
You Belong With Me (BL)

After a drunken night out, the morning after Kai wakes up in a hotel room with a stranger he had never met. Thinking they had a one night stand, he slips out only to be unexpectedly reunited. Follow the two as their relationship blooms, going through the ups and the downs of their own problems as well as outside causes. Can the two find happiness within themselves and each other? Warning BL Smut in later chapters

Ghostmane1991 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Decisions, Decisions

A few weeks had gone by and Kai was beginning to go mad not being able to be as independent as he once was and his promise to Jinn not to drink didn't exactly help. Kai had gone into work a few times for a few hours to give input on others projects, but his days were never a full shift and Jinn had been extra attentive for some reason, so poor Kai was in desperate need of some space.

Deciding he'd better get some air before Jinn got home, Kai decided to go sit at a nearby coffee shop. When he got there, he ordered his favorite, an iced mocha latte and sat down by the window and began to browse the web. Kai had grown lost in his own world for a moment when someone had suddenly sat down at his table. Kai looked up to see a smile on a familiar handsome face and sighed heavily, of all places did Art really need to come to this coffee shop?

"Well, well, we meet again." said Art, his smile increasing in size as he said "again."

Kai rolled his eyes directing his attention back to his phone, Art's eyes tracing every inch of Kai, his loose curly hair laying perfectly along his face as Kai hadn't bothered to tie his hair back today.

"Unfortunately, what do you want? Don't you live in the next town over?" Kai said not bothering to look at Art.

"It's a free world Kai, I can go where I please.", said Art letting out a chuckle, his tone playful.

Kai looked up glaring at Art, he hadn't forgotten what happened in the kitchen the night before he and Jinn left the Wilkins home. "So why don't you, go where you please to another table then." said Kai bringing his casted hand up from under the table to scratch his head. Art chuckled again, he liked how feisty Kai was, he wore a devilish grin until he noticed Kai's casted hand and his face turned into a more serious one, similar to how Jinn looked when he was serious.

"What happened to your hand?" Art asked, the playful tone in his voice had gone.

"Nothing that you need to worry yourself about." said Kai glancing back down at his phone.

Art turned his head to the side, "It seems that my brother isn't caring for you properly, I'm only concerned Kai. Anyhow, the many times I talked to Jinn, he never mentioned our little moment at my parent's house, so I assume you kept that to yourself. How considerate of you." said Art, the playful tone in his voice returning.

Kai quickly looked up at Art, rolling his eyes. He then stood up, grabbed his coffee and was about to leave, but Art stopped him, quickly standing up in front of Kai.

"Move." Kai said firmly.

Art put up his hands as though he was surrendering, "Alright, alright, I'll leave you alone, don't leave on my account.", he said as a smirk formed on his face. Nodding to Kai, Art grabbed his coffee off of the table and left the coffee shop. Kai sighed, rolling his eyes and sat back down, why did trouble always seem to find him?

The time was way after five by now and Kai had spent hours at the coffee shop. Jinn should be home from work by now, so Kai decided to grab some Mexican food and went home. Kai got off the elevator and walked to Jinn's apartment, as he neared, he heard laughter outside the door, did Jinn forget to tell him that he was having company? Kai turned the doorknob, it being already unlocked and when he opened it, his stomach knotted, there sat Art and Jinn laughing it up in the kitchen.

"Of course." Kai said to himself, what other reason did Art have to be in town?

"Hey, there you are." said Jinn as he noticed Kai had come in. Jinn walked over, kissing Kai on the forehead and grabbing the food from his hand. "How was your day?" asked Jinn as he made his way back to the kitchen where Art was smirking.

"Fine, just fine." Said Kai as he felt Art looking at him, staring at the ground, he reluctantly made his way into the kitchen.

"Good to see you again Kai." said Art with a smile, pretending as though they hadn't already seen each other at the coffee shop earlier.

"Likewise." Kai squinted as he placed himself next to Jinn.

Pulling out the food, Jinn grabbed plates and set up a spread for everyone to make their own tacos. At the risk of dirtying his cast, Kai struggled to make his food with one hand. Jinn smirked, as he noticed Kai struggling and reached over, grabbing the plate from his hand, "I told you if you need help, just say so. Why must you be so stubborn?" said Jinn as he made the tacos for him.

"I am not!" Kai said firmly, rolling his eyes, letting out a soft exhale as he felt Art staring at him, Jinn was certainly more comfortable with Art without their Mother around.

"What happened to your arm anyway?" Art asked again. Kai glared at Art, hadn't they already had this conversation earlier?

"He punched a wall, Kai is quite the firecracker when he's angry.", Jinn budded in.

"I can see that." said Art with a smirk on his face. "What made him so upset that he needed to take it out on the wall?" Art asked.

"Ehh…wow, the guacamole is so good! You guys have to try it!" Kai loudly changing the subject as he dipped a tortilla chip into the guacamole and stuffed it into his mouth. He then picked up another one, dipping the chip and holding it up to Jinn's mouth. Jinn leaned over and bit the chip that Kai offered him, "that is good, Art try it." Jinn said with a smile. Art nodded, trying the guacamole as he was asked. Kai exhaled softly, relieved to have successfully changed subject. Jinn was so easy going at the moment Kai wasn't sure if he would've spilled the beans about him still being married or not and the last thing they needed was that to be a topic of discussion in the Wilkins home.

After the three finished eating, they all migrated to the living room.

"So Kai, the reason Art is here is because he has a project he'd like you to work on for him." Jinn suddenly said.

Surprised, Kai blinked a few times, turning his head back and forth to Jinn and Art, the two brothers making the same smirk. "Mm...Me?" Kai stuttered, pointing to himself.

"Yes, I'm building my dream home and I'd like you to design it. I've done my research; my brother didn't exaggerate when it comes to your skill."

Kai looked down, realizing why Art was so interested in what happened to his hand, "Well I can't exactly help you at the moment, I'm gonna be wearing this for a few more weeks." said Kai, holding up his casted hand.

"I see, however I'm willing to wait, this is my dream home after all, I want it to be built by the best." Said Art with a smile that felt so familiar, it was like he was looking at Jinn without the strawberry blonde hair or dimples.

"Why pick me though? Your brother is just as capable as I?" said Kai, hoping to get out of this, Art was certainly persistent.

"Because you're better at free handed design than I am, besides, you need something to focus on am I right?" said Jinn, the two staring at each other, before Kai stared down at his lap. He felt his heart flutter, Jinn knew that Kai was a bit stir crazy and stressed and he definitely needed something to occupy his mind. Kai closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them and sighed softly, Jinn had gone through the trouble to make sure he would be alright, so how could he refuse?

"I promise I'll pay well, and since this is my personal project, it's no rush." said Art.

Kai thought a minute, sighing once more. Perhaps this would be good for him after all and he could use the money. Realizing Art lived a town over, he wouldn't have to see Art that much to design the house anyway so without thinking any further, Kai finally answered. "Okay deal."

"Wonderful." said Art, he and Jinn's smile forming with the same happiness. Art had stayed a while longer before biding them a farewell, they had agreed Kai would start working as soon as he was cleared to and would agree on a price later.

The next day, although they had been living together for a while since Kai's apartment was in use, Jinn was on Kai's mind heavy this morning. Jinn had been tending to his every need, comforting him, caring for him and loving him no matter how difficult he was to deal with. Jinn was the perfect partner, who wouldn't be happy to have him, so why was Kai still so torn? Kai stood on the balcony of Jinn's apartment, taking a sip of his coffee, he sighed and closed his eyes. Startled slightly, Kai jumped as he suddenly felt hands rub up his sides and wrap around his waist. Jinn moved Kai's hair to the side, placing soft kisses up his neck, then nibbling his ear.

"Mnn." Kai let out a soft moan. "Stop this, you'll be late for work.", he said in a soft voice. Jinn gently spun Kai around, his soft lips kissing Kai's multiple times. Kai felt himself getting aroused and he gently pushed Jinn back, a smirk on his face. "No, I won't be the reason you're late today." said Kai.

Jinn pouted, and then it turned into a smirk, "Well then, we will continue this when I get home. You better be here." said Jinn turning around to leave the balcony.

Kai followed Jinn inside, "uhhh, actually, there is something I have to do. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be here when you get home."

Jinn turned around, as he put on his suit jacket, "Oh, where will you be?"

Kai furrowed his brows and stared at the ground, "I've haven't seen or spoken to Dana in weeks, I have to go and see her."

"I see." said Jinn sighing heavily as he turned to leave, Kai ran behind him.

"Don't be mad okay, I have to do this." said Kai. Jinn turned around to see Kai, a worried look on his face. Jinn placed his hand on the back on Kai's neck, pulling him close so that their foreheads were touching. "I'm not mad, but I am worried." said Jinn, pulling his hand away.

"I promise I'll be fine this time, no more punching walls." Said Kai placing his hand to his forehead, scouts honoring.

Jinn usually would've smiled to that reaction, but he couldn't at the moment. "Can I ask you something? I need you to be completely honest.", he suddenly said.

Kai's smile faded, and he let his arm fall back to his side as he saw how serious Jinn was, "sure."

"Do you still love her?" asked Jinn.

Kai quickly took his eyes off of Jinn, why did he have to ask that question. Kai looked back up at Jinn, "I…I care about her. I probably always will." Kai answered staring at the ground.

Jinn shook his head, "Why can't you just answer my question?" asked Jinn.

"What am I suppose to do Jinn? I'm with you, isn't that enough? What else do you want from me?" Kai raised his voice as tears swelled in his eyes.

"I want you to fucking choose me!" Jinn yelled, tears in his eyes as well.

Kai stood mouth-opened and brows raised, Jinn had never spoken to him this way before.

Jinn shook his head again, looking at the ground, "I'm sorry, I….I have to go." said Jinn quickly leaving the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Tears streamed down Kai's face as Jinn left, he could see the hurt in Jinn's face, had he really been putting him second? Hurriedly, Kai showered and got dressed. Grabbing his keys and his wallet, Kai flew out of the apartment, getting into his car and pulling off.

After a thirty-minute drive, Kai had made it to his apartment, his stomach knotted as he walked up to the door, nervousness was an understatement. Taking a deep breath, Kai knocked on the door, and after a minute, it opened, Dana standing there in her bathrobe as it was still quite early in the morning.

"Kai, come in." said Dana her voice cracking from her surprise. Tears swelled in her eyes as she backed up to let him in. "You haven't answered my calls in weeks, I was so worried about you. How is your hand?" said Dana looking down at Kai's cast.

Kai walked in and closed the door, not saying anything, he faced Dana with a forced serious expression so she couldn't see what he was really feeling, although it may have not mattered, since she knew him well. Kai swallowed hard, there was something that he had to do, he had been putting it off long enough.