
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter7 The messed up trio got Lucky!

(We saw that Ashh and Brock were going to the Sinnoh region on a ferry. We also saw Ashh winning a Leaf Stone as a prize in the tournament on the ferry. But all the time Ashh was undisturbed by the infamous Team Rocket. So I thought we should also keep an eye on what they are doing.)

  (But to do that, we must go to ThunderVeil Island in the Jhoto* region. {can be Johto})

(Meowth, James and Jessie came to this Island on a mission to find treasure. They took a loan from the Team Rocket finance department at a high interest rate. But can they even pay the original money they took? We will have to find out.)

[On the shore]

James:- (In a deep tone…" Can we reach the center of this Island?")

Jessie:- (With pure confidence…" Of course! We won't go empty handed.)

Meowth:- (In deep thought…" Who knows the way to the treasure?")

(All of them are silent—

    James exclaimed:- I know a way to get there!)

(Jessie and Meowth laugh with joy and celebrate on hearing this.)

(Then in their normal voice they talk-)

James:- I know the way but it's not like a map.

Meowth:- Then what is it?

Jessie:- Do you have a riddle or something?

James:- Yes exactly! When we found the map that gave us the location of this Island, I was looking at another piece of paper. There were some instructions written on it.

Meowth:- Then why didn't you tell us!?

James:- I thought those two were not related. Sorry!

Jessie:- What are the instructions?

James:- 1.Exit the outermost layer and enter the second layer.

Meowth:- Ok let's go!

(The trio enters the second layer of the Island which has 4 dangerous layers.)

Meowth:- What is next?

James:- 2. Find a Bibarel and follow it.

Meowth:- I can smell it from afar. It's this way.

Jessie:- What did it mean by layers?

James:- Didn't you notice? The shore was like a beach while this was like a grass field. Maybe there are multiple terrains on this Island.

Meowth:- I found one! Hey, come here!

(It seems Meowth found a Bibarel. But what if these Pokemons are very aggressive? They don't seem well prepared.)

James:- (While hiding behind a bush) Where is it going?

Meowth:- Maybe to its house

Jessie:- Does it live in the center of the Island?

James:- No no.3 says,' Follow a Pidgey when you enter the third layer.'

Meowth:- It's going to disappear. Let's catch it.

(Jessie, James and Meowth enter the Island's third layer successfully without any problem.)

Jessie:- Wow the instructions are so helpful. We didn't get into any kind of trouble.

James:- What if every other route we could have taken were also safe and only the third and fourth layers are dangerous?

Meowth:- I talked to that Bibarel when it stopped near the pond. It said other places have bigger and more powerful Pokemons. Also the next layer's Pidgey is the only weak Pokemon. Even Pidgeotto is super dangerous.

James:- 5. Use a Pokemon to follow the Pidgey as it is one of the fastest in the world.

Jessie:- Should I catch it? Think how amazing our team will become after we have a Pidgeot.

Meowth:- Having a flying type Pokemon will definitely make it easy for us to steal Pokemons.

James:- (Uses binoculars..) I think it's a Pidgey. But it's very far. Should we wait for another one?

Jessie:- (While running..) Do you think we'll find another one soon? That Bibarel was the only one we saw after 3hrs of walking.

James:- Come out Mime Jr. !! Use your Psychic powers to make us float. And follow that Pidgey!!

Jessie:- Ah… Ah..Ah!!! You should ask us first Jamesssss~

(The trio followed Pidgey by flying with Mime Jr.'s powers.)

[After 30 minutes]

James:- At this rate we'll reach the next layer in ten minutes.

Meowth:- It's speeding up!

Jessie:- Go Yanma! Keep an eye on that Pidgey.

James:- Mime Jr. make us a little faster please.


(Just like that Team Rocket enters the fourth layer.)

Jessie:- So did we just enter the fourth region?

James:- I thought this layer would be difficult but other than continuously following Pidgey, we had to do nothing.

Meowth:- I am sure this layer is also similar. So which Pokemon do we have to follow this time?

James:- 6. Now I have guided you to the last layer. You have to keep going towards its center. Good luck!

Meowth:- See… I told you this layer is also very easy.

Jessie:- There is another instruction.

James:- 7. I guided you to this place so that you don't waste your precious energy. Because, this layer is almost impossible to survive. I can only say Good Luck!!

Meowth:- (Very loudly) Whatt!!!?

Jessie:- There is no instruction for this layer?

James:- Something is written on the backside.

Meowth:- Let me read it…..8.Try as hard as possible to avoid Rhydon and Ursaring on the ground and every flying type Pokemon in the air. Good Luck!!

(That was the last sentence Meowth said calmly. Because after that his team was in constant danger. For the next 2 days they continuously fell into dangerous traps. They were attacked by 3 Rhydons and 2 Ursarings. They were also swarmed by Beedrills. Jessie and James fought battles for 3 hours both days and Meowth almost got caught by Pokemons 7 times.)

(After this deadly journey, they got to the place that had the treasure. It was a rocky mountain. They entered the cave and found the chest that had treasure.)

(Worn out James exclaimed very angrily….." If I don't find the treasure in this chest, I'll definitely destroy this whole Island.)

Jessie:- Calm down James I am sure there is treasure in this chest.

Meowth:- Let's open it. Furi Swipes!!!

(Meowth opens the chest and finds….)

James:- Evolution Stones!! There are so many different types of Evolution Stones. We are rich! Jessie, Meowth we are rich!

Meowth:- There are 10 Evolution Stones. 3 Fire stone, Water stone and thunder stone.

Meowth:- And one awkward looking pebble.

James:- I am sure we can pay most of our debt with this.

Jessie:- And the boss might forgive us after we bring these nine stones.

Meowth:- What about this pebble?

Jessie:- I don't think it's useful. You should keep it as a memoir of this adventure.

Meowth:- Ah… Thank You~

James:- Guys look. Something is written here.

Jessie:- 'Escaping from the sky is the best way to get off this Island. But it's the worst idea if you can't fight in the air.'

James:- Let's take out our balloon!

(James, Meowth and Jessie fly with the help of their balloon and Escape the Island. But it was not easy, they were attacked by 20 small and one big Pokemon in the air. But they survived with the help of Yanma, Mime Jr. and Cacnea.)

[The next Day]

(The next day they reach Voltborne Island)

Meowth:- How can we go to that brat Ashh?

Jessie:- His home is in Pallet Town, right?

James:- Let's go to a Pokemon Center and find out where he is.

Meowth:- How?

Jessie:- We'll figure that out later but first let's deliver the Evolution Stones to the Boss.

(James calls his Boss, Giovanni and informs him about the treasure they found. Giovanni was happy with them for the first time and forgave the rest of their debt.)

Jessie:- So how do we find out about Pikachu?

James:- It's simple….

         I'll just call and ask Professor Oak.

Meowth:- What?!! Why would he tell us?

James:- I'll just say I am his friend.

Jessie:- But how do we convince him?

James:- Don't you think we know a lot about him? It will be easy, just watch!

(James calls Professor Oak and asks him about Ashh and Pikachu. And Professor Oak tells him that Ashh has gone to Sinnoh region.)

James:- Ashh and Pikachu have gone to Sinnoh region.

Jessie:- He told you?!!

Meowth:- Sinnoh…..huh? Who are we waiting for? Let's go to Sinnoh region!!

James:- There is a ferry that will take us to Sinnoh region. Let's go by that.

Jessie:- We should go to Sinnoh before that brat and set a trap.

Meowth: He must first go to a Pokemon Center to participate in the Sinnoh Championship. We'll steal his Pikachu when he comes!

(The team rocket trio gets on the next ferry that will take them to Sinnoh region. Little do they know that Ashh and Brock are also in that ferry. Let's see how there meeting goes.)

[|]Answer Last Quiz[|]

The answer is Hoenn region. It's two largest Islands are Unova and Kalos. These two are a part of Hoenn region but they are very distinct and have separate culture. Their starter Pokemons are also different and there are many Pokemons that are only found in these regions.


Which is the strongest Pokemon Ashh's Pikachu has ever defeated excluding Dragonite?