
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 16 Turtwig, join me!

(Ashh, his friends and the Old lady are having a conversation when the Pokemons play by themselves. There is certainly no danger other than the wild Pokemons so, they are at ease. But will the Team Rocket really not come back? Let's find out!)

(After Brock thanked the Old lady once more, Ashh asks a question that was bugging him for a while. What is this question and will it have any effect on Ashh's journey? We'll see!)

Ashh:- So... do you not have even a single Pokemon?

"No, not even a single one. But I always play with the Pokemons of the forest."

Dawn:- Wow! I am amazed by you~

Brock:- How did you come to know Turtwig?

" One day Turtwig came to my house injured and covered in bruises. I fed it some Pokemon food that I had prepared as well as treated it with the herbs I grow. Ever since then Turtwig never left this forest."

(Ashh thinks that....." It would be sad if a trainer catches *Turtwig. I shouldn't catch it either. Let's tell Dawn after the old lady is gone.")

" But I think Turtwig should soon leave this place."

Ashh:- Why!!?

Dawn:- Won't you be sad if it left after such a long time?

" Then I would be happy that he gets to see new places. There isn't much I can do for it and I am getting older and older."

Brock:- What are you saying? You are still as valour as any other middle-aged woman.

" Hahaha! Thank you Brock. You are such a sweet person, I am sure there are many who want to be your friend."

(Someone says internally....." And that's that. They don't want to be more than a friend. Poor Brock....")

(Who is this person, it's definitely the one who knows him the best. Ashh!!)

Brock:- Yes~ And I just made a new friend on our way here. She wants to open a flower shop when I have become a great Pokemon Breeder.

"Pokemon Breeder, huh. Then you must be interested in the herbs i grow."

Brock:- Yes!! I saw so many new types of herbs in your field, can you tell me something about them?

(The old lady hands out a Book to Brock.)

"Apparadom is the herb with four leaves and a red stalk. Its powder can cure high fever, cold, headache and bacterial i illnesses."

Brock:- Oh.....

" Sapleege is the one on the next page."

Brock:- The one that looks like a very small tree?

" Yes. It has branches, flowers, fruits and roots. It is basically a very small sized plant."

Dawn:- It looks like the sapling didn't grow in height but still matured.

"That's right. This herb can cure any Pokemon's indigestion and stomach related problems. Many costly medicines are made by this herb."

Dawn:- Why is it costly?

Ashh:- Because it is too rare?

" No. It's not rare."

Brock:- Because it is hard to grow?

"Yes, it's hard to grow. On average, only 4 out of 10 herbs survive."

Brock:- It's that hard?!

Ashh:- But can't you just plant more of these herbs than others?

Brock:- People have limited land Ashh. They can't just plant it all over the field.

"And it only grows in certain climates. That's why my business isn't ruined."

Dawn:- Do Pokemons attack your field?

"They do sometimes, but Turtwig and his friends are always there to help me. But it's hard to defend when flying type Pokemons try to take my herbs."

Ashh:- Oh... It must be hard taking care of all this by yourself.

Brock:- !! Yourself?

"No no. I have a grand daughter who takes care of the delivery of herbs and buying seeds."

Brock:- Oh! How old is she to help you?

"She is still a child. Only 18 years old."

Ashh:- She is amazing, isn't she? Already taking care of a business and the house.

(Pikachu comes running from the forest and takes Ashh with him. He was in a hurry as well as worried.)


Ashh:- What happened Pikachu?

(When Ashh goes outside, he sees a Linoone lying on the ground. It's right hind leg was injured by something.)

Ashh:- How did this happen?

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

Ashh:- It must have hit something like a rock.

Dawn:- Which Pokemon is this?

{Pokedex- Linoone, a Normal type Pokemon. This Pokemon runs very fast in straight lines. Linoone is incapable of making big turns while running. It occasionally hits rocks and other Pokemons while running}

Ashh:- How did it's leg get hurt and not the head?

Brock:- It probably turned left before hitting the object. Otherwise it would have crashed into it.

Dawn:- How do we help it?

Brock:- Don't worry, I have medicines and healing potions.

Ashh:- Brock is always ready for these things.

(Brock uses the spray to heal Linoone's injury. After sometime, Linoone gets totally better and returns to the forest.)

"You are all very good people. I haven't seen many trainers who would go out of their way to help wild Pokemons."

Ashh:- It would be a real shame if we didn't help Linoone whereas, you are helping us.

"Come with me, I'll prepare something for us to eat."

Brock:- Let me help with the food, please.

Ashh:- Brock is a very talented cook. I haven't seen anyone quite like Brock.

"Then I would appreciate your help in the kitchen, Brock."

Dawn:- Are you going to make food for the Pokemons too?

Brock:- Yes, their food isn't canned you know.

Dawn:- How do you make their food Brock?

Brock:- Sometimes, the food just needs to be heated, and sometimes I make their food from raw materials like our food.

"You are such a hard working person Brock."

(After the food is ready, everyone enjoys the meal. Turtwig also likes Brock's Pokemon food.)


(Turtwig jumps and bites Ashh's head. Ashh is taken by surprise and doesn't know how to react.)

Ashh:- What are you doing Turtwig? Do you want more food?



(Turtwig doesn't get down and continues to hang from Ashh's head. Ashh is clueless as to what is happening and thus asks the Old lady about this.)

"Turtwig isn't asking for food or attacking you Ashh. He likes you."

Ashh:- Turtwig like me?

Dawn:- Really?

Ashh:- I mean that's natural but why is it biting my head?

Dawn:- What!! It's natural?!!

"Turtwig shows it's love to a human by biting their head. It's not an attack so they just attach themselves with the human."

Brock:- Another unique characteristic of a Pokemon.

(After hearing the answer, Ashh isn't confused anymore. He runs Turtwig's head and says... "Do you like me that much Turtwig?")

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

" What is this? It seems Turtwig has already made it's mind."

Ashh:- About what?

Brock:- Going with you. He seems to like you alot.

Ashh:- But we haven't spent that much time yet.

Dawn:-Yes. And since we came here together, how did he decide to go with Ashh?

Ashh:- That's probably because I am a much better trainer than either of you.

Dawn:-Ahhh~ I am sure ther isn't a single trainer as good as me, Pokemon Coordinator Dawn.

Ashh:- You couldn't even train Piplup properly, how do you expect another Pokemon to just join you?

Dawn:- How did I not train Piplup properly?

Ashh:- You hand taught it anything particular. Piplup is not much stronger than it was before.

Dawn:- That's because we have just started.

Brock:- You lost Dawn—

("That's right!" Ashh exclaims.Then he goes on to explain his this is right.)

Ashh:- You have just started, so taking care of multiple Pokemons will be harder for you than me.

Dawn:- Ok I get it. I want able to impress Turtwig.


Ashh:- So do you want a challenge?

"This boy will definitely not submit without a fight."

Ashh:- Then let's have it. I'll catch you today itself Turtwig!


Ashh:- I choose you Pikachu.

"Pika! Pikachu!~"

Dawn:- Isn't it a better to use Starly? Pikachu has a type advantage.

Brock:- You should only use Pokemons who can help you in these times. Pikachu is stronger and faster than Turtwig. So Ashh didn't take any chance.

Dawn:- Do you think it will be the same after Turtwig evolves too?

Brock:- Turtwig's final evolution had a secondary Ground typing, right?

Dawn:- Yes.

Brock:- It will be a hard battle then.

"Use Quick attack Pikachu!"

(Pikachu dashes towards Turtwig like a thunder strike. In it's defence, Turtwig uses Razor leaf. Pachi dodges them before hitting Turtwig.)

Dawn:- Ouch!

"Thunderbolt Pikachu."

(Turtwig gets on his feet before Pikachu's Thunderbolt Attack. Turtwig uses Seed Bomb to cause an evolution and guides from Pikachu. Then Turtwig uses Razor leaf attack that hits Pikachu.)

"Ah- Pikachu!"


"It seems you are fine."

Brock:- Turtwig's cover is blown.

Dawn:- How will it evade Pikachu's fast attacks?

Old Lady:- Hehehe! That young lad still has two good moves left.

Brock:- ......

"Let's start again. Use thunder shock attack."


(Turtwig tries very hard to evade the attack but it hits him. Pikachu managed to land a strong blow on Turtwig.)

" It's it over?"

Brock:- I don't think so.

Dawn:- See! Turtwig isn't as hurt as we expected.

Ashh:- Did it use a move to lower of the effect of Thunder Shock?

Brock:- Which move was it?

{Pokedex- Turtwig's moves include: Tackle, Razor leaf, Seed Bomb, Harden, Energy Ball, Bite.....}

Ashh:- So ut was Harden.

Dawn:- It's using another move.

Old lady:- That is Synthesis. Turtwig can use the Sun's energy to heal itself.

Ashh:- That's a really useful move. I had a hunch Turtwig could use this move.

Dawn:- I havn't seen this move. Maybe I didn't learn about it in school either.

Brock:- To must have forgotten Dawn.

"Use Quick attack!"

Dawn:- He is already starting.


(Turtwig uses Harden in order to take Pikachu's Quick Attack. After that it attacks with Tackle.)

Ashh:- He hit Pikachu. Use Thunderbolt.

(Turtwig dodges Pikachu's attacks and then attacks.)

Ashh:- Let's wait and see what Turtwig will do.

(Turtwig jumps and uses bite. Pikachu dodges it but his tail get bitten by Turtwig.)


Ashh:- Use Iron Tail.

(Pikachu's Iron Tail protects is from Turtwig's attack.)

" Turtwig.."

(Turtwig didn't let go of Pikachu's tail, Ashh uses this to his advantage and slams Turtwig in a tree. Then Pikachu launches an air dive Quick Attack.)

" And~ Go Pokeball!! "

(After a few seconds of uncertainty, Ashh's Pokeball calms down.)

Dawn:- It's done.

Ashh:- Hey~ I just caught... a Turtwig!

"Congratulations Ashh!"

Old lady:- Congratulations on catching your first Sinnoh Grass type Pokemon Ashh!

Ashh:- Thank you!

"And Now~... come here!!"


(Suddenly a mysterious rope binds Pikachu and Turtwig's Pokeball. How will our friends tackle this situation? Stay tuned to know more!)

[|]Answer Last Quiz[|]

a) Geodude. Brock caught Geodude just a few days after getting his first Pokemon, Onix.


Which one of these Pokemons already know how to use Synthesis?

a)Ashh's Bayleef

b)Ashh's Sceptile

c)Ashh's Bulbasaur

d)Brock's Ludicolo

Stay Safe!


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