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it's so frustrating when they switch up the gender of Mo Hua at random ☠️ it's described early on that he is the "Son of Mo Shan" and "thin and not built like Mo Shan for a boy" so Mo hua is a boy... why can't the person translating stick with one descriptor ☠️
kind of tired of them assuming he is a reincarnated Saint just because they can't wrap their minds around someone that outstanding not having prior knowledge 😅
when is he going to take time to create his other class skills... he gets 6, but he has only created 2 so far... he is severely limiting his options for fighting ☠️
good. then it's still worth reading.
no second chances imo
rinse and repeat with goku-esque power ups, I'm ready for him to actually finally step out into the universe ☠️
honestly, I'm ready for Sylas to stop getting his ahh handed to him ☠️ it's been over 800 chapters and he finally seems to have a solid foundation to start leveling, and yet everytime that seems the case, he gets battered around until he Goku's his way through a power up ☠️
I'm getting extremely frustrated that Sylas is not doing jack all to any of the people that are his enemies, and instead only 'moves' to kill the small fry or the people who attack first and he 'reacts' casually. it's not a fun read, you have built up this character that supposedly has an insane comprehension ability to understand the world and people around him on an crazy scale, at speeds unheard of, and a stupidly strong Will that increases his fighting strength. Yet he just sits there quietly and watches this guy monologue, try and attack him, and then after hitting him once watch the guy escape while a "boss" shows up. He should have not given this guy even a second to speak, and attack him seriously as soon as possible, the adage "a lion takes even a rabbit seriously while hunting" should apply here but instead he just sits there like a dead fish, or a robot -.-' which makes the progression and power ups seem inadequate and lackluster.
update again please!
not really seeing much change from the original chapters ... feels and reads the exact same as before? except now we are 200-300 chapters behind where we left off 10+ months later...