
Monarch of Time

Eastern Fantasy
Ongoing · 16.4M Views
  • 914 Chs
  • 4.7
    316 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Monarch of Time

Read ‘Monarch of Time’ Online for Free, written by the author ZeusTheOlympian, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The power of absolute control... Time.After Rock died, he mysteriously reincarnated in Shun Long's almost dead body when...


The power of absolute control... Time. After Rock died, he mysteriously reincarnated in Shun Long's almost dead body when a triangular-shaped rock merged with his soul, and a sudden influx of information flooded his head. He has now found himself in a mystical world filled with extraordinarily powerful cultivators who can destroy mountains with a single punch, and split seas in half with a single slash of a sword! This is Shun Long's journey in the majestic world of cultivation, as he fights geniuses and reaches the pinnacle of both alchemy and martial arts!

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The were staring fight in the face of death. On the narrow road, a car came speeding towards them. Hutson, the driver couldn't help imagining the worse car collision. He couldn't evade on the narrow road either. Rhea Azaan, the goddess in business in the land of Grematoria trembled. "Is this how am going to die?" Holding her face in her hands with closed eyes, she waited for the worst which never came. Just when the cars were about to collide, another car sped past them and blocked it squarely with it's body. "Someone risked their lives to save us." Hutson sighed hard. Rhea Azaan opened her eyes and looked out. It was the familiar old car. "Kiaan!" Forgetting she was such a honourable and significant figure, Rhea Azaan rushed out of the car. Their at the driver's seat, Kiaan Tilden sat while blood dripped from the corners of his mouth. The mentals had also cut deep into his flesh. "Am fine. Are you ok?" Kiaan Tilden forces that polite smile. "How can you say you are fine?" Rhea Azaan wanted to cry. Kiaan Tilden staggered out of the car and struggled to move forward. He was soaked in blood and his whole body paled. "Call the ambulance!" Rhea Azaan shouted. Kiaan Tilden wobbled over and tried to gain support. Just a few steps from where Rhea Azaan stood, Kiaan lost balance. Rhea Azaan ran over in time for his weight to collapse on her and the two descended to the ground. Rhea Azaan removed her scarf and tried to wrap it around him to stop the bleeding but that didn't help. In a matter of minutes, she was soaked in his blood. "In my next life, please remember me." Kiaan Tilden said as his body collapsed in her arms. "Noooo!" Trying to remember where she heard that same statement before, her head hurt so much. Looking at the stiffened body in her arms, Rhea Azaan couldn't help it. "I said call the doctor!" She was insane now. "Kiaan please, don't die."

Dragon_2120 · History
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27 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Sky Fortune Kingdom
Volume 2 :Floating Cloud sect
Volume 3 :Night star continent
Volume 4 :Central Region

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This is a renewed review where I will give you guys the pros and cons according to what I believe. See if it fits your taste before giving it a try, even though I hope that you will like it. Pros: 1) I review most chapters countless times, to make sure that the grammar is adequate and the details and describing of the scenes is detailed enough 2) Everything, including the reincarnation isn't random, but there is a bigger plot behind them (which you can find when you reach around chapter 54-56 3) MC isn't a simp. There is romance in the story, and it starts around chapter 150, but it isn't the type of <<ah, a beautiful girl, I must have her and every other beautiful girl that comes my way>>(No spoilers, I believe you guys will understand once you start reading). 4) I could list some more things, but I realize that they would spoil part of the story, so I'm leaving the rest for you guys. Now, here are the cons 1) There are some cliche scenes like a pre-arranged fiance, but there is a bigger plot behind them as well. 2) The MC was an orphan before his reincarnation, and his character grows throughout the story. 3) The only thing that I haven't decided yet on the story is the harem. I want to have a harem but everything must be natural and there have to be feelings involved. At the same time, I haven't decided if there will be 2-3 women or 8-9. This is something that I will discover along with you guys as we progress through the story. Aside from everything listed above, I just want you to enjoy the story.


As a woman i dont read novels where the MC is (m) i prefer women but this one got me so hooked on the first chapters and i only rate writing quality and character design for now i still need more chapters before rating world background but my opinion is that author is very good at making you imagine his scenes without trying its really good so far


POG DE MAIS BR AQUI TMJ ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


so i read to the most recent update which is like ch 178 and let me tell you, the story is pretty solid. first of all let me tell you about the "cliche" things that you would expect from stories like this. 1 you start the first chapter with him getting the MacGuffin and from a person who can't cultivate "trash" (i so hate that word) to a cultivator) the good thing is that we don't hear any keep saying "how did that trash win so and so, i can't believe this TRASH got so powerful". he gets into a good cultivating faze quickly. 2. he meets a few "young masters" but for the most part they either get trashed right away without any focus on them or they are actually logical human beings who aren't that stupid and as of now there has been only 1 stupid young master and the story makes it a point to show you how dumb or at least illogical that person was 3. yes the MacGuffin that lets him become a strong cultivator makes him need more resources than other people. for now, it hasn't been that annoying. 4. yes he goes from one area to the other with a wholly stronger region where his power level is at the bottom...well not really, more like lower-middle and good for his age. plus it's not like the author is pulling these power levels out of his ass, we kinda knew from the start that the area he is in and the one he moved into recently is still just the start to the middle level. 5. he meets a girl but guesses what he doesn't fall in love with her on first sight but on the second time...sarcasm aside it didn't go as super fast as in other Chinese novels where girls just start ovulating like crazy just by seeing the mc. also she is smart to know how her beauty might bring trouble to the mc so she wore a vail when they went to a new place without any power backing them. I actually like this girl and she has been consistently logical. different things than the norm, mc is actually smart without him or the author constantly telling he's smart (when most probably they are stupid) it's not like he plays 5D chess against his enemies but he knows how and when to kill without bringing trouble to himself or his people. fight scenes are good, the leveling system has been solid and pretty standard I would say. for now, there isn't much you can hate the story on and the grammar is pretty on point.


strong protagonist hiding true power emotional scenes without cringe time! how can one not love this novel?


author, please tell me you do not intend to make a harem of 7 or 10 I can barely deal with 2 so that would just ruin me also is he a pervert that only wants women or thinks about them all the time or just treat them differently also I just want an answer to read this I am sure it would be great


Ok the review is till chapter 33. Writing quality -5 story development- 4 ( Till now, there's no specific storyline and the MC just wants to become strong so that he isn't being played under fate and how powerless he was to change his condition prior his transmigration. The MC doesn't gets much pumped or angry after the typical engagement break plot. So far, the plot is progressing but there's no definite or specific storyline which alignes with MCs goal. That maybe because only 33 chapters has been released. -Not much clichés and regular tropes, if there are, they barely go beyond one chapter. Character design-4 ( MC only wills to not be a pawn where he can't control anything. So far, being an orphan prior the transmigration, he had to work to feed himself making him quite headstrong and look on the poor side of the earth. Now that hes in a cultivation world, he can gauge what needs to be done when and how accordingly. He hasn't shown much toxic behavior except a typical poison MC tongue. Update stability -5 ( The more the better but the novel is in it's infant stage so only authors know when and how much to post. So far, decent pace. World background- 4 ( So far, there's not much description on world background except the 'cultivation world' is entirely in a different space, meaning, there's a barrier between the commoner world and cultivation world. The barrier is on an high altitude where one can't reach it until they can fly and enter it. Besides that, there's only introduction on one sect which makes it hard to gauge how wide the world is. Definitely larger than our earth though. Mc has a golden finger which he himself can't figure out it's origin but it's pretty much OP but it works depending on MCs cultivation level. I have read the mainstream Chinese novels that are on novel updates and ********** and I have big hopes for this novel. I haven't done a review before but loved the novel and couldn't refrain from doing it.


Author literally destroyed his own story by not updating anymore. He is still shameless enough to ask for privilege. I haven't read for months but the story is only a few chapter forward where I am currently at. Such a shame.


so far, so good! I first got hooked on reading when I discovered martial god asura, since then I've read hundreds of similar eastern fantasy novels. glad to say this one not only has the potential to be one of the better ones but, from what I've seen, is already one of the better ones.


only problem is that this shun long is too prideful for no reason at all, I somewhat accept he wants to become strong so he doesn't die again even though the motivation was crap and forcefull but where the **** does he get his stupid ass pride from?


The novel is indeed very good, and i like it very much, but for many months we had no updates, and only recently we are having chapter releases with no consistency whatsoever. Keep in mind that i am not criticizing the author, as i dont know his circumstances, but what saddens me is that in more than 6 months, the author not once addressed his readers, not even to give us a heads up that the novel would enter an indefinite hiatus or if he had health issues (not even his discord link is working anymore), and after 6 months, he simply started posting chapters again, with no regularity, so his readers who like the novel have no idea if it is just a random chapter update or if he will start posting regularly again, which can lead to old privilege readers to be mistaken about the situation and end up buying his privilege chapters again, and at the end of the month waste many coins for 3 or 4 new chapters. Keep in mind again that i am not criticizing him, its just that there should have been at least some form of announcement about the novel's situation, be it in the beginning of the hiatus to let the readers know, in the middle of the hiatus just to appease us, or now at the supposed end of the hiatus, since it looks like that the author seems to be back at posting again, to explain the long hiatus or at least to inform us if he is back at regular posting, or if the new chapters were just some kind of update as for him to not lose his contract.


story is great, honestly never found a dull moment. only MAJOR issue is the author only pumps out 2-3 chapters a month, so for "privileged" access, you spend $50 for 2-3 chapters. Absolutely worthless expenditure. To put it into perspective, sometimes only ONE chapter will come out in a month, and when a new month hits, THEN they release ONE more chapter.


I really like this novel! I got hooked since the beginning, and I was so disappointed when the chapters began to become locked, lol. But, I would gladly unlock the chapters because this is such an amazing novel!


Reveal spoiler


thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


So far this book has been so enticing with the writing style and how descriptive the scenes have been, it truly paints a picture in my mind of how things are truly happening. The characters are very likeable and this story has so much to offer! I can't wait for more!


The story got me hooked especially the later chapters but seeing how it's been over a month and not even one chapter released , you can say this book is as good as dead. F**king hate these types of authors, first getting you hooked on the book then dropping dead. EITHER DON'T WRITE A BOOK OR FINISH IT TO THE END!!


at this point i think author is gonna drop this book, there has been no stable update in the last 2 months and he doesnt update his readers when he is about to take a break or when he will start writing again. Theres just nothing😭😭


Writing my first ever review for a book at Webnovel.To keep it short this novel made me as hooked as ISSTH by ErGen to the point that I spent money to catch up and but privilege. I am usually shy, but I felt maybe to you the person who bothers reading reviews I can give you a very small personal checklist that this novel completely covered for me. 1. Char development is fantastic..not just for MC but all characters that make appearances, as they are relevant to a good degree to the overall plot. 2.The love interests are not flooding the story which I appreciate ( although I wish we have atleast a couple more).I don't like novels which have MC interacting with 12 girls whom I don't care enough about later point in time as they don't do enough for the overall plot or are just too repetitive in what they do. 3.World building is exceptional.. without spoiling too much for new readers I wanna say you are in for a treat there is a lot author has already planned out and teases us occasionally about the Big guns in this martial universe that he has created.I am so excited about that. 4.MC has a good head over his shoulders and I like that he is not over the top smart and he has room to get stronger and be better too.Would love to see a side of him when he can make a blunder by mistake but that's just me.Over all I am happy. 5.Story is at a very good pace and I wasn't able it put it down since I started. There are so many things I probably missed mentioning but for me personally it's my top 3 novels of all time so far and gives me ISSTH VIBES ( please note I am not saying it's a copy or similar just the way it made me feel as a reader and kept me hooked) Zeus you are writing great stuff take care of your health while you keep making high quality chapters for us fans :). Looking forward to the Saga of Shun Long


please upload new chapters of monarch of time.we cannot wait anymore. it's been 2 months. we beg you please upload new chapter of monarch of time.


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