sasuke, but I only pierce his nonvital spot, His sword was stuck to the ground.

'That should be it, he manages to take out a chunk of my HP' I walked to him and create 2 senzu bean one for each of us. His wounds started to close and he stands up "Not bad, you're already strong enough to damage me if you fight other people I'm sure they are toast" I said to him. He smirked and walk back to the house.

'He is already stronger than the Shippuden time skips Sasuke' I use observe on him and he was level 117. I followed him back to the house and take a shower.

'It's been 7 months since we used Anchor Vatican, Sasuke height increased to 168 cm not only him but I got taller too I'm now 180 cm, finally I'm not that short anymore also I look more matured now.

Anchor Vatican look likes shit, but I can customize it and I make it look more modern and there are two houses here one is mine while the other is Sasuke.

The downside of this thing is it required a dark chakra so once in a while I searched for a missing-nin so I can use them as a chakra generator, I can just use my dark chakra but it's not efficient for me.

Because this thing is bound to the system I can make it appear above me once a month

so if I leave It here and go to Konoha I can make it appear above me, did I ever mention this thing has a giant laser beam in the middle that can destroy a huge chunk of land although it required massive amount of dark chakra .

I looked down and right now we are hovering above the wind country 'luckily I placed a seal that can hide shadows because that is a dead giveaway and I placed a Hiraishin kunai in the center of this place'

I was minding my own business until Yamaru said something 'You might want to replace those guys, they numb and there nothing for me to absorb'. I walk to Sasuke's house and enter it "Can't you knock?" he said to me.

I ignored him and says "Come on we have to change them again" he groaned and reluctantly followed me. We went to Regalia and fly down from this place, I observed the desert and found no one so we landed far from the Sunagakure and went In with our henge.

"Let's just get the bingo book and search if there's any missing-nin around here" he whispered to me. I nodded, we searched for a bingo book and I acquire it by pickpocketing a random chunin.

We left the village and entered our car "Hurry up and find someone" he said impatiently, "Be patient it's not like I can find someone instantly". I flipped the bingo book then raised my eyebrow "Weird, why aren't you added to a bingo book?".

He shrugged his shoulder and stare blankly at the sky, I kept searching and found Naruto page "Hey Sasuke what's up with this? Naruto had his page and he registered as an A rank ninja while you don't even registered as a C rank ninja" I mock him.

He snatched the book from my arm and read the page out loud "Naruto Uzumaki from Konoha, A-rank Ninja, he has both of the Fourth Hokage jutsu, he is quite proficient using wind jutsu and wears weird armor with a gauntlet and leggings that produced wind, great mastery with seals.

He was spotted with Jiraiya in Iwagakure, many of our Shinobi theorized that he's related to the fourth. Some of the Iwa shinobi wanted revenge and gathered around fifty shinobi to ambush him only to be defeated in an Instant,"

'So he manages to open it, I even put some jutsu there and my Shoosuva armor'. Sasuke throws me the book and looked away bitterly.

I hold my laugh when I see this and continued to search the book, I was shocked when I see the person's page.

"This..." Sasuke looks at me curiously "What?".

I showed him the picture and it was Mukade face "We have to stop this guy he was recently spotted heading towards Roran" I drive my car there and Sasuke is confused "What's so special about him?".

"He can go to the past and changed the whole world by just doing that" Sasuke was shocked when he heard this "Go to the past? Tch.. then speed up we must ca-"

Before he was done talking I shouted "There he is!" I saw him entering the tower and I landed then place my car in my inventory while Sasuke sprinted towards him.

"Hey wait up!" I rushed to the tower only to find Mukade pulling out Minato kunai and a purple light started to cover the whole area "Shit, Sasuke grab this" I throw him a Hiraishin kunai, and Sasuke catches it.

I teleport to him then tried to teleport back to the base as soon the light engulfs us. We appeared above the clouds, I grabbed Sasuke and activated my Susanoo.

"Where are we?, our base should be still here" I looked around and noticed it's nighttime. Sasuke entered my Susanoo and we descend to the ground. "Did we traveled to the past?" he asked. I tried to use my Hiraishin and it doesn't seem to work.

"Tch... I think we did since I can't teleport to a hiraishin seal" I'm frustrated right now. We traveled on foot in a random direction then I heard a notification.

[Quest Alert]

[Quest Get back to the present]

[You have been teleported to the past find your way out of here and go back to the present]

[Rewards:500.000 Exp, ???, Stopwatch{Exclusive}

Punishment : Trapped in the past and 0 chance to get out of here

Time Limit: 1 Year


'Accept it, this is just my objective so I just accept it anyway'

I didn't use my car because this is the past we likely have a high chance to encounter some shinobi and it starts pouring. We founded a cave then went in and created a campfire.

"So we're in the past huh!, how are we gonna go back? If we met other people it may cause a butterfly effect" he said. I assumed the only way back to the present is through Roran then I curios 'System what will happen If I meet my past self?'

System:[ You can't because he doesn't even exist in this timeline. You only exist in one timeline so no matter what you do here it won't affect your future. this is to prevent a second or third System from appearing. So you will never be able to see your past self or future self]

'So I'm like an outsider in this verse, I wonder how many timelines have existed now because of me' I looked at Sasuke "It's fine if we meet other people since this place is an alternate timeline".

He was dumbfounded when he heard this "Shocking right? well, we better sleep now since it's still pouring," I created two sleeping bag then we slept through the night.

-Next Day-

I woke up and stretched my body, I stand up slowly and checked at the weather "What it still raining?" I yawned "I just sleep again and wake up later" I tried to walk to my sleeping tent but stopped by a shadow arm.

'You're so lazy partner, I know you already sensed that negative emotion we can use them as a replacement to generate dark chakra' Yamaru said at me while I doze off then he punched me with the shadow arm "Fine.. no need to punch me".

I wake up Sasuke and we prepare ourselves then walk through the rain "So where are we going?" he asked me.

"Well first we have to find a village so I can figure our location and what era is this place" I pointed my finger to the north "I sensed negative emotions over there, so there must be a civilization there but I doubt it's a good one so prepare yourself". He nodded and prepare himself.

Soon we arrived on top of a hill and I see a ton of shinobi from Konoha and Amegakure near the hill and two people at the bottom. The Amegakure is holding a blue haired lady.

"Hisato looks like we didn't get send too far look" Sasuke pointed at a younger looking Danzo. I grabbed his head and drag him back.

"Hey be careful not to get spotted by them" I pointed at Obito and Zetsu on the other side "Who are they?" he asked. "The masked one is Obito Uchiha and he quite a troublesome foe, he still alive in the present.

While that plant looking guy his dark side is the evil mastermind that controls most of the people" I explained their ability to him "How about we lend them a hand" I pointed at Nagato and Yahiko. He starts to ponder "Alright I got a plan," he said.

I raised my eyebrow at him "Hahhh? who decided you will make the plan" I said annoyed at him. "Hear me out for a bit, you said soon they will leave this place to take care of the other Akatsuki, so you create a doppelganger and stall them, while you attack that guy and I save the girl as fast as we can" he explained.

"Sasuke there's a major flaw in your plan," I said seriously at him "What's wrong with my plan?" he asked curiously. I pointed at myself "I'm the one that going to save her!".

He facepalmed and glare at me "Really that's my flaw?" I nodded at him "Fine you go save that woman!" I smiled cheerfully. Then I remember something.

"Oh yeah Sasuke wear this mask, if Danzo found out about your face then he will kill the Sasuke in this timeline since your similar" I give him a white cat mask with his cursed mark pattern. He smiled at this then wears it.

I prepare myself and ready to throw my Hiraishin kunai at Hanzo while Sasuke prepared to throw his sword. He looked at them and noticed they start to disappear.

"Now!" He throws his sword at Hanzo, since Hanzo is a paranoid man he was expecting an attack and dodged Sasuke's sword. Sasuke appeared at the sword and kicked him away,

Hanzo Immediately yelled, "Kill the girl".

I throw the Hiraishin kunai before they throw their kunai at her.

She closed her eyes white Nagato and Yahiko screamed her name. I appeared with a purple colored flash and grab her then teleport away to the other side of the hill. She opened her eyes then looked at me "Are you okay?" I said to her dramatically then I set her down.

Sasuke appeared beside me and opened his mask so I can only look at him, right now he has a disgusted look, I looked at him "Why are you looking at me like that?" he sighed "Honestly when I heard you say that I wanted to barf".

The onlooker was baffled when they saw us.

I was about to yell at him until he said "Save it for later right now we have to finish them we don't have much time" I smiled at him "I guess you're right".

Sasuke activated his sharingan and I transformed into Lucifer we both have a chidori on our hands and we combined it creating a bluish purple chidori and the surrounding area got dark.

All of them are shocked when they saw us, 'this is one of our cooperation jutsu' I smirked "Let's do it" I said in a distorted voice, he nodded his head "Hn".

[A/N: That's about it MC finally meet Konan in past sorry it took so long because I'm confused with the timeline then I realized this is a fanfic, Also sorry for the bad grammar because I'm not focused when writing this]

[Ps: I done the math and noticed Konan will be 15-16 y/old, but with my power I make her, Yahiko and Nagato 17, also this timeline Konan only has a crush on Yahiko not love him. Also, they will be here for 8 months until Naruto traveled and meet Mukade. Keep in mind this is a FF so there are much bullshit happening.]