
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

Author: DaoistewNoKO
Ongoing · 1.2M Views
  • 84 Chs
  • 3.6
    24 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

Read ‘Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived’ Online for Free, written by the author DaoistewNoKO, This book is a Movies Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, SYSTEM Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is:


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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1


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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Harem recommendation : damphne luna ,Hermione, fluer, tonks


terrible grammar and spelling. he can't even use the correct names, duddlys instead of durslys lazy. concept could be good if had a competent author and no idea what all this Jacki Chan stuff is,makes no sense


serious let down man... sorry not for me.


Exagerou nos monólogos e coisas sem sentido. ..................................................................................................................................................


update regularly pls..................... .... ..............


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


This was good. I enjoyed it honestly the writing isn’t the best but the content of the story is good however the way it worded make me feel like this was translated not written


this starts ok but it gets worse and worse the quality starts ok but it starts dropping to its like reading a badly translated MTL im dropping this after reading chapter 68


This is an average fic with spelling mistakes. There are some bad translations, for example jackie chan adventures talismans are called differently. The system it seems can do anything. We only learn that there is gatcha, shop and etc functions of the system as the story progress - it's bad writing. The main problem with this fic is too many rewards. We don't have time to process them and we receive yet another 3 rewards... I wouldn't say anything if the rewards weren't forgotten. For example the author forgets about a new template or the fact that he can absorb magical creatures and add them to his bloodline. Dude, MC gave the command to shadow creatures from jackie chan adventures to capture magical creatures, years later dude still didn't absorb a single magical creature...


The writing quality could not be worse if typed blindley on a phone. I would not say anything if some errors are made but this looks almost intentional. If you dont trust my words just read the first two chapters. If you dont want to scream by then maybe the story can be something for you.




a total bs story for those masochist, it's total bs of how he didn't even want a revenge. Burn them alive, let animals ravage them, use all curses on them and after destroying everything about them and toying them for as long as they live, and even make contract with death and let them suffer even after death. Nobody should be spared be it Dumbledore, beast of parents, so called brother, and all those related to him, everybody. after getting it over with, live your life to fullest, find wives, have children and make good memories with them.




I really love this novel, I hope the author can put a little more focus on the magical beasts though, swing as though he has a archdruid template but sees no use.


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this is a fantastic book. grammar could be a little bit better, but overall this book is great.


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