
Review Detail of Gratiz_ in Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

Review detail


This is an average fic with spelling mistakes. There are some bad translations, for example jackie chan adventures talismans are called differently. The system it seems can do anything. We only learn that there is gatcha, shop and etc functions of the system as the story progress - it's bad writing. The main problem with this fic is too many rewards. We don't have time to process them and we receive yet another 3 rewards... I wouldn't say anything if the rewards weren't forgotten. For example the author forgets about a new template or the fact that he can absorb magical creatures and add them to his bloodline. Dude, MC gave the command to shadow creatures from jackie chan adventures to capture magical creatures, years later dude still didn't absorb a single magical creature...

Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived


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if you have read correctly there are certain passages where he stole the blood of magical animals from Burgin and Burkes store using his shadows and integrated them. and magical beasts like thunder bird, qilin, zouwu, basilisk and some others are very rare. even they are found thunderbird can immediately getaway with its thunder and flying powers, not to mention zouwu which can travel at fast speed in the blink of an eye, basilisk is needed fr the plot and some other beasts are almost extinct protected by certain personnel like newt Scamander in his suitcase.