
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 1 Hey Professor!

<Let me talk about the Pokemon World><I believe>

={This world has exactly has 4 Regions:

Indigo region (many call it Kanto Region but I don't)+ Kanto is a part of Indigo region . Johto region. Hoenn region. and Sinnoh region.

There are two Great Island sub regions near Hoenn called Kalos and Unova.}=

[Ashh Ketchum Palette town, Indigo region]

(It's been a while since Ash returned from Kanto after defeating all the Frontier Brains. Now Ash is spending his days with his more than 20 Pokemon Friends.Most of the time he stays at the laboratory)

(Although Ashh accomplished his goal in Kanto and defeated Legendary Pokemons, he is not

wavering. His resolve to improve his every Pokemon is at its peak. The main focus of today's training is Ashh's Corphish.)

"...Ashh can you come here?"

(Oh who do we have here, it's Professor Oak! Why did he call Ashh?... let's see.)

(Ashh enters Prof. Oak's office and asks)

Ashh:-What happened Professor Oak? Do you need my help?

Prof. Oak:- Ah no, not that. I called you here to ask what you are going to do now. Your rival Gary has already embarked on his journey to learn more about Pokemons in Sinnoh region.

(Oh so that's why these two young trainers are not fighting right now. Given Ashh's character he will definitely–)

Ashh:- I am not going to Sinnoh yet. My Pokemons are not ready.



(Whaaatt?!! Ashh just said he is not going?? Is he really Ashh Ketchum we know?!?)

{Director-Thats a bit overboard Narrator.}

(Hmm! Hm! Let's see what is behind this change in Ashh...)

Prof. Oak:- Why? You never say no to a new region and always catch new Pokemons there.

Ashh:-Professor Oak.... you know it was only to find more of these powerful Pokemons. I think that the last 4 years I spent were enough to make a team.

Prod. Oak:- So are you planning to do it now?

Ashh:- Yes... I won't waste even a day now. From now till the end of the month, I'll get all my Pokemons in their best form. I am finally going to aim for the Trophy this time.

( Is this a major plot twist or minor change that we were all anticipating for a long time? We will know it soon.)

"..Then won't you become a Pokemon Master?"

(Oh whose familiar voice is this? Inside the office?)

Ashh:- Ah, that's what you tell to the children. I already know all about 'Pokemon Masters League' , Tracey.

Tracey:- Ha!ha!ha! I wouldn't be shocked if you didn't know. You were always like this, wanting to do something but doesn't know anything.

(Oh! Its Tracey, Professor Oak's Assistant. He travelled the Orange Islands with Ashh.An Artist!)

....(And what is P–)

Prof. Oak:- Are you confident that you can win this Ashh? If so I'll ask you for a favour.

( Hey let me complete my senten–)

Ashh:- You can tell me Professor Oak.

Tracey:- Not much, just that you'll have to keep a detailed note of every important events.

Ashh:- Oh that's so easy. I can even click a photo of it.

(Ahem!! I wanted to ask.. no tell the dear readers what 'Pokemon Masters League' is. It's actually the place that can make you a Pokemon Master. Competitors who have won a Regional League,a few selected Pokemon Championships, have defeated the Frontier Brains, are memeber Hall Of Fame of a region or Champions of a region can all enter this league. A few individuals selected by the committee can also enter. A league only entered by best of the Pokemon trainers is truly a fit place to decide a Pokemon Master.)

Tracey:- What about the 'Pokemon Masters League'? When will you enter that?

Ashh:- After winning Sinnoh Championship!!

(What Tracey meant to say was why isn't Ashh entering the 'Pokemon Masters League' first? Afterall he has defeated all the Frontier Brains.)

Prof. Oak:- Come here Ashh! I have to show you something.

Ashh:- What is it Professor..?

Prof. Oak:- Look at that big screen. Those three are the starter Pokemons of Sinnoh region.

Ashh:- I saw them on T•V. In a Pokemon Contest.

Prof. Oak:- It's not the Pokemons.Look closely at the Pokeballs beside them.

Ashh:- Ah those are Shining a lot. Why is that Professor..?

Prof. Oak- That's Sinnoh culture. They keep their young Pokemons' pokeballs in shining case. Mostly Pokemon Coordinators do this.

Ashh:- It looks amazing.

(Now Ashh asks Prof. Oak an obvious question with a lot of hope.)

Ashh:- Should I try it too? Will my Pokemons like it?

Tracey:- .....What !? No way calm down Ash! Your Pokemons don't even care about looks. If you keep their pokeballs in those cases, then there is a ninety percent chance that this place will be no more.

(An accurate 10 on 10 answer. Ashh doesn't yet have a single Pokemon who likes their pokeballs getting treated unusually. Even if it is cleaning they only let Ashh or Prof.Oak do it.)

Ashh:- I don't think they'll do that.

Prof. Oak:- Ashh you shouldn't trust them so much. Just a week before you returned, one of your Pokemons started a fight against many onix. They almost destroyed the habitat of ground type Pokemons.

Ashh:- Who could have done that?

Prof. Oak:- It was Bayleef and totodile. And.... Cyndaquil was also fighting.

(Upon hearing this Ashh's face stretched and he unknowingly smiled. Tracey was also happy to see Ashh's reaction. Maybe the damaged facility was not as important as Cyndaquil's fight.)

Ashh:- I am going to meet him Professor Oak. Bye Tracey! Bye Professor Oak!

Tracey:- He seems even happier than yesterday when his Primeape returned after winning the Jhoto Fighter Tournament.

Professor Oak:- Yes and why wouldn't he be, afterall his little Cyndaquil has become a daring Pokemon on its own. I think Ashh was planning on training it the most this time. But maybe someone else will get the privilege.

(Ashh with a smiling face runs towards his Pokemons. His many Pokemons don't know the reason but they are also happy to see their trainer so happy.)

Ashh:- Cyndaquil I love you!!!!!

Let's see what happens next in the next

chapter. We don't have shortage of time

afterall, I am going to rewrite the whole

story from Sinnoh region and onwards.

Wait patiently for the next chapter

as it might take more than a day for

one chapter these 18-20 days.Sorry!

[|] A little quizzzz... Which one of Ashh's Pokemons are in the lab but we don't know?[|]

a) Butterfree

b) Pidgeot

c) Squirtle

