
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Movies
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84 Chs


Andrew stared at the lottery screen dumbfounded, this time he really hit a jackpot :

[ Congratulations for getting the skill - absolute devourer. ]

[ Absolute devourer : this skill allows the user to devour anything. It'll grant abilities of the devoured substance of living being to the user. ]

Andrew thought about the magical beasts in this world subconsciously. He then remembered the Bogart in the school. Andrew exited the room of requirement and again entered thinking about a room with Bogart.

As soon as he entered he saw many cabinets shaking. These are the cabinets with boggarts. Andrew opened one and immediately activated the skill absolute devouring. The Bogart didn't even has a chance to change its shape and the black mist from Andrew's hand devoured the boggart.

Andrew got a notification also :

[ Devoured the magucal beast boggart ]

[ Congratulations for getting boggart's exclusive skill - shape shifter ]

[ Congratulations for getting boggart's exclusive skill - mind reading ]

Andrew blinked and opened the description of this skills :

[ Shape shifter : you shape shuft into anything from a living being to even a non living thing. No spell can reveal this shape shifting unless you want to

( Note : boggart uses mind reading along with the shapeshifting so it gets confused by user's mind but this version don't have such disadvantage)]

[ Mind reading : different from legilmancy this skill can hear the thoughts of others even if they're pinnacle in occulamancy. ]

Andrew looked at the skills with a smile. He summoned the ghost soldiers and said," bring some magical beasts into the realm from the real world. Also don't touch Dumbledore's pheonix, I don't want him to have suspicions. Search for another pheonix, along with Thunder birds. Unicorns and thestrals are available around the school. Don't get caught I want you bring those magical beasts".

Andrew didn't plan to reveal this to anyone. He is now thinking if it's right to devour the basilisk but he shook it off. He only needs a certain part to get all of its Abilities. The second is there for him to get a part of basilisk body.

He don't want to disrupt the flow of saviour's plan of Dumbledore. Nor he wants his plot advantage to disappear. He finally set the plot to right. Now, harry potter and voldemort chase after each other according to Dumbledore's plan.

Andrew isn't a part of this anymore, so he can finally relax from his other worries and enjoy his time. Andrew exited the room of requirement with a smile. Today he gained many things. Andrew goes to the kitchen git some food through the house elves and returned to the dormitory.

He lay on his bed and fell asleep early. When he got up its morning and Andrew got ready for his classes, today will be charms and defence against dark arts, he want to see if it's quirell or voldemort who will teach him. The charms class is normal one. Flitwick taught them about the wand movements and gave them pointers on how to use the wand correctly then he said the first spell lumos.

Andrew did it and got 10 points for Hufflepuff which made Hufflepuff's happy. Andrew also helped the friends he made to achieve the spell. On the other hand the ravenclaw students glanced at Hufflepuff students who are performing spell one by one after Andrew told them how and became embarrassed.

They should be the ones to do magic as their motto is wit but they lose to Hufflepuff. Flitwick galnced at Andrew with his eyes lit up. This student is more suitable to ravenclaw than Hufflepuff. Pity Andrew is sorted into Hufflepuff.

He gave points to those who did the spell and looked at his own academy with a sigh. Although some of them managed to do it but the number is very less and most of the Hufflepuff did it.

Flitwick is also a little embarrassed by the sight. Andrew exited the classroom and goes to the great hall with other Hufflepuff's. When he entered he saw quirell and Dumbledore looking at him.

He looked like he didn't notice and started eating with other Hufflepuff's while chatting occasionally. He looked at Harry who is staring at him. Andrew also greeted Cassandra with a smile and also smiled at Hermoine who is looking at him.