
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Movies
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84 Chs

ōtsutsuki in harry potter

Andrew's expression turned cold as he gazed at the three ōtsutsuki that appeared while kaguya is afraid. It seems Andrew's six paths chakra that he devoured and the ten tails fastened their plans.

Andrew looked at them while urashiki spoke," kaguya ōtsutsuki and you unknown ōtsutsuki. You both have betrayed the clan. Now the patriarch wants to see you. Obidiently come with u-", before he finish his sentence Andrew appeared behind urashiki and using the soul magic of kamar-taj he kicked urashiki's soul out of the body before storing the body of his giving him no chance to attack.

Momoshiki and kinshiki who saw this turned serious and immediately used tehir powers. Kinshiki charged with hai axe while momoshiki opened his palm with a blood red rinnegan in it and fired a giant chakra ball.

Kaguya appeared to help Andrew as she didn't want her last hope of escaping fate to be ruined. She used the ten tails chakra and started fighting kinshiki with her space-time powers, rabbit hair needles, burning ash bones and eight god strike. Using everything in her arsenal.

She gained an upper hand over kinshiki and made him bleed. Andrew on the other hand used his new dojutsu from isshiki's karma and also devoured the attack of momoshiki. He didn't give momoshiki a chance. Using sukunahikona and combination of sasuke's six tomoe rinnegan he made the momoshiki bleed with chakra rods dug into momoshiki's body.

When momoshiki slowed down he used the same method and before momoshiki can eat his own eyes like urashiki to gain power he slapped the soul out of the body and stored it with him. As for kaguya something unexpected happened.

Kinshiki played dirty and acted like he is dead when kaguya approached he blew himself up, luckily black zetsu jumped into kinshiki's body. But he can't handle an ōtsutsuki's power. Luckily kinshiki's chakra is nearly drained and he is barely clinging to consciousness, though he and black zetsu perished in the battle of control.

Kaguya is at this, Andrew appeared and stored kinshiki's body away and said," we have to leave before other ōtsutsuki clan members arrive here, it's not a good thing to face them, we're almost out of chakra".

Andrew don't know if he can face the other ōtsutsuki clan members. He don't even know how many will arrive and how strong they're. So he chose to return with kaguya asap.

Kaguya also nodded, she placed a hand on Andrew's shoulder and as he asked started giving ten tails chakra to Andrew. Andrew told the system to let them return to harry potter world.

Once they're back they appeared in his room in flamel manor. Kaguya also undergone a will change and her loyalty to him reached an unparalleled level. Andrew then thought about how make her blend in this environment then remembered his trip to French magical world to buy things.

He needed go plan something for that to introduce kaguya but before that he needed to awaken her magic. Chakra and magic are two different things. He is got a plan for that too. He asked kaguya to change into a 11-year old child form.

Kaguya changed her body into a child using chakra. Andrew on searched the house using percerption magic and found his blood clone studying, he called the clone back and dispelled it. After getting the memories of the clone he then devoured the three ōtsutsuki and got new abilities along with ōtsutsuki bloodline.

He opened his own realm and told Kaguya to stay there, he also needs hela to complete the missions. If his guess is correct the moment hela appear the magic book will definitely gain her name as long as he can turn her into a 11 year old too.

Andrew then again released his blood clone and then clicked on the second mission and appeared in Asgard. Loki and Thor escaped while surtur rose into his true form. Thor's space ship is gone. Surtur dug his sword deep into Asgard.

Hela lost her power and just when she is going to die from the flames of the twilight sword, Andrew appeared. Hela is unconscious as she lost her powers. He can't even feel her magic. He quickly sent her into the dimension.

Then looked at surtur and using Devouring he completely devoured surtur and his power. The phoenix blood he devoured frok Burke's shop recently reacted to this powers and suddenly Andrew felt his body is on a scorching pan.

After a few moments it subsided but Andrew felt the changes in him. He can now control any kind of fire like it's his own. Then Andrew the ruins of Asgard. He thought there might some things which can get his interest such as the gungnir, the fragments of the rainbow bridge, or any other artifacts.

Just then he remembered something, looking back he sensed Thanos and his fleet. A grin adourned his mouth as he saw the space ship. It looks like Thanos returned from nellavidar. It's now the best time to go there for two things, he can control the only dwarf there for all the weapons.

Second thing is their knowledge library, artifacts, alchemy, enchnatment, runes. Andrew thought it's a pity he can't get Asgard's books now. Nellavidar will be empty for sometime, he can get something and return.