
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 Reunion!

(After Ashh catches Starly, he continues his search for Pikachu.)

Brock:- !!

Ashh:- Is that…..

(Ashh and Brock notice something, they rush over to see what it is.)

Brock:- That's a thunder wave attack!

Ashh:- Pikachu!!

(Ashh and Brock see lightening and think that it might be Pikachu.)

Ashh:- Pikachu!

Brock:- That's not him, it an Elekid.

Ashh:- Oh…..

Ashh:- Anyways, have you seen a Pikachu and a girl out here?

(A trainer and his Elekid were fighting with four Starly.)

"No, and don't get in our way!"

Ashh:- Huh?... I didn't know there was anyone here, Sorry!

(The trainer finishes all four of the Starly with a Thunderbolt. Then he throws Pokeballs to catch them.)

Ashh:- Does this trainer want to make a team entirely of Starly evolution?

Brock:- It doesn't seem like it.

"Let me ask you, what do you plan on doing with that weak Starly?"

Ashh:- You haven't even fought us, how do you know that it is weak?

"I saw you catch that Starly."

" I think it's best if you catch the best one. I have got four of them and I'll see which one knows better moves."

(The trainer takes out his four Starly Pokemons.)

"Ok, show me all of your moves."

(The Pokemons use attacks one by one until their arsenal is empty.)

"You are the one, come back!"

"As for you three…. Get lost! I don't need you."

Ashh:-Hey! What did you do?

"Those three only knew Sand Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Tackle and Peck."

" And this one knows Quick attack and Double team!"

Brock:- You shouldn't just catch Pokemons and release them.

"Why? It saves so much trouble. And because of this I can make sure my Pokemons are better than other trainers' Pokemons."

Ashh:- How do you make sure that the Pokemons you released aren't more durable and hardworking? It would have been better if you just dragged the battle and learned which one is more capable.

"Keep your child lessons to yourself. I don't need them."

Ashh:- Then let me teach you in a Pokemon battle.

"Ok, we will do a 3 on 3 battle."

Ashh:- What!?

           But I've only got two Pokemons now.

"Talk about pathetic. Let's go Elekid!"

Ashh:- Ahh!! Just you wait…

Brock:- Let's not waste out time here Ashh, Pikachu might run into danger.


Ashh:- That's definitely Pikachu!

Brock:- Let's hurry.

(When Ashh and Brock come to where Pikachu is, they find Team Rocker's new machine–)

James:- Ah~Ha!Ha! Ha! No matter what you do, this new baby Super Sinnoh Slinger Mark-1A, will not be destroyed~

Jessie:- Hahahaha! Finally the day we catch Pikachu and that brat is not here to cause trouble either.

Ashh:- Pikachu!!

Brock:- Are you Ok?

Dawn:- Is that your trainer Pikachu?

"Pika!  Pikachu~!"

Meowth:- Grab it Super Sinnoh Slinger Mark-1A!

(Team Rocket's robot like giant machine hold Pikachu in its hands.)

Ashh:- Oh no! Aipom and Starly, keep those five arms busy!

Brock:- Go Golbat! Don't let Team Rocket escape!

Jessie:- Ahhhh! Meowth escape quickly!

Meowth:- That Golbat is in our way!

James:- Cacnea! Use Pinmissiles.

Brock:- Golbat, use Air Cutter.

Dawn:- Let's help them Piplup. Attack with Bubble Beam on that big fat robot.


Brock:- You are Dawn, right?

Dawn:- Yes!

Brock:- Your Piplup isn't in good health, don't ask it to fight.

Dawn:- But what about Pikachu?

(Brock smiles at anxious Dawn and says….. "Don't worry, Team Rocket can't succeed this time.)

Ashh:- Aipom aim for the arms with Focus Punch and Starly use wing Attack at the joints.

(During this attack and dodge, the arms of the giant robot machine– Super Sinnoh Slinger Mark-1A, get intertwined and an explosion takes place.)

Ashh:- Pikachu!

Brock:-Don't worry Ashh, Crobat took Pikachu in the air.

Ashh:- Ah! Thank Goodness!

Dawn:- Ha! Finally it's over.

Ashh:- Pikachu!

"Pika- Pi! Pikachu!"

(Ashh holds Pikachu in his arms and thanks Dawn. Then Dawn and  Ashh both go to the Pokemon Center with Brock to get their Pokemons checked.)

Nurse Joy:- I just took these two for check up and they are injured again?

Ashh:- Sorry for the trouble Nurse Joy but we ran into Team Rocket. That's why they are in such bad shape. It's my fault that Dawn's Piplup is also hurt.

Nurse Joy:- No no! Don't worry, they'll be fine within an hourl. I had already treated them and they aren't as hurt as they were before.

(After that Nurse Joy takes the Pokemons inside for treatment.)

Brock:- Nurse Joy~

Ashh:- She went inside Brock.

Brock:- What!!? I was getting ready to meet her… and she already left? ~

Ashh:- Do t worry you can meet her when she comes out.

Dawn:- Brock cares a lot about Nurse Joy. He is such an amazing person.

Ashh:- Ha..ha.. I don't know about that.

(When treatment is over, Ashh talks to Professor Rowen and informs him about Pikachu. Then he heads towards Professor Rowen's Lab to get his package from his mom.)

  (On his way, he meets Officer Jenny and thanks her. Brock is over thrilled to meet both Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny so he spends an extra 5 minutes praising her beauty.)

[Professor Rowen's laboratory]

Ashh:- Hello mom! How are you?

Delia Ketchum:- I am good Ashh. How are you? Did you get the package?

Ashh:- I am good too mom. And I got the package, I wore the clothes. Look!

Delia Ketchum:- Oh~ That looks handsome on you.

Ashh:- Thanks mom. This is Dawn and her Piplup. They helped me a lot recently.

Delia Ketchum:- Thank you Dawn for helping Ashh.

Dawn:- I am happy to help.

Delia Ketchum:- You should tell Professor Oak that you are safe Ashh.

Ashh:- Ah! Ok bye mom!

"Hello Ashh!"

Ashh:- Hello Professor. I have arrived in Sinnoh. It wasn't a safe town but we are now safe.

Prof. Oak:- I am happy to know that young man. And who is beside you?

Ashh:- She is Dawn. She saved Pikachu!

Dawn:- Hello Sir! It's an honour to talk to you.

Prof. Oak:- Well. Well. It's a real pleasure to meet a new trainer like you, Dawn.

Dawn:- Thank you Sir. Ah...I want to ask you something, I hope you don't mind. You love Pokemon Poetry, don't you?


Prof. Oak:- Yes, I do.

Dawn:- Doe that mean you know all Pokemon Poems?

Ashh:- You are confused Dawn, Professor Oak is an amazing Professor and Researcher like Professor Rowen.

Dawn:- Huh? But how come I always see him reading Pokemon Poems?

Brock:- Well…

Prof. Rowen:- Ah! Do you mind, I need to have a conversation with Professor Oak.

Prof. Oak:- I also want to talk to Professor Rowen Ashh.  Let's talk some other time.

Ashh:- Ok Professor.

Dawn:- What are you two doing here Ashh?

Ashh:- Well I came here so that I could compete in the Sinnoh Championship.

Brock:- It seems the nearest Gym town to Sandgem town is Ureburgh town which is  near Jubilife town.

Dawn:- Can I also come with you two?

Ashh:- Huh?

Dawn:- I want to become the number one Pokemon Coordinator. And there is a contest in Jubilife town.

Ashh:- Ok. The more the merrier.

Brock:- I also agree that travelling with two-three people is the best.

Prof. Rowen:- Are you leaving Ashh?

Ashh:- Yes. And Dawn is also coming with us.

Prof. Rowen:- You are one lucky trainer Dawn. Ashh and Brock are experienced travellers, so you'll learn a lot of things on this journey.

Ashh:- Thanks again Professor for all you've done.

[Outside the Laboratory]

(Outside Ashh meets the same trainer from before.)

Prof. Rowen:- Who are you?

"My name is Paul. You must be Professor Rowen."

Paul:- I am waiting for him.

Ashh:- Me?

Paul:- Since you got your Pikachu, there must be no problem with a 3 on 3 Battle.

Ashh:- If you want to. But let me tell you, your Starly and Elekid can't defeat me.

Paul:- Why are you being arrogant? Just because you got your Pikachu doesn't mean you can defeat my Pokemons.

Ashh:- You don't have the mindset of a proper Pokemon Trainer. So let me show you a little something.

Brock:- Then I'll be the referee. The one who takes out their first Pokemon will get the first move. Use three different Pokemons in each rounds. You agree?

"Yes!"  "Yes!"

Let the battle begin!

Ashh:- Go Starly!

Paul:- I'll go with Starly too. Beat that weak Starly so much that he never forgets me.

Ashh:- Wing attack.

Paul:- Intercept with Quick attack!

Ashh:- Dodge it.

Now hit it!

(Paul's Starly flies towards Ashh's Starly but doesn't hit it. Then Ashh's Starly attacks from behind with Wing attack.)


Ashh:- That's what I call a good  hit.

Paul:- Attack with Whirlwind.

Ashh:- Counter it with Whirlwind attack.

(The two attacks were of same strength. When the air is calm Paul's Starly uses Quick attack once again.)

Ashh:-Sand attack!

Paul:- Dodge it.

Ashh:- Scratch attack!

Paul:- Agh…

Ashh:- Wing attack!

Paul:- Use Double team.

Ashh:- It's the wrong call.

Paul:- I'll win this.

Ashh:- Use Whirlwind!

Paul:- Don't get blown away!

Ashh:- There you are, finish it with consecutive wing attacks.

Paul:- Damn it!

Brock:- Ashh's Starly defeats Paul and his Pokemon. Round one- Ashh wins!

Ashh:- Good job Starly.

Paul:- You only won one round, I'll win the other two. Just you wait, I'll embarrass you and your Pokemons in this round.

Ashh:- Why are you so stiff? Go Aipom.

Paul:- Go Chimchar.

Ashh:- Oh!

{Pokedex- Chimchar, a fire type Pokemon. This is a playful natured Pokemon. The fire on its back goes out when it sleeps. It can climb sheer cliffs faster than other Pokemons.}

Paul:- Now you'll burn, Haha!

Ashh:- Swift Attack Aipom!

Paul:- Ember!

Ashh:- Wow it's good. Now double slap.

Paul:- Use dig.

Ashh:- It's not so easy to ambush Aipom.

Paul:- Now use scratch.

(Chimchar comes from beneath Aipom in the classic way but Aipom can get over that. It jumps and dodges it.)

Ashh:- That's not nice. Chimchar use Focus Punch.

Paul:- Flame Wheel.

(Chimchar hits Aipom with its flame wheel attack.)

Paul:- Ha. It's not quick on its feet.

Dawn:- Oh no! What now?

Prof. Rowen:- Aipom has to focus or its attack will dissipate. Focus Punch is still active.

Ashh:- You made a grave mistake….. Focus Punch!!


Paul:- How can it last after a direct hit?

Ashh:- Aipom was quite energetic so one attack won't affect it of course.

Aipom use Double slap!

Paul:- Use Double Team Chimchar.

Ashh:- Four won't help. Swift attack.

Paul:- Damn it Chimchar! Why can't you fight as I want you to? Us Flame thrower.

Aipom:- Use Double Team.

(Flame thrower didn't hit Aipom and Aipom attacks with mega Punch.)

Ashh:- Very nice!

Brock:- Chimchar is not able to fight anymore, Ashh and Aipom wins this round.

And with this Ashh wins the battle.

[After The Battle]

Paul:- Go away!

Ashh:- Why did you do that?

Paul:- There are a million Starly as week as that one. I'll just grab another one.

Ashh:- What!? You are so not I  your right mind.

Paul:- Thanks for the use of field Professor.

Prof. Rowen:- Hm.

Ashh:- Let's see whose team is better at the end of the year. I'll show you how the team grows slowly and steadily.

(Paul doesn't say anything and Leaves. Ashh journey continues after an awkward but noticeable encounter. This makes it sure that Ashh will have a difficult rival throughout his Sinnoh Journey.)

[|]Last Quiz Answer[|]

c) Suicune. This is the correct answer. Entei along with Suicune are the only ones of its kind.


 Which of these legendary Pokemons had a Fierce war with a Human Organisation?






Here is the 11th chapter. Sorry for the late. I was busy with travelling that ruined my schedule. I'll try to be more punctual. Thank you!

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