
Chapter 336 Arriving at the Ten thousand beasts mountain range

Sitting on Little Silver's back, Shun Long watched as the mortal island below him quickly turned into a small, black speck in the ocean, and just a few moments later, he and Liu Mei had already arrived back in the 'Cultivation world'.

Without stopping anywhere this time, it only took a little more than an hour for Little Silver to arrive at the 'Lightning Wasteland'.

Passing through the city which he had gotten a map of the 'Desolate East' when he and Liu Mei first arrived a few days ago, Shun Long soon saw the sea that separated the 'Desolate East' from the 'Night star continent' ahead of him.

Since they weren't flying at full speed however, Little Silver took a little more than a day to pass through the sea and arrive at the shore of the 'Snowcloud country'.

Shun Long had originally hoped that he would be able to hunt some rank 5 magic beasts on the way, but reality proved to be completely different from his expectations.