After a drunken night out, the morning after Kai wakes up in a hotel room with a stranger he had never met. Thinking they had a one night stand, he slips out only to be unexpectedly reunited. Follow the two as their relationship blooms, going through the ups and the downs of their own problems as well as outside causes. Can the two find happiness within themselves and each other? Warning BL Smut in later chapters
Kai picked up his glass and took a sip, nothing but melting ice left in it. "Let me have another." he slurred to the bartender.
The bartender cut his eye at his regular drunken patron, "Nah, I think you've had quite enough tonight. Should I call someone to pick you up?", he responded while he continued pouring drinks for others lined up at the bar.
"C..cccome on, one more and I'll leave." Kai slurred again, this time with irritation.
"Sorry buddy, call it a night." The bartender declined Kai.
Jinn watched as he sat on the other side of the bar, this guy again in here every Friday night drinking his health away. "I should've talked to him before he got that bad, but he always showed up in a bad mood." Jinn thought, letting out a sigh. Jinn studied the man, he was becoming sloppier by the minute, yelling at the bartender to give him another drink. Why were the gorgeous ones always so damn messy?
Kai reached out and grabbed the half empty drink of the guy he was sitting next to and chugged it aggressively, "Heya Jackass!" the guy stood up grabbing Kai by the collar.
"Fuck! Security! Get this guy outta here!" the bartender yelled with frustration.
The big guy probably close to seven feet walked over from the door, he grabbed Kai's arm, roughly pulling him away from the bar.
"Let me ggoooo! I'm not..I'm not.", Kai paused, his stomach twisting and turning in all directions like his insides were playing jump rope. The security guard continued pulling Kai toward the door when Kai suddenly gagged. He gagged for the second time and everything that he had consumed for the last two hours came forcing its way out of his mouth onto the security guards side and down his pants leg.
"Ugh! You son of a bitch!" the security guard yelled, roughly yanking and squeezing Kai's arm.
"Ughhhh." Kai groaned, incoherent and seemingly unaware of what was going on around him.
"I'll take it from here." Jinn said glaring at the security guard, daring him to do anything further to this man. Standing about a good six inches under the security guard didn't seem faze him at all.
The two men glared at each other for a minute before the security guard released the guys arm. "Take him and go." The security guard grumbled, walking away in discuss with himself.
Raising the guys arm over his head and resting it on his shoulder, Jinn pulled him close and exited the bar, his nearly passed out companion stumbling over his own pigeon-toed feet.
"Alright, in you go." Jinn said, unlocking his car with the push of a button, opening the door all while holding the man up and putting him in the passenger's seat. Jinn reached over the man, clicking his seat belt and closed the door. Jinn got in the car, put on his seat belt and stared at his mystery man, who now had his eyes closed, mumbling nonsense.
"What the hell was I doing?" Jinn thought, he had saved this man from being flattened by that ridiculously large security guard and now he had him in his car, not to mention he didn't even know his name. Feeding his ignition, Jinn started the car pulling off, "Well, there was certainly no backing out now." He said aloud.
Jinn had checked into a nearby hotel with this stranger, since his place was a little too far and the guy didn't seem coherent enough to give a straight answer as to where he might live, Jinn figured it would be best. After struggling their way to the elevator and struggling to open the door, the two had made it to their hotel room. Jinn brought the guy over to the bed and the guy fell onto it face down, groaning at first, then rolling over nearly falling off the bed giggling.
Jinn sat down on the bed beside the still fairly drunken man, "Come on now, lets get you to bed." He said helping the man move from the edge of the bed and pulling back the duvet. Suddenly the guy leaned over and grabbed Jinn's arm, pulling him until Jinn fell on top of him.
"Yyyou saved me….my very own prince charming." The man giggled, "how should I repay him, my prince charming? Do you want a kiss or maybe something else?" The man reached down, trying to unbutton Jinn's pants. Jinn's eyes widened and his face grew bright red as he quickly got up off the man. The man suddenly sat up and groaned holding his stomach, "ughhh, that's good you don't want…You don't want to get involved with a man like me anyway. I'm…I'm not good for anybody." the man said groaning again. He then grabbed his mouth, beginning to gag and Jinn rushed into the bathroom to grab the trashcan. By the time he came back the guy had fell over and passed out. Jinn took a deep breath, exhaled and sat down on the bed next to the guy. Jinn ran his fingers through the guys dark loosely curled hair, his messy bun was all over the place now, and his eyelashes were beautifully long.
Besides his sad current state, Jinn had been mesmerized by this strange man and his baby, yet handsome face. He'd come to the bar every weekend for the last few months to drink his troubles away like most people, but it was something about him that Jinn couldn't shake, even if Jinn didn't drink that night, he had to see him. He had fallen in love with this stranger he had never had the courage to talk to and here they were, in a hotel room together.
Jinn cupped the side of this strangers cute face and smiled, "Maybe I don't know you yet, but to me you're perfect."