
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs


I woke up and stretch my body I only see Yosuke there sleeping, I wake him up and ask him "Yo, Yosuke where Haruka?". "She in the hospital with the other injured genin" He tiredly. "What happened?" I asked, "when we get here yesterday she passed out because of dehydration," He said. "Guess I visit her then".

I walked down from the Hotel and start asking people where the hospital is they told me where it is and I start walking there. I asked them where is Haruka from Konoha. They said she was in room 13 I walked there and entered the room.

I saw her resting holding her head 'looks like she is still lightheaded, "hey Haruka you passed out yesterday because of dehydration". She looked around and she suddenly angry at me " YOU! WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?" she yelled.

"Hey chill out if you yell like that my ear might explode," I said in a joking manner. She continued to stare at me and I said "well they wanted food from us-" before I can finish she said "why didn't you give them" in an angry tone.

"Simple, I didn't give them because your ration already run out, you don't expect me to give my ration don't you?" I said smiling. She got quiet after that and "the instructor said we meet at the plateau so don't be late" then I left the room.

I walked back to my hotel room and saw no one around here "Hey system give me that evolve card" suddenly a card appeared on my hand "Evolve my sharingan", I feel pain in my eye and I close them, holding my mouth to not make a sound. I feel a change in my eye.

I rushed to the bathroom and activate my sharingan

"This sharingan looks cool" I deactivate it and walked out of the hotel (this is the sharingan)

'the instructor told us to meet at the plateau' so I jumped from the rooftops until I made it to the plateau when I got there some people are already there, so I just wait there for a few hours thinking about what the test is.

the instructor came and said "Today is the second test your task will be searching for a hidden scroll we will give you each a box and inside of it is a heaven or earth scroll.

If you have a heaven scroll then you must search for the earth scroll and vice versa.

You must give us the scroll so we can open it if you get a matching scroll then you failed,

if you open it we will immediately disqualify you. You only have 5 hours to give us the scroll"

(This is for simpler explanation:

you got 2 scrolls if you have A you must find B and vice versa. You gift it to the instructor they will open it if you have scroll A and got scroll A you failed so you must have scroll A and B.)

The instructor give us each a box and told us to only stay near the front gate, we can use the building around us to hide they will watch us from afar.

I hide in a building "the people here already evacuated so it's pretty empty here" I open my

box and look "I got a earth scroll so I just need to find someone with a heaven scroll" I put back my earth scroll in the storage scroll and looked around.

I saw 2 people fighting I go near them and tried to hear them talking, "What scroll do you have if you tell me right now I spare you" he said while blocking a kunai "no way I'm giving my scroll to you I bet your scroll is the same as me" the other guy said.

'This is getting nowhere, I appeared in front of them and use [Lightning Style: Lightning Pillar] 2 pillars made out of lightning hit them I jumped out of the way I recreate a paper bomb and throw it at them. It's exploded and I took their boxes I don't know if they are dead or not I didn't observe them.

I looked at both of the boxes and though

'Gahh... I don't know what scroll is inside it' I thought for an hour and can't decide so I go out and try to gather some info, I found 2 people walking 'they are teaming up again' I use [Invisibility] and try to hear what are they saying.

"Ok here the deal you help me find the scroll I need and I help you since we have the same scroll," he said. 'Same scroll? I can get lucky and find 2 heaven scroll or 2 earth scroll' I thought.

I have been following them for 2 hours they beat some guys and brought them to their hideout I saw some boxes there. Currently, I'm at their base with them, 'this is getting me nowhere' I thought I use my sword and channel chakra into it and slashed that guy's head from above.

Before the other can do anything I point my sword toward his neck "What scroll do you have" I said seriously, "I'm not going to tell you" he said. I pierce my sword to his stomach and said "I won't repeat myself".

He starting to get scared and say " I-I have the heaven scroll I c-can give it to you now," he said quickly while bleeding. I don't know he telling the truth or lying, I looked around and throw him into the corner.

I make sure no one can see me and I activated my sharingan and stare at him "What scroll do you have". " I have the earth scroll," he said, emotionlessly, I cut his head off after that.

I have 5 boxes with me but I don't know if it's heaven or earth, I looked at my watch

"1 Hour left I gotta think fast", for a while I think where the heaven scroll is 'good thing I used sharingan or else I will fail by giving the instructor the same one, there are no other choices'.

I use [Lucky Number] the number started to change randomly "Come on please be high".

The number stopped at 8, I smiled at that

"Okay, I hope 8 is lucky enough for me to guess it" I pick one randomly and go back to the plateau.

"Hey, here my box" I handed them my scroll and box and hope I got the heaven scroll

he looked at me and say "Congratulations you passed". I let out a breath of relief

I sat down and rest for a bit, I waited for the other to come, Yosuke gives his box but he found the same scroll as he had, he looks dejected about it, I just let him be.

Many genins gave their box but some of them failed and the rest of them succeeded I counted them "There are 10 genins that passed including me". The Instructor said

"Alright, the 10 of you tomorrow come to the arena the final exam will be a fighting tournament".

I entered the hotel and thought 'tomorrow is gonna be a hectic day'