
Chapter 235 Terrifying pressure

Shun Long tried to raise his head, but that was the only movement that he could do.

A few hundred meters ahead of him, he could see a jade-white palace, with dark gold runes covering its walls, while its gigantic palace gates were thousands of meters tall.

In front of the palace gates there were 2 enormous statues, that were almost as tall as the palace gates themselves.

The statues looked like 2 strong warriors, covered in armor that seemed to have been made from some kind of silver.

The statues' facial features were similar to humans', however, the difference was, that each statue also had a pair of gigantic silver wings on their backs.

Each of them was also holding a spear, and although they were just statues, Shun Long had a feeling that he was staring at 2 enormous monsters.




Cracking sounds were heard from Shun Long's body in rapid succession.