
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 4 The amazing 2nd Phaze!!

(After all those evolutions Ashh returned to his town. That night he spent every second in Prof. Oak's lab. Ashh started his training by teaching his Pokemons what they were going to learn. His Pokemons did not know of such methods before. Maybe Pokemon trainers learn it on their own and is not taught. Here I'll explain the things in short.

All the attacks of Ashh's Pokemons were divided into Five Grades. Namely Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4 and Grade 5.

The Grade 1 attacks were so weak that maybe only young Pokemons would have effect. Grade 2 attacks had enough power to damage any normal and weak to low-med Pokemons. And Grade 3 was the level of attacks Ashh had chosen as default Grade. It had the power Ashh's Pokemons used before. Grade 4 was special as this was when Ashh's Pokemons showed their real strength that they got after training day and night with hundreds of Pokemons. Ashh decided to use this Grade of attack only when fighting the strongest of Pokemons. Grade 5 attacks are the strongest attack the Pokemons can present. Saying Grade 5 was like Ashh had asked them to use their full strength.)

( Next we will discuss the second thing Ashh's Pokemons learnt. It was called 'form'. This is something they had to learn as fast as possible. Ashh devised a few alternative ways to carry out attacks. We have already seen how it works in case of Squirtle's Hydropump.)

(It was very simple how Ashh would give his command– Hydropump. Grade 4 2nd form. It looks like a very long command but Ashh has fixed defaults like default Hydropump is when water comes out of Wartortle's neck-hole and for others it's the way they always used their attacks. Ashh did not make different forms of every attack but only a few so that the efficiency can be maximised depending on the situation.)

( Ashh took around a week to teach his Pokemons about these things. With this, the two weeks in Pallet town were over. Ashh kept teaching his Pokemons how to use the attacks and what to do in which situation. He also taught them new moves that they can learn. Like Pikachu increased his attack arsenal and learnt how to use Thunder fang. He also learnt dig and hidden power. Ashh decided on two forms of Hidden power. 1st Form utilises the ball shape of the attack while 2nd form uses beam like appearance.)

( Pikachu was not the only Pokemon to learn these attacks. Most of Ashh's Pokemons had learnt most of their attacks.)

[ Prof. Oak's Laboratory, Pallet Town. 17th day]

(Here we see Ashh and his fire type Pokemons: Quilava, Torkoal and Charizard.)

(With a bright face Ashh says) " Always remember what I told you. Never wait for my command when you are using Quick attack or any other attack."

(He elaborates by saying)

" You have to follow the command untill it has served it's purpose. If you miss a Fire punch that doesn't mean the attack is over, continue attacking unless I give you another command."

(Ashh with all the sympathy in the world, says..)

"Remember, I am always there for you...and only for you. I will never put you in danger knowing that it's not productive. We put ourselves in danger to win, not to get battle scars."

(He ends his talk with a...)

" Defeats are so small that they can never change my life."

(When Ashh finishes his advices Pikachu enters the scene. He brings a notebook in which Cyndaquil's photo was pasted.)

Ashh:- What is this? Did you get it from Professor Oak?


(Prof. Oak gave this notebook to Ashh after his research on Cyndaquil was over. But what can Ashh do with a professor's notebook? Well you'll find out.)

Ashh:- Ashh's Cyndaquil , the only Cyndaquil who learnt 'Explosion' as soon as it evolved.

(with a very sweet smile Ashh says...)

"You are the only one to learn this move so quickly? Maybe you are more amazing than the other Quilavas out there. Show me an Explosion attack."

(Quilava packs his back with energy and bursts it into fire, then he jumps in the air, curls up and makes an explosion like a bomb does. The fire covers the whole sky above Ashh and the smoke comes later flooding the air like a wave of the sea.)

(It was a magnificent sight to see,.. not sounding like a destruction admirer but normal fascination of human beings with fire and explosions.)

(When the fire burns out the smoke disappears shortly after. And Quilava waits patiently to see Ashh's reaction. I think he is expecting something like a good remark on his move.)

Ashh:- That was amazing. You probably didn't see that Quilava but... Charizard and Torkoal and Pikachu were all fascinated by this. This was probably the best attack you have ever shown me.

(Quilava's face turns red from the heating compliment. He instantly realises that this! is! what he must perfect. Explosion is one attack that is used differently depending on the Pokemon's body. And some Pokemons use this attack like Quilava did. While specific Pokemons, for example, Typhlosion can cause explosion just by its touch. That's because it masters explosion as a Quilava

and has more developed body that let's it make explosions everywhere.)

(Adding sweetness to the talk Ashh says...)

" I remember when you used to burn yourself in Charizard's flame and you used multiple attacks on him to check how much you have improved. But from now on, I don't think you can do that anymore. If you test your Explosion on him, he'll probably end up in Professor Oak's Medicare unit."

(Quilava and Torkoal and Charizard and Pikachu laugh with enjoyment. Ever since Ashh had returned from Kanto, his Pokemons were living the best moment of their lives.The new ones mixed with the old ones like creams of different flavours. Swellow was flying around the whole town with the other flying type Pokemons. And he learnt everything about Ashh's other Pokemons from Noctowl and Bulbasaur. The Pokemons socialised with each other so quickly that it was as if they all had been together their whole life.)

Ashh:- So Torkoal what do you think? Is his Explosion as good as yours)

(It seems Torkoal also has the Explosion move. Nonetheless, Torkoal nods his head with a smile on his face.)

Ashh:- That makes it so much easier. Now that Quilava has become so much stronger than before, I presume he will need a training partner.

...."Pika pi! Pikachu!"

Ashh:- You want to be his training partner? But he'll stay in the lab with others when we go to Sinnoh.

!! .....Is it that you want to stay behind Pikachu? That would be so new but I'll try my best to catch Pokemons on my own.

(Pikachu's heart races faster than a motor car. He quickly nods his head left and right denying the idea of staying back.)

Ashh:- Hahahhaha! I was just joking Pikachu. I won't go without you. You can be his partner for as long as we are here but after that, Primeape will be his training partner.Quilava, be sure to train with Torkoal and Glalie too.

(Before leaving the place, Ashh asks Quilava a question:

" Can you use explosion with more power? I think we'll have to prepare you for a Grade 5 Explosion attack."

And Quilava answers with a nod meaning that the Explosion he showed was Grade 3 and he can only use Grade 4 Explosion when he exerts all his strength like in Grade 5. All in all we will have to wait before Quilava shows us a Grade 5 Explosion attack.)

(Ashh and Pikachu go somewhere else. Whereas the fire trio decides to cool themselves by burning a bit more sweat.)

(While walking on the grassy field, a thought came to Ashh's mind....)

Ashh:- Pikachu, don't you think we left a bit too much of the attacks untouched?


Ashh:- I mean, Charizard easily learnt the attacks like Heatwave and Sunny Day and Body Slam. But we never tried these attacks. Now he has so many new attacks that I think maybe Charizard has evolved.


Ashh:- Everyone has new attacks they want to use like Quilava had. Let's round up every attack and decide the Grading and Forms for it.


(With this today's adventure schedule is finished. But maybe the next time we will see some 'adventure buddies'.)

[|]Answer last Quiz[|]

The correct answer was option (c). It was a move of some other Pokemon called Suppression. It's a Psychic type attack that can be maintained for as long as the opponent doesn't overpower the attack.

Moves like Protect can help prevent this attack's effect.

[|] Quiz[|]

Which attack can Charizard not learn?

(a) Flame Charge

(b) Flame Pledge

(c) Fire Punch

(d) Dragon Rush

(e) Outrage

(Remember that a Pokemon can't necessarily learn all the attacks of its type.)

[|]• Facts •[|]

Pokemon- P.Type S.Type | T.Type

Charizard Fire Dragon | ---

Pikachu Electric --- | ---

Gyarados Water&Dragon --- | ---

Dragonite Dragon --- | ---

Fraligator Water Fighting | ---

(Dragon types are enough to qualify for wings. Wings don't mean flying type.)
