
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 A Gym leader with 3 Sisters!

[19th Day]

(Everything is going according to Ashh's plan. His Pokemons are ready for any battle they might face. But why is Corphish so down?)

[Back side pond of Ashh's House]

Ashh:- Corphish!~ Corphish!~ Corphish!~

Huh...what are you doing here Corphish?


Ashh:- What happened Corphish? Why are you so sad?

"... Corphish"

Ashh:- Are you worried about evolving?

(" !! Corphish! Corphish!" , Corphish says very quickly.)

Ashh:- It's no use denying. I know you must be thinking about it since everyone else is evolving and you didn't .

"..... Corphishh"

Ashh:- Do you know how Kingler evolved?

" Corphish?"

Ashh:- When he evolved that day, the whole battle was won entirely by him. Maybe you will also evolve after defeating Pokemons in a row. I am sure you only lack confidence like Kingler when he first fought in a tournament.


Ashh:- Don't think too much about it. Just try to defeat Pokemons you face. When someone stronger comes by, you can always become a Crawdaunt and defeat it.

( Ashh's words of encouragement once again filled Corphish's heart with excitement and joy. Now he is only thinking about having battles.)

Ashh:- Don't be so fixed on one thing Corphish. There is much more you can do on our journey.

( Looking at Ashh...Corphish felt like he witnessed a brightness much deeper than the stars' of the night sky.)

Ashh:- Do you want to eat something Corphish? Mom has cooked an amazing dish for Water type Pokemons.



[Outside Pallet Town,River]

(Ashh comes to this place with Pikachu and Corphish. There were a few water type Pokemons like goldeen and magikarp.)

Ashh:- It's a very special place Corphish. Do you want to know why?


Ashh:- That's because I—

".. Hey Ashh!"

Ashh:- Who is —

Misty?!! Wow when did you come here? Did you come to get another Water type Pokemon!

Misty:- Which trainer in their right mind would do that? Taking care of Pokemons is much harder than catching multiple of them.

Ashh:-Haha. I am joking.

(Ashh shakes his hands with Misty and says

"You have the same reaction as ever. Why won't you ever greet me with a praising sentence?"

Misty:- Forget that, I have more important things to do. Let's go and meet your Wartortle, Croconaw, Quilava and Ivysaur. I am very excited to see them~.

(Misty's mind is clouded with the thoughts of Ashh's evolved Pokemons. She is overjoyed with the fact that Ashh decided to evolve his Water type Pokemons.)

(Ashh whispers to Corphish," She is the one I met at this place. At that time I and Pikachu were in a big danger. She stuck with us ever since.... Hehehe!~")

Misty:- What are you saying huh? I think you are saying something bad about me.

Ashh:- No I was just praising you.

Misty:- That's the worst excuse you can make Ashh. I know you'll never praise me so sneakily.

Ashh:- I also praise you, you know.

(Misty says," Yes.Yes. Then why were you laughing?" and moves on.)

Ashh:- Let's go to Prof. Oak's lab.

( Ashh, his Pokemons and Misty walk towards Professor Oak's Laboratory. Looks like Azurill hasn't evolved yet. But without Togepi, it feels like we are missing the heart of this scene.)

[A field in Professor Oak's Laboratory]

Misty:- Wooww!~ Squirtle looks so handsome. And Totodile also became a grown up. Look Bulbasaur is still the same.

But what happened to Cyndaquil? He has completely changed. It's like a whole another Pokemon.

Prof. Oak:- That's the effect of Evolution. Some Pokemons change a little while some change completely.

Misty:- I wonder what kind of Pokemon Psyduck will become when he evolves. I hope he changes completely.

Ashh:- But I think he fights fine.

Misty:-I know how he fights, but the problem is he rarely fights any Pokemon.

Prof. Oak:- I would say you should become a Pokemon researcher Misty. I have never seen a trainer transform their Pokemon so much.

Ashh:- Yes. I was also very surprised. I never thought Psyduck would improve so much.

Misty:- That's the very least I could do after all those times he disappointed me. I was going to go as far as to punish him if he didn't learn how to fight.

Ashh:- So how many Pokemons has it defeated by now?

Misty:- Not many. I would say around 12 or 13.

Prof. Oak:- And how is your Seaking?

Misty:- It is as good as ever. I never thought my Goldeen was such a capable Pokemon.

Ashh:- Who told you not to evolve it? It is the trainer's fault if a Pokemon can't show it's full capability.

Misty:- It's not like I didn't train it. I would say it's your fault.

Ashh:- My fault? How is that!?

Misty:- Brock would also agree, it was due to your Gym battles that I didn't get to train. Moreover,

(She changes her expression and says..." it was so fun to travel with you two that I didn't focus on training.")

Ashh:- Haha! I know, it was very fun.

Prof. Oak:- So do you plan on going to Sinnoh? I know you will train harder this time and you can also catch some new Water type Pokemons.

Ashh:- That would be great.

(Will Misty accompany Ashh on his journey? She hasn't been to Sinnoh region, and she can't pass a new water type Pokemon,will she go or not?)

Misty:- No I can't do that.

Ashh:- Why!?!

Misty :- I got a Gym to take care of.

Ashh:- But you have three sisters right?

Misty:- But I am also a Gym leader.

Ashh:- They won't keep you locked if you want to go.

Misty:- I don't want to leave the Gym yet.

Prof. Oak:- Are you staying behind to train?

Misty:- Yes. Since last year only strong and experienced trainers come to challenge. I thought there wasn't much to learn but someone came and defeated me.

Ashh:- You are still so weak Misty?

Misty:- He was a finalist this year, also he has 6 years of experience.

Ashh:- But he didn't win the League, Right!  I would have definitely defeated him. Afterall, I have defeated the Frontier Brains.

Misty:- It's not so easy. And besides, I didn't loose completely. His last Pokemon was almost defeated too.

Ashh:- Which Pokemon was his strongest?

Misty:- The forth one. It was a Tropius.

Prof. Oak:- Which Pokemon did you use?

Misty:- My Gyarados! I was lucky that I chose her. Otherwise one of my Pokemons would have lost without any success.

Ashh:- Any other remarkable Pokemons?

Misty:- He also had a Kingdra and a Jolteon. The other one was a Marshtorm.But it wasn't as strong as I expected.

(Ashh was thinking.... " That's not too bad. Actually it's a pretty good team. He didn't use too many electric and grass type Pokemons. Maybe I should fight him.")

Ashh:- Where does he live?

Misty:- In Jhoto region. I'll definitely defeat him.

Ashh:- I can't go there....or should I go there?

Misty:- No! You shouldn't go there.

Ashh:- Why?! I'll get to fight a strong opponent if I go. And I can also fight a Gym leader.

Misty:- You'll meet him in the Pokemon Masters League right?

Ashh:- Yes I almost forgot about it. Then I should go to Sinnoh with Brock.

Misty:Brock… huh?

Prof. Oak:- When is he coming Ashh?

Ashh:- He will come in a few days.

Misty:- I heard you were doing some interesting form of training. Let's check it!

Ashh:- Sure. I'll use My Corphish.

Misty:- I will use my Seadra.

Prof. Oak:- Then I'll be the referee.

(Ashh and Misty fight a tough battle. Corphish got cornered after a few rounds of attacks. But luck was on his side, Corphish evolved right when he was using Bide attack against Seadra's Dragon Breath. Corphish as a Crawdaunt gave Seadra a tough fight. In the end they couldn't get a victor since the legal limit of 21 min 37 sec had passed. And as the rule suggests, their battle can't be continued until 3hrs later.)

Prof. Oak:- Ashh and Misty you shouldn't be so stubborn. It's very rare that any battle reaches the time limit. Why couldn't either of you withdraw from the battle?

Ashh:- Because it was such a good fight. I was itching to have a fight like this. And Crawdaunt also hates to end a fight without a clear result.

Misty:- I am sure you wouldn't have stopped either Professor Oak. You were a Pokemon trainer too right?

Prof. Oak:- That was a long time ago.

Ashh:- Do you want to have a battle Professor? I want to fight your Dr—

Prof. Oak:- No Ashh I can't fight right now. I have an important work to do.

(And Professor Oak leaves.)

Ashh:-Am I still too weak that he doesn't want to fight me?

Misty:- Maybe he doesn't want to spend 21 min 37 sec in one battle?

Ashh:- Hehe. I am not so good.

( Ashh and Misty keep talking and have a few more battles.)

[|]Answer last quiz[|]

(b) Flame Pledge

Charizard won't learn this attack even when it is introduced.


Which Pokemon of Ashh is also called Emperor of the Jungle?

(Write your answer in the Comments)




Now the release will be subtle, one or two days per Chapter .

And Ashh's Sinnoh Journey Is Near....Very Near Indeed!!

[Read the other chapters as well].

rd_mohib_creators' thoughts