
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Ninja Academy Year 1

Hisato is sleeping soundly in the bedroom he forgot to turn on his alarm clock.

After sometime later he beginning to wake and yawned.

"What time is it," I said rubbing my eye and I look into the clock "It's already six o'clock? well better start moving don't wanna be late". Hisato then quickly eat his breakfast

and take a shower he looked himself in the mirror (His appearance is on the book cover) well his hair is supposed to be black but always wanted white hair so he colors it white 'hope people won't judge my hair' he is wearing his black and white hoodie alright I better go there.

25 minutes later

'i think I'm late but not that I care.' I arrived at the academy and start walking in 'looks like they just finished the Hokage speech glad I'm not there'. Alright, I'm located in class B full of civilians. When I entered the room people looked at me and start murmuring, 'Heh people are mesmerized by my looks or they just look at my hoodie because it's very weird by their standard'.

'I just sit in the corner so I can sleep soundly'

I walked there and sit down and started sleeping, sometime later I woke up and see

The teacher walks in and started to introduce himself and he wants us to do the same. When it's my turn I stand up and said my name is Hisato Arashi glad to meet all of you"

after that I sit down 'good thing I turn it on this morning even here I'm still socially awkward' I learned that gamer mind can be deactivated so I only activate it when I need it because I don't need to be emotionless or not to be able to enjoy my emotion.

'after I introduced my self, some of the girls are

interested in me because of my looks I think?'. so they start asking me questions which I calmly answer 'Sheesh I feel uncomfortable if people surrounded me like that, also they are 8 years I'm not a pedophile so I just ignore all of them'.

The whole day at the academy is just plain boring I don't pay attention to anything.

for the first 3 months, we just learned Konoha history kinda boring the next 2 months the teacher start to unlock everybody chakra I already have mine so still boring, and for the next 7 months, we just practice shuriken jutsu and learning things about becoming a Shinobi.

And that is just 1 year 3 more to go.

"Alright I'm done with the academy now I can train in my house" after I arrived at my house

I Immediately use the 'Dojo' function

I just discovered 2 Years ago, the first time I entered this it was hell!


"Hey, system don't I have like a training function I can't do ID create so leveling up is kinda hard," I said at the System. The system explained to me that the training function is a dojo so I just open up the 'Dojo' menu. 'looks like I have to beat the guy in the dojo to level up alright that's easy'.

I am surprised because the lowest level is level 30, "What the hell I can't beat this guy I'm only level 15, how am I supposed to win"

System:[Just fight it host the experience system is determined by your fighting] said the system

"Ok I trust you system" I press the

Lv. 30 [Shoosuva] and I suddenly got transported to the top of the mountain.

"Huh neat," I say and I hear a growling I look back and saw a hyena but it's not just an ordinary hyena it has white fur and there some red streak on its body, it has spikes on his back and a scorpion tail

"What the hell is that". The hyena charge at me and I dodge it "That thing is fast". The hyena charge again but this time he jumps and rolls himself becoming a spinning blade

"That not how physics work!!" He rammed himself into me and I feel the pain "Arrggh"

Suddenly I got transported back.


You have been defeated by Shoosuva

Exp gained 786

Level up [16]

"I level up.... that's... good news," I said while panting and I heal all of my wound using a bandage and some potion I made with my Ability 'looks like I have to train harder'

1 Year Later

I found myself fighting Shoosuva again. This time I hit him first in the head, Shoosuva recoiled at that and his tail attempt to strike me, apparently Shoosuva can control his tail separately with his body.

I use my jutsu "Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang" Two lightning beast collided with Shoovusa and exploded into lightning particles damaging and paralyzing him.

I uppercut his body into the air and I attack with a rapid forward-somersault ending with a heel drop him."Hah..Ha... how you like that..." panting because I'm tired


Lv. 30 [Shoosuva] defeated

Exp gained 2095

[Level up]

[Level up]

Reward: [Shoosuva Armor] Lv.1

"Huh, what's that?." I opened my Inventory and equip it. Light surrounded my arm and leg and then I saw a sharp white gauntlet with claws on its end and my legs are covered in white bone crab plate."This is so cool" I get some of the knowledge how to use it and it got some power too

"I can't wait to use this," said Hisato excitedly

*Flashback End*

"Alright, I already beat that hyena last year now, what next" I see a Lv.70 [???]. "On second thought I just wait till I'm strong enough".

If you want to know what it looks like just search this and go to the image section

bone hunter leg gauntlet

Hey this took me sometime to think also for there won't be so many action because i will save that until he on a mission or something

also because this is academy he will be lax and kinda lazy to train. He will train hard when he graduate

Nechromcreators' thoughts