
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Movies
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85 Chs

the detention

Dumbledore carefully spied on Andrew from then on. He placeda trace on Andrew and followed him to know whether the one who controlled water in the lake is Andrew or not. But he didn't know Andrew is planning something even more big.

Andrew got something more powerful with a draw he saved until now :

[ Soul reincarnation authority :

You'll be travelled into the specified person's body and will be the one in them, you have to let the other soul innthe original body to be sent into reincarnation in another world in exchange for this.]

With this he is going to show them he is the most important person soul is the reincarnated as him and forge memories in them. According to this the user can travel time and space into the specified time and can bring the person he wants to show into their past form.

So the tarfets are merope gaunt for voldemort and Arianna for Albus Dumbledore. He smiled at this and planned to go tonight for achieving detention. He saw voldemort going to the forbidden forest this means te plot accelerated due fo his existence.

So he will let the two old foxes one at a time experience his false soul memories in him. And also change the past for a certain time to achieve it. He is planning all this and then smiled inwardly.

That night he wandered around and git caught by filch who took him to Dumbledore who is passingby at that time or spying on Andrew . Dumbledore gave him detention and then asssigned him to same treatment as harry for a day.

Andrew smiled at this as today is the da for voldemort to come for unicorn blood again. Andew goes to see Harry who is glaring at him and Hagrid who is looking at Andrew with a pitiful gaze.

Andrew goes with harry while Hagrid went alone. That's when they encountered voldemort. Voldemort who is drinking unicorn blood at that time jumped on harry in anger as sson as he harry.

Andrew then pretended to be scared and used his obscurus and became a black wind driving away voldemort. Then when he landed he acted like he exhausted his life force too much and cough up blood while Harry's eyes widened.

Andrew is wobbling and he looked pale as if he is at his end. Dumbledore rushed there and caugut Andrew who lost consciousness. Dumbledore first wanted to check on his memories as he saw Arianna's image for a second in Andrew.

But he saw Andrew is weak and quickly took him and a frightened harry to the infirmary. When pomfrey saw Andrew she almost screamed she checked him and said," he may not live long. The obscurus drained his life and he is going die in a few months at most or days".

At this moment Harry looked at Andrew and then remembered all the scenes he treated his brother and felt guilty, after arriving at Hogwarts he gradually realised he isn't any special and only received fame. He looked down on others.

But there is still a glimmer of himself that constantly questioned him is this really what he is? Or is what he is doing is correct? He has no answer but he ignored all the time. Now seeing his brother who save him lying in a death bed changed him completely.

He began to regret it all. The life force he stole the things he did. The wounds he caused all of them. He is regretting doing all these things. On tge other hand Dumbledore wants to know why Arianna appeared for a second Andrew turned into an obscurus.

So after sending harry back to Griffyndor he brought Grindelwald out as he himself don't want to believe it. Grindelwald's looked at the sleeping Andrew with a smile. He saw this in his vision but he didn't know this is all Andrew's plan.

If he knew it he wants ti curse Andrew for a life time. Dumbledore carefully come foewrad and placed his wand on Andrew's head but the next second he and Grindelwald trembled in their places. When they entered Andrew's they saw three different memories.