
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Movies
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84 Chs


Andrew said while pointing at Thor and loki, Thor burst out laughing and said," yes, kid you recognised the god of thunder well. This is my hammer mjornlr. This is made by my father and the dwarfs in the heart of a dying star. It's enchanted and made for me. Only a worthy man can lift it".

Andrew looked at Thor and asked," can I try?", Thor has smug look and said," you can, but don't cry if you can't lift it", Thor placed it on the ground while loki sneered with his eyes thinking how a mortal child can lift a godly artifact.

But to his bewilderment Andrew activated the power of raava and get the consent of mjolnr. He grabbed the handle and liftedit easily while Thor dripped his jaw along with loki. Andrew then started playing and swinging it while the Avengers looked surprised.

Andrew placed it on ground and said," it's a good weapon", then he turned to loki, he started gazing at him while Thor is in a daze. Iron man come forward and tried to lift it but failed, hawk eye also tried but failed. Loki who is uncomfortable from the gaze asked," what do you want mortal?".

Andrew pinted his hand and said," your form isn't real. Your appearance is given to you by someone powerful", Thor came out of the daze and looked at loki then sigjed and said," leave it kid. It's his soft spot don't touch it".

Loki is gritting his teeth while Andrew goes to Natasha and stretched his hand healing her different from others she felt something in her body is growing back and held her stomach. Then after that she turned around and touched her belly.

She found the bullet marks are gone and she also felt something else. The surgery marks on her to remove the reproductive system is also removed. She saw the spot less skin with a smile and turned to Andrew who is healing Hawkeye.

She goes to him and hugged him while Andrew looked at her and said," what is it big sister?", Natasha shook her head and didn't say anything while Tony said,"okay, after this war in thinking about eating shawarma. What do you guys think? There is a shop couple of blocks away".

They nodded while soldiers approached and surrounded Andrew. The Avengers looked at the soldiers and said coldly," what are you doing?", Rumlow appeared and said," director pirece orders. We hace to take this unknown kid who has the powers even greater than a nuke to custody".

Andrew looked them and stretched his hand upward while all the guns are attached to roof. The agents looked at their hands with surprise and rumlow and took out the stun gun but andrew opened his hand and said," petrificus totalus".

Rumlow fell to the ground frozen and Andrew said while pouting," pedophiles ", the Avengers are dumbfounded agajn but the scene while the soldiers took steps back in fear. Natasha hugged Andrew again and said," calm down, Andrew. They're not bad guys".

Andrew shook his head and said," no, they have bad intentions. I sensed deep malice from them. These pedophiles want to harm me", he said while Tony said rubbing the sweat," okay, leave it at that. I'll talk to the superiors and say something. For now relax kid. Let's go eat shawarma".

Andrew nodded then looked around, before they can took a step the luft opened and a man appeared. He is wearing a suit and looked at Andrew. Andrew stretched his hand again and said," another pedophile".

Natasha trembled and took his hand then said," don't do anything to him. He is a very important man", Andrew tilted his head and said," bit there is no power in him and he clearly has bas intentions towards me. I can sense more malice than this freezed pervert here".

Andrew pointed to rumlow on the ground while pierce coughed and said with a smile," I'm Alexander pierce. I'm one of the people responsible for safety of this planet. Who are you? And what are your intentions?".

Andrew looked at him and said," I'm a traveller from neighbouring world. I'm Andrew Percival. A first year student in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardary. I awakened the power to travek between worlds and appeared here accidentally".

He said then goes behind Natasha and said," sister, can you protect me from these pedophiles until my power recharges. I'll go home then", pierce coughed in embarrassment and said," you're rude to elders kid".

Andrew scoffed and said," I'm rude to pedophiles only", he said and hid behind Natasha peeking behind from her whioe Avengers burst out laughing. After some discussion and conflicts about the tesseract, Loki's scepter which is taken away as Thor grabbed the tesseract.

As for Andrew under the demands of Avengers pierce gave up and left with the soldiers while Andrew lifted the petrification curse on rumlow who shivered looking at him. Avengers all goes to a shop and ordered the shawarma.