
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Movies
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84 Chs

potions class

The next day news is posted in daily prophet that gringotts has been robbed. The vaults that are robbed are also noted along with the note on the wall. Dumbledore looked at this with a frown and then at Andrew.

Then he tore his doubt off how can a child do this. He is in contact with magical world for less than 6 months and at the end of his life span. It's impossible for Andrew to do in his opinion as robbing gringotts without anyone knowing and leaving a note like that requires the power level of him, Grindelwald or voldemort.

He didn't believe a mere child that is too an obscrurs can do this while returning intact. So he cleared his doubts on Andrew then designing a plan to get Andrew on their side. He'll have a solution for it, the elixir of life, what can a dying man wish and needs other than increasing his life.

He'll struck a deal with Andrew and made him loyal to Harry so that he can take on voldemort. He also needs the magic of obscururs to destroy the horcrux in a safe way. If Andrew didn't agree then Dumbledore will give him another chance when he is in death bed.

He believes no one wants to die and is confident in his plans. He looked harry with a glint in his eyes. Harry at this moment tore off the daily prophet when he read the news that all their family vaults have been robbed.

He looked at Andrew who is eating normally with frustration and disgust. Their own family vault is robbed and this guy isn't even reacting. He abandoned the surname of potter house and cut his ties with them. In Harry's opinion Andrew is just a tool to be used and not even a human.

Andrew frowned as he felt two intense gazes and turned to see Dumbledore and Harry. He just ignored them and continued to eat the breakfast. He then took the textbooks and vials to his classroom.

The first class is potions with ravenclaw. Andrew didn't feel much nervous as he isn't a target for Snape. He is just a Hufflepuff student in snape's eyes. So Andrew don't have a headache and fear that he'll be targetted by him.

He goes to see no one in the classroom. He sat down and began to note the recipe in board. Then after a few some students began to arrive then Snape exactly at classtime come in while having an expressionless ghost face.

Then said in a low voice about the potions and started his lesson on the cure for boils. Fortunately no wizards like Seamus are in the class so no accidents happened just some couldron burns or black potions appeared.

Andrew is standing at his table making the potion slowly step by step. On his opposite are two girls Daphne and Cassandra. Cassandra is arrogant and making the potion in haste like she knew it for years and completed in just a few minutes.

Snape awarded her and Daphne with 10 points each. After some time Andrew also made the potion although it isn't that great compared to Cassandra but for beginner it's very good. Snape looked at it then at him and said," the potion is barely enough. So 3 points to Hufflepuff".

Andrew smiled at this and looked at Wayne Hopkins his roommate and his benchmate now. That guy is shaking while pouring ingredients into the couldron. Andrew smiled at him and told him to be calm and let him do it step by step.

Before class he also finished it and thanked Andrew. After his first it's going to be transfiguration in afternoon. Andrew is on his way go great hall when a hand grabbed his collar. He frowned and looked at harry who is glaring at him.

The other students who saw this began to whisper among themselves while some purebloods who knew about potter house and the twin brothers looked at this amused, they're looking forward to what will happen. On the other hand Hermoine and Hannah tried to stop harry but failed as he said in a rude tone," get your filthy hands off me".