
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

Author: rd_mohib_
Ongoing · 12.7K Views
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What is The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

Read The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib novel written by the author rd_mohib_ on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, covering adventure. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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“快日出了啊。”陈乔一放下手自言自语道。 桌上放着切好的水果和涂好果酱的吐司还有倒好的常温牛奶,“林妍鱼真的够意思呀。” 她念叨着坐下来安静的边吃边看着窗外的天空,椰树因为光线原因像是剪影又像是油画,很好看。 “吃这么慢。” 陈乔一被这安静客厅突然响起的声音下了一跳,睁大眼睛环视房间找声音的来源。 梁佐明在黑暗中看见她缩着脖子的样子不禁莞尔,从沙发上站了起来, 走到餐桌边面对着她坐下,十指交叉托着下巴有些居高临下的看着她,他洗过的头发没怎么吹干,前额的头发半干半湿的垂下来挡住一部分眼睛,把粱佐明越长大越鲜明的的野性感发大了好几倍。 “还有,这些是我帮你准备的好吗。” 他眼睛看着陈乔一手边的水果和牛奶眉毛抬高认真的说着,表情微微有些委屈。 像是小男孩偷偷放了苹果在同桌抽屉里,暗自得意,想着对方看到一定会很开心的找自己,结果对方看到以为是老师发的礼物一样。 帮我准备的? 陈乔一有些摸不着头脑,嚼着水果发出脆脆的声音不知所措,“你怎么还没睡啊?” 梁佐明换了个舒服的姿势用手托着脖子看着窗外的海,“看不出来吗?我在等你啊,”他顿了顿略带少年的羞涩抿嘴一笑,“因为我想和你一起看日出。”

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The work will be to your liking. The characters have been modified according to the vibe they give. All the characters are in their original form and only 'very necessary' changes have been done. Enjoy the story as I did.


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