
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs


Hanzo's army is marching towards Akatsuki base from many directions, surrounding them and giving them no chance to escape. The Akatsuki members are getting ready for war by equipping their armor and weapon. Hisato is still standing on the top of the building with his Byakugan active trying to search for Hanzo but to no avail, he didn't find Hanzo anywhere. He scratched his head then crossed his arms 'Where is he? did he not come?' I shake my head at the thought 'No he will come, he's probably preparing for this war.' I already send a clone to Yahiko to give him the remote bomb just in case something happened.

One of them fires lightning to the sky making all of them stop marching, one of the soldier walked forward then yelled, "You're no match for us! surrender now and accept death or die painfully." They smiled wickedly expecting us to surrender now, but their expectation was shattered when none of us came out from the building.

He frowned and raised his hand, one of them fired another lightning to the sky, right on cue all of them grabbed their Kunai Paper Bomb and launch it at us from all sides making it rain from all directions, I quickly act and use "Mud Style: Multiple Mud Wall." The mud outside of the wall rises to the sky making a giant mud wall that surrounded our base protecting us from the explosion. All of them were shocked when they see the giant wall, I smirked and yelled "Mud Style: Mud Dragon."

All of the mud in this place flies to the sky then it formed into a massive dragon with three shining yellow eyes.

The dragon roared and start rampaging all around the place, he starts to eat them with his hardened fangs then spew out giant mud balls from his mouth and launch them at them, once they got hit the mud slithered to their mouth and hardened into clay suffocating them from inside out, though the dragon size decreases every time he uses it.

"Doppelganger," I said, a clone of me appeared beside me and quickly ran off to the unguarded backside and use [Susanoo] second form, he starts blasting them with the eyeballs and protecting the base with a force field, all of the Akatsuki came out from the base and start attacking them. Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead "It's been so long since I use this many large scaled jutsu at once."

They started fighting, Nagato uses his almighty push to repel them off and Yahiko attacking them with his water style jutsu while Konan turns her paper into a sharp object and use them as a projectile. Sasuke beating them with all of his arsenals. "This feels like a massacre than a war"

While I was controlling my dragon all of a sudden a massive wood dragon bite my mud dragon while many tree branches came out of the ground below my clone restraining him and absorbing his chakra, I quickly make him disappear. I frowned and looked in the distance with my Byakugan, I found Hanzo standing on top of a hill.

He's not wearing a shirt revealing his body, half of it is paler than the other, the difference is quite visible, his left eye is missing and he has Danzo self-destructing seal. I noticed a little plant on his left side then I smiled 'Looks like using wood style is draining for him."

I observed the war and there's only around a hundred of them left, I jumped from the roof to the wall and my body coated in lightning then I'm about to run until I heard a yell, "What are you doing Hisato?" I looked back and see Yahiko "Well I'm about to pummel that toxic guy, don't worry about me I will be fine," I quickly run towards Hanzo.

He sees me and prepares himself, I arrived in front of him, he gritted his teeth and frowned "You! I'm going to pay you back for what you have done to me!" he said. I wave my arm in front of him "Hey no need to pay me back, I'm not expecting any reward this is all from the kindness in my heart," I said to him with a smile.

He clenched his arm and immediately rushed to me with his sickle, "Die!" he tried to slash me, but I sidestepped and kicked his stomach. He was sent sliding backward and I run towards him "Lightning Style: Lightning Arm." A giant reptile arm appeared beside me and attacks Hanzo suddenly many trees came out of the ground protecting him from my attack, the trees tried to grab me but I back off from it.

Suddenly Ibuse appeared from the ground and tried to swallow me, I jumped high and Hanzo jumped in front of me "Wood Release: Great Forest Technique." his arm changed to many spiky wood branches tried to pierce me, I activated my sharingan and an exoskeleton surrounded me blocking the attack. The wood slithers around my Susanoo and starts absorbing my chakra "Tch... Sharingan" He looked at my eyes then immediately drops me.

He was caught in my genjutsu "You wanted to absorb my chakra, that won't happen because I'm going to take yours" many shadow arms appeared behind me, grabbing him and absorbing his chakra at a fast rate. My chakra is getting recovered and Ibuse appeared in front of me releasing all of the poison from his mouth, I was forced to retreat and start coughing.

Suddenly someone appeared behind Hanzo and break him from my genjutsu, He came back to his senses and realize his chakra depleted he stands up then yelled "Men attack" Hundreds of paper bomb were thrown against me, I was about to activate my Susanoo, but Hanzo trees are coming towards me. I throw a hiraishin kunai to the sky then teleport there, suddenly all of the paper bombs change direction and flies towards me catching me off guard then it exploded creating a giant smoke.

All of the hidden ninjas appeared beside Danzo there are 30 of them, they were about to celebrate, but Hanzo knew better. "Storm Release: Laser Beam" from my mouth came out a purple Laser, Hanzo created many giant trees to protect him and his men's, the smoke dissipated revealing me in my Lucifer form.

I send a thousand swords to him and his defense is slowly getting destroyed.

"Hanzo-Sama what are we going to do?" said one of the ninjas beside Hanzo, "all of you standstill" they nodded and they instantly got trapped by Hanzo's woods, before they can say anything, he absorbed all of their chakra sucking them dry with no chakra left. Hanzo yelled "Wood Release: Restraining Branch" His arm turned into many branches and try to attack me.

The swords beside me quickly cut them all before they can even reach me, he uses another jutsu again "Wood Release: Great Forest Annihilation" he placed his palm to the ground and many gigantic trees coming towards me, I flew to the sky and it still follows me continuously, I make another thousand swords appeared and continued to cut them

"Lightning Style: Rasenringu" I throw it at him and the Rasenringu destroyed all of the trees, I fly to him and prepared a small Rasenringu on my hand "Dai Rasenringu" before I can slam it with him Ibuse appeared in front of Hanzo releasing all of his poison right to my face.

"Fuckin Dumbass, I don't have a nose or mouth in this form, now die" I slammed it to his stomach, and Hanzo with his Ibuse got thrown off to the distance and a giant explosion appeared. I waited for it to die down a bit then immediately go there, once I get there I see Ibuse with a giant hole in his stomach.

"You..." I was shocked when I heard him "I kill you for this" Hanzo said. 'How is he still alive?' I glanced at him and notice some wood on Ibuse's corpse 'Don't tell me he absorbs all of that chakra from his summons, he barely even survive that.'

His respirator was off and he makes a hand sign "Wood Release: Wood Golem." A giant golem made out of wood came out of the ground and trees slowly forming on half of his body, "You can't control Hashirama cell if you continue doing this the trees will engulf you and you will die you know?".

He ignored me and the golem fist is coming towards me "It's fast!" I summoned many swords and tried to block it, but it broke through my swords and forcing me to revert to my human form then sending me flying off the cliff, landing near the base where everyone can see me.

The others got worried when they see this and Sasuke tried to come and help but was stopped by them "Get out of my way" he said. "I'm sorry Sasuke even though you're strong you can't handle his poison, also you're not the only one that's worried about him," Konan said, though he mumbled the last part. Sasuke just looked at them and said "Fine, I just prepare my kirin if something goes wrong" he then launched a fireball to the sky and prepare kirin.

"Shit he punches hard," I said while rubbing my face 'Hisato don't underestimate Wood Release' Yamaru said from my mind, 'Guess you're right.' the golem landed on the ground and making it rumble, I looked at Hanzo body his body condition is getting worse "Hey are you fighting me or are you trying to suicide" he ignored me and tries to punch me a second time. I jumped high to the sky "It won't work the second time against me" many wood dragons came out of the golem body and its flying towards me.

'Susanoo isn't effective since he can absorb my chakra it will be more troublesome.' Many shadow arms appeared from my body and I utilized my shadow arms to evade them then I throw a hiraishin Kunai at him, I prepared a chidori in my hand. He dodged it, but I appear beside him and pierce him with a chidori, he coughs up blood, I was about to get out of here, but trees emerge from the golem, it slithers around my body and starts absorbing my chakra at a fast rate he grabs my head with his arm.

"Hahaha... with this I win," he said to me, "I don't know about that one chief" my shadow arm appeared from the ground and I start to absorb his chakra 'Yamaru you don't want to lose against a rip off right? So start absorbing more.' Yamaru got motivated and starts stealing Hanzo's chakra faster than ever. He panicked and yelled "No.. Noo this can't be happening if I'm going to die, So will you." he activated his self destructing seal, and laughed hysterically. He released his grip on me 'finally I can't teleport without him touching me or else he would be teleported too.' I smiled at him and he stops laughing "Are you so eager to die that you have gone crazy?" he said, "No not really, anyway have fun suiciding" then I teleported back to the base.

He became horrified and yelled "NO! NO! I KILL YOU!!" the black hole slowly engulf his body and his golem rushed to the Akatsuki base as a last ditch effort. Sasuke when he sees this drop drown his Kirin that he has been charging for a while, it collided with his golem and manages to slow it down enough until his seal exploded creating a mini black hole.




I appeared back on the base since I still have my seal here "Well he's dumb for trying to kill a guy that can teleport." I remove some of the branches that are still stuck in my hand and I'm kinda sweaty right now "It's been a long time since I fight someone in a deathmatch, I better check on them." I run to the outside of the base and see the front yard got destroyed "I didn't expect Yahiko to press the button."

I see them looking at the place where Hanzo just exploded, I grinned and got an idea to prank them all, I walked towards them and said, "What are you all looking for? you didn't think I'm dead right?" they were shocked to see me except four certain individuals.

Yahiko grinned then grabbed my shoulder then said "I know you can beat him, from the start also thank you for eliminating him" Nagato smiled and said, "You don't surprise me anymore since I already see some of your power." I looked towards Konan "I'm a sensor ninja I already see your chakra in the base."

Sasuke walks to me "Do you need to ask?". I shake my head since I know he knows about me the most, I looked at the ground and thought 'This is not the reaction that I was hoping for.' Yahiko clapped and said "Well, we have fought against Hanzo's army and won this is mostly because of Hisato, so how about we party for tonight, celebrating Hisato win" The others yelled in excitement and cheered, some of the injured ones are going to the infirmary to get healed.

'Party?' I looked at the clock and it's two pm In the morning, 'Aren't they tired? I'm sure am tired since I woke up will all of that ruckus in the morning, I'm not going to the party.' I quickly left to the bathroom since my hands are covered in mud. I entered the bathroom and washed my hands, I got a weird feeling on my body 'I don't know why, but I feel weird and uncomfortable.' after its clean, I exited the bathroom.

When I got out I see Sasuke walking so I went to him, he seems surprised to see me "You're not going to party with them?". I rubbed my forehead and said "No way, I'm too tired for all of this" he laughed and said "Well I shouldn't expect you to do something productive other than fighting." I'm offended a bit by his comment "What do you mean by that?" thus we start bickering for a while and on our way there I heard someone chuckled at us.

We looked back and see Konan chuckling "Why are you chuckling," I said to her, "Well It's rare to see you bickering, it's funny because you guys seem so close," she said, Sasuke scoffed at that "Close? there's no way I'm close with this lazy guy." She pretended to not know and said "But I thought you were worried about him and wanted to go help him." I was surprised about it, but I grinned and said "I already know you're a tsundere Sasuke no need to hide it anymore."

He gets embarrassed when I said that and he retaliates by saying something "Well I'm not the only one to worry about you Ko-" before he can speak, she drags him away with his paper and excuse himself. I tilted my head and look at them "Why is she dragging him like that, did they fought or something? Eh, I will ask him later" I start walking towards my room while whistling, I entered my room and lay on my bed.

'Are you really that dense?' Yamaru asked me, I closed one of my eyes and smiled 'Of course I'm not dense, he already said the first two letters of her name, probably something the lines of "Don't tell him I'm worried about him or something like that". She doesn't blush or do something Tsundere-like so I thought she only liked me as a friend, but her acting is so good, guess my charms are already affecting her, anyway I'm going to sleep' I blushed thinking about her and quickly sleeps.

Yamaru sweatdrop when he heard this 'He acting dense even though I'm the only one near him, Hisato you're quite weird acting like your cool, but you blushed like a schoolgirl thinking about love. This must be called being a virgin' he thought deeply.

"Hey, you know I can still hear you right?" I said, Yamaru then stays quiet and not say anything. 'I just called a virgin by a leech, this is just sad even for me.'