
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Skill Tree[Edit]

I'm woke up and I feel an energy inside of my body "So this is the feeling of dark chakra, alright now I got this I need to buy from the shop". I then attempted to open the shop

System:[Invalid Command]

"Huh, what do you mean?.. alright I try another word, Market, Mall, Item, Store!!"

System:[Invalid Command]

I got mad at that "Then what the fuck is SP for!!" because I need it now, dark chakra may be powerful but If someone disturbs it then I'm done for, like a Hyuuga or something.

System:[The SP stands for Skill Point it can be used on a skill tree to unlock skill or powering up your skill] the system explained

I relaxed a bit when I heard that "Ok then open the skill tree"

System: [Skill tree opening]

A window appeared in front of me and I see a massive tree with a bunch of skill on it, I was speechless when I saw this "Woahhh.. that's a lot of skill" then I realize "But how am I gonna search for it when I can't even count all of this" I asked the system.

System: [You can search for a skill by describing it to me host]

"Alright, search for a skill that can prevent people from disturbing my chakra and help me increase my chakra control" I explained hoping the system to have it, if not I'm useless if my enem out about my weakness.

System:[Search found!!]

[Absolute Chakra Tenketsu]

Description: Your tenketsu will be invincible, no one can disturb it, not even a Hyuuga can lock it also it increased chakra control.

cost: 100SP

"What 100SP? how am I going to get that, I need it right now" I said angrily

System:[You can get SP by leveling up, you gain 5 SP per level or you can beat a boss in a dungeon for SP Currently you had 50 SP]

I quickly calm down "I supposed that's fair... Fine I just need to level up" then my stomach rumbled

'I'm kinda hungry right now, I better buy some food from the market, well I can just recreate my food but then people will get suspicious of me, I mean if I stayed here for 4 years and suddenly came out of a forest some people will notice me and ask a problematic question. '

I recreated money in my hand and go to the market.

20 minutes later...

"Huff.. huff.. this place is so far from my home l have to train my body" I take a glance around me and saw many shinobi patrolling the streets 'why are there so many shinobi here?.' I heard some people gossiping

Merchant: "Did you hear we can't leave the village because they are looking for someone"

Civilian 2: "Really? no wonder there are many shinobi here"

Civilian 1: "Yeah I heard some stuff about someone from the Yamanaka clan detected someone with evil chakra.

As soon as I heard that I panicked 'are they talking about my chakra? Of course, he thinks my chakra is evil, dark chakra was created from negative emotion after all'

I tried to sprint out of here but I heard someone called yelled.

"Hey you there", I looked behind me and saw a shinobi, I looked around me in case he is talking to other people, the ninja walks to me and looks at me in the eyes. "Yes you, what are you doing here? I saw you eavesdrop on other people's conversation why is that?"

'shit did I looked that suspicious?' luckily gamer mind activated and I calmed down "I was buying food and I see some people talking, I was curious".

He started to ask me some questions "aren't you too young to buy groceries and where's your parent's kid?" he gazes me in the eye, I'm starting to get uncomfortable but I look him in the eye

"I'm an orphan," I said calmly, "where did you get the money from? isn't the orphanage got destroyed?".

I started to make a lie "I get the money from my deceased parent they died because of the nine tail." I lied to him hoping it works.

The ninja suddenly feels bad by that and began to apologizing "oh I'm sorry about that kid and also sorry about suspecting you, I just leave you alone here. He left and I let out a breath of relief.

'Shit that was close, I better be careful when spying on others' I sprinted out of here then I saw some ninja talking and one of them seems to focus and looked at my direction.

Luckily I was out of her sight but, they were running in my direction 'Oh no, system quick search something that can hide my chakra'

System: [Search Found]

[Chakra Camouflage Lv.1]

Description: Enable the ability to hide your chakra or make it look normal

Cost:20 SP

'Buy it quick'

System: Skill purchased

I entered the alleyway and hide behind the trash can, the ninjas started talking "Weird his chakra disappeared here, everyone keeps searching" they scattered throughout the district.

I quickly sneak out of the alleyway and blend in with the crowds.

-Hisato House-

I let out a breath of relief "Phew... I almost got caught" I walked to my chair and sit on it "Tch.. all of this happens just because of the Yamanaka clan," I said bitterly.

"I should probably train so I can avoid meeting those guys, first let me check my status" I open up my status and observe it.


Name: Hisato Arashi

Occupation: Civilian

Lv: 6



STR : 15

INT : 30

DEX : 18

DEF : 12

WIS : 27

CHA : 10

Skill: Gamer Mind, Gamer Body, Chakra Camouflage

"My reserve is really low I still need that skill before I try practicing my chakra otherwise I might end up dead, I have 4 years before I can join the academy, alright today I will start training," I said to myself.

[Time Skip 4 Years]


Hisato is seen running in a lap "Hah..... hah... I'm..... So.. tired" then I sit down on the grass 'That was tiring I did 200 Lap around the training field this is my first time doing that I usually run 100 laps'.

"tomorrow is the academy opening day I think I just rest until tomorrow". I went to my room and I checked my status before sleeping after all of that exercise


Name:[Hisato Arashi]

Occupation: [civilian]

Lv: [31]/Next Level 54%



STR. : [64]

INT : [90]

DEX : [62]

DEF : [49]

WIS : [40]

CHA : [36]

Skill:[Gamer Mind On/Off Lv.Max] [Gamer Body Lv.Max] [Chakra Camoflauge Lv.Max] [Absolute Chakra Tenketsu Lv.Max] [Chakra reserve Increased Lv.3] [Afterimage Lv.2]

Jutsu: [Lightning Release: Lightning Beast

Tracking Fang Lv.3] [Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop Lv.2] [Bunshin no jutsu Lv.1] [Henge Lv.1] [Kawamiri Lv.1]


[A/N: Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop is just your palm covered in lightning and chop his neck from above.

Ps: DO NOT SEARCH THIS ON YOUTUBE you will regret it