
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6 The day of departure arrives!

[Day 28]

(For the past 28 days Ashh has been training his Pokemons. Now they have grown to their current limits. The time when they shine has finally arrived.)

( Ashh is ready to depart for his Journey to Sinnoh region. Brock will accompany Ashh on this new adventure. Sinnoh is a place of vibrant cultures and different Pokemons. They all come together in this cold continent perfectly which is believed to be the birthplace of the ancient Humans.)

     (It is said that the ancient Humans spread across the globe after a few centuries of existence. The Legendary and flying Pokemons are said to be the ones that led to the discovery of new lands. After thousands of years findings, humans know about every place on earth. But still they have not explored all of them.)

 (According to the researchers, humans have coexisted with the Pokemons since the beginning of their existence. The researchers say that the Pokemons came thousands of years before Humans. And the ancient Humans were well connected with the local Pokemons.)

(The researches have shown that the ancient Humans befriended one Pokemon which protected their lives. This trend became common over time, they started to have more than one Pokemon in order to survive the unknown dangers.)

(Like this thousands of years passed. And then came the famous Era of Pokemon Battles.Only after a few thousand years, humans started to have Pokemon battles among themselves to strengthen their Pokemons and to have fun. Pokemons are by nature fierce and do not dislike having a few fights every now and then. This Pokemon battle became so famous that the local rulers started holding competitions for the people to see how strong they are. And different posts were given to the top rankers in these competitions.) 

(These competitions were not simple battles but complex games. Some included crossing a dangerous forest zone, some required their participants to find an item or a Pokemon. There were competitions which lasted for a month. These competitions became essential for those who wanted to associate themselves with security duties and wanted to become soldiers.)

       (But when only big kingdoms existed around a thousand years ago, these Pokemon competitions took the form of present day Pokemon Battles. The rules were set and people from far away came to attend the big leagues.)

(It is common knowledge that the world hasn't changed much over the past few centuries, and the reason is that this era is the most stable and peaceful of all time. When humans came they were endangered because of wild Pokemons, after that they had built their separate kingdoms which became the reason for wars.And this continued till three hundred years ago when almost the whole world adopted the 'Mayor System'.)

  (Sinnoh was the last to adopt this 'Mayor System' around 290 years ago. There are many secluded settlements and unknown villages in Sinnoh that attract Pokemon trainers who seek perfect Pokemon partners for themselves.)

      (The Mayor System has every city or town elect someone who would look after that area according to the Laws. But there are still some places that do not have Mayors but rulers. These are the small settlements who wanted to continue being as they were. They are mostly secluded and hardly come in the news. The government also doesn't mess with their matters as per the treaties. There are some villages who have village chiefs and elders. They are also similar to the secluded settlements.)

(Ashh's plan to visit Sinnoh is actually not only beneficial for Ashh but also Professor Oak and Brock. Do you want to know why?.......It's because one of the Ancient First Pokemons, Arceus is said to have visited Sinnoh. And there are many myths and legends related to it in Sinnoh. Not only that but buildings with its depictions can be found in around a hundred ruins. As a Researcher Professor Oak wants to gather information on Arceus' relation with the ancient Humans.)

(As such Ashh is sure to have some amazing adventures in the ancient ruins.)


[Laboratory, Pallet Town]

Prof. Oak:- You remember what I told you right Ashh?

Ashh:- Yes I remember. Don't worry Professor Oak, I'll do it.

Delia Ketchum (mom):- What are you talking about Ashh?

Ashh:- We were talking about Sinnoh.

Mom, did you pack my bag?

Delia Ketchum:- Yes dear! I packed everything you asked me to pack.

Ashh:- And… Did you pack something else too?

Delia Ketchum:- Yes!! I also packed an extra pair of clothes and some snacks.

Ashh:- Mom, I told you not to pack anything else. How will I travel easily if I have a big bag?

Delia Ketchum:- That's also right….. Then how about I give you some extra money and you can buy whatever you left?

Ashh:- But my card has a lot of money.

Delia Ketchum:- Ok then I'll make today's party more luxurious.

 (In Ashh's mind... " When did mom start spending so much? Is she too sad that I am going?")

(But that's not it... " Ah Ashh isn't going to spend the money I am giving him. I can't believe he already has a source of income. He took even lesser money than the first time he went on his journey.")

Prof. Oak:- ???

Tracey:- Where is Brock Ashh?    —[Ashh's friend from Orange Island]

Ashh:- He was at the river with Misty. I'll go call him.

"There is no need for that. We came back Ashh."

Ashh:- Misty! Brock! Are you ready?

Brock:- But it's not time yet.

Delia Ketchum:- He is asking if you are ready for the party or not!

Misty:- Of course how can we not.

Tracey:- Ashh's Pokemons are also quite excited.

Ashh:- Because our last party was very fun.

Prof. Oak:- I… would say we don't make it like last time. My dress got dirty in that commotion.

Delia Ketchum:- Comeon professor, Bayleef was just trying to share its fruit juice with you.

Misty:- How many badges will you win this time Ashh?


Misty:- I heard that experienced trainers get 9 or 10 badges.

Ashh:- Of course~ I'll also see if I can win 10 badges or not.

Delia Ketchum:- There are very few gyms you can challenge after winning 8 badges.

Ashh:- Huh? Then  I'll have to travel long distances to get to the other Gym. Isn't it very hard Brock?

Brock:- We'll see.

Delia Ketchum:' You can use a train or an aeroplane to travel, Ashh. Here, keep this money.

Ashh:- No it's more fun to travel on foot.

Delia Ketchum:- Hahahaha! You have learnt many things on your journey that young children don't know about.

Ashh:- It is really fun to be on a journey to different places. I can't believe what I would've done if Pokemons didn't love me.

Delia Ketchum:- That's not possible.Do you remember Pikachu didn't like anyone until it met you?

Brock:- That's right Ashh. Every Pokemon loves you.

(Now the party begins. Ashh, his friends and his family enjoy the party. But….. what is this party for?)

[Ashh is going to Sinnoh today]

(Oh! Ashh is leaving for Sinnoh. Indigo region is connected to Sinnoh with land but as always Ashh will use a ferry.)


Misty:- Bye Ashh! Bye Brock!

Delia Ketchum:- Bye Ashh! Take care! Be sure to change your clothes every day!

Ashh:- Yes mom! Bye Misty! Bye Prof. Oak!

Brock:- Bye everyone!

Prof. Oak:- Remember to enjoy your journey. And also go to Professor Rowen's Laboratory first. It's in the Sandgem town.

Brock:- I'll remember it, Professor. Bye!

(Once again Ashh and his friend Brock left their homes for an adventurous journey.This journey will be the best ever because Ashh has never been so determined to win a tournament. While Ashh is determined to win the Sinnoh Championship, Brock has decided to overcome all the challenges and get himself a partner. Will they be successful? We will see.)

[On the way to the viridian City]

Ashh:- How long will it take to reach Viridian City, Brock?

Brock:- We should be able to get there by night if we run.

Ashh:- That's too long. Let me do something.

Brock:- What will you do? We don't have a Pokemon we can use to get there either.

Ashh:-I have!—

         Go Tauros!!

Brock:- You brought Tauros with you? When did you decide that?

Ashh:- It's a secret. Well I am going to send him back when we board the ferry.

Brock:- Ok. Does Professor Oak know about this?

Ashh:- Yes I told him. Ok then get on. We'll go as fast as we can.

(Ashh and Brock rode Tauros and reached Viridian City. Tauros almost took them to the afterlife with his speed of 80 miles per hour.)


Brock:- I'll never ride Tauros again. Never! Never!

Ashh:- I didn't know Tauros would run so fast. We died almost three times.


Ashh:- Why are you so happy? Return Tauros!

(Ashh and Brock rest at the Pokemon Centre and depart the next day. They finally reach their destination, ferry and get on board.)

(The next day on the ferry, Ashh and Brock find a tournament. Ashh decided to take part in it. He enters with Pikachu, Aipom and Tauros.)

(In the first round Ashh's Pikachu went against a Poly wrath. It was a swift victory without much damage taken.)

(In the second round, Ashh uses his Aipom against a Teddiursa. Aipom defeats in with only 6 moves.)

(In the third round, the opponent uses phanpy against Pikachu. But Ashh knew how to defeat it. Pikachu's 3rd Iron Tail ended the match)

(In the fourth round, the opponent used a new Pokemon.)

Ashh:- Oh! A new Pokemon.

     {Pokedex} – Monferno. This Pokemon is very agile and uses burrows to ambush it's enemies. It can expand the flame on its tail-tip to intimidate the opponent. This Pokemon is the evolved form of Chimchar.

(Ashh uses Tauros to fight this Pokemon. The opponent uses Flame Wheel, fire punch, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Flame thrower and fire blast. Tauros defended for a few minutes using Double team, Head-butt, Quick Attack etc. He finishes Monferno with a Fissure Attack and Hyper beam.)

Ashh:- It was a good fight. Hahaha!😄😄

(In the last round, both the trainers had to use two Pokemons. Ashh used Pikachu and Aipom. His opponent used Roselia and Golduck. Roselia uses Petal dance and Golduck uses Aqua Tail. Pikachu and Aipom use Double Team to confuse their opponents. They evade the attacks and use Swift attack and Thunder Shock attack.)

(Golduck uses Protect and saves Roselia as well. Roselia prepares for Solar Beam and Golduck fires Hyperbeam. Pikachu and Aipom dodge it. Roselia then uses Solar Beam and Pikachu attacks with Thunder bolt. Golduck uses Water gun on Aipom and Aipom uses dig to evade. Then attacks with double slap from below the ground. Golduck is then hit by Pikachu's Thunderbolt and is out of the battle. Roselia uses Pin Missile on Pikachu and Aipom. Aipom uses Swift attack to counter it and Pikachu uses dig. Then Aipom uses Focus Punch which Roselia counters with Poison Jab. And Pikachu ends the Battle with a powerful Quick Attack.)

[Winner-Ashh Ketchum]

(As a prize for winning the tournament, Ashh gets a Medal, a Certificate and a Leaf stone.)

[|] Answer last quiz[|]



Which region has two biggest Islands?



This chapter is the start of Ashh's Sinnoh Journey. In the next Chapter we will discuss what is happening with the Team Rocket trio- Meowth, James and Jessie. They are definitely up to no good but are they living a better life ? well see!

rd_mohib_creators' thoughts