
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 15 Ashh and Starly✨!

[After Ashh's declaration that Starly is not going back to the flock]

".... So you won't leave Starly?"

Ashh:- Why would you even think that?

"Starly will be happier with his pack, and these Pokemons will also have their leader."

Ashh:- Agh! Didn't I tell you Starly is happier with me and they can decide on a leader? Starly isn't the leader of their flock, and that's clear.

"Things are not that simple kid."

Ashh:- You are the flock's protector, right?

" Yes, and thats–"

Ashh:- Then you'd be happy if the Pokemons are growing well.

"Starly would grow bett–"

Ashh:- Let me show you how much Starly has grown ever since I started training him.

"Then let's do a competition. I'll see if he can do better than these Starly."

Ashh:- Fine by me.

(The woman calls a Starly from the flock that looked a lot bigger than others. It wasn't as hurt as the others either.)

" Let me heal him first."

Ashh:- Go on.

"Come out, Chancy!"

Brock:- Wow!! She even has her own Chancy.

Dawn:- That's amazing. I wonder where she caught that.

"Use Heal Pulse."

Brock:- I am so lucky that there is a Chancy to heal me. Or I might have died because of her beauty.

Ashh:- It's such a nice move, every Pokemon around is healed.

"Then let's begin."

Dawn:- Why don't you see who is better at using the same attacks?

Ashh:- Using everything the Pokemon has, let's see who is faster.

"Starly, show them how strong you are."

(The Starly uses Quick attack and accelerates his speed. He goes up in the sky and comes back.)

Ashh:- That's was quick, but not as much as my Starly. Show them your highest speed Starly.

(Starly uses Quick Attack as well as Wing attack, he goes very fast past the other Starly and comes back from the sky with a dive. While driving it flies downwards with incredible speed. The speed was much greater than what the woman had expected, but Starly makes a remarkable landing using the drag of his wings.)

"That was very fast."

Ashh:- You still haven't seen enough. when using Quick Attack, Starly can attack with Peck.

"How did you teach him two combination moves?"

(Ashh's anger calms down. He talks to the woman calmly now.)

Ashh:- It isn't that hard. After some training Starly will master all his Attacks. Then we can pair any attack with any other.

"I am impressed to see how much you have improved him. So I was thinking–"

Ashh:- Of telling us the way to Jubilife Town?

"Not yet. You'll have to first defeat him in a race."

Ashh:- Sure! I love Pokemon race.

Brock:- Can I also take part in the race?

Dawn:- It's between those two Brock. What would you do in the race.

Brock:- Ok.... Good luck Ashh.

Good Luck Starly!

(The race between *Starly and Ashh's Starly begins. *Starly starts off with a Quick attack while Ashh's Starly doesn't. After some time Ashh's Starly uses Quick attack and catches up. They keep doing this until they reach the mark. Both of them take a turn around the marked tree and fly at their full speed. When half the distance is covered Ashh's Starly uses Wing attack and flies faster than the other *Starly. At the end he wins.)

Ashh:- We won!! We won the race Starly!


"As promised I'll tell you the way to Jubilife City. But you have to promise me something too."

Brock:- I'll promise you anything~

" Ashh, promise me that you won't let Starly ever lose to another Starly or Staravia when he becomes a Staravia. Or that you won't let Starly be defeated by a Staraptor when he is fully evolved."

Ashh:- Ok.

Dawn:- You didn't tell us your name...

" My name is Flora."

Brock:- What a lovely name, I love flowers. Do you want to open a flower shop? Then we'll be the partners, Flora and Florist.

Dawn:- Don't you want to become a Pokemon Breeder? How will you do that if you open a shop?

Flora:- I can't let your dream wither Brock. Let's open a shop after you have become a great Pokemon Breeder.

Brock:- Sure~ I'll become the Best Pokemon Breeder in the world, a Master Breeder~

Ashh:- Yes sure, now let's go to Jubilife City Brock.

"Follow these Starly and you will cross the Forest."

Ashh:- Thank you, Bye–

Where did she go?

Dawn:- She.. disappeared??!

Brock:- Was she a spirit?

Ashh:- A ghost?!!

Brock:- No! She must have used a Ghost type Pokemon or a Psychic type Pokemon.

Dawn:-That's why we didn't notice when she arrived either.

Ashh:- Let's go guys. Jubilife City is waiting for us.

Dawn:- Yes!!

(Ashh and his friends, after a tiring encounter, exit the dense forest and see a vast Pasture. There was a forest too that was not too dense.)

Ashh:- It's an amazing place right? Perfect for an evening snack.

Brock:- Let's take a rest here. We'll move out tomorrow morning.

Dawn:- But we have a lot of time before sunset.

Brock:- We'll keep walking but let's not cross this place.

Ashh:- Ok.

(After walking for ten minutes, our friends run into Team Rocket's trap. They had dug a pit in which Ashh, Brock and Dawn fall. Pikachu is then packed in a glass box with some kind of gas that makes Pokemons sleepy.)

Ashh:- Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!


(Pikachu uses Thunderbolt that goes in vain.)

Jessie:- Hahaha!! Use as much strength as possible twerp. It will only make you weaker.

Meowth:- Didn't the Cylinder say the Pokemon will sleep after inhaling this?

James:- I think Nurse Joy was keeping the old ones in that store room.


(Meowth beats James for his carelessness.)

Meowth:- Why didn't you check it? What if Pikachu is fine after just a few minutes.


(Jessie beats James for– for what??)

James:- Why did you beat me?

Jessie:- We bought this cheaper box because of the gas. If it is ineffective, then you'll face the consequences..

James:- Ahhh·–· Sorry. I'll keep Pikachu down with my life if it comes to it.

Meowth:- You better do what you said or I will sell all your precious bottle cap collections.

James:- No!! Please, I will keep my promise.

Ashh:- Go Starly! Cut down the rope of that box. Use Wing attack!

James:- Like I'll let you, go Carnavine!


Jessie:- Oh Lord! Just bite that Starly if you want to.

James:- Use Bullet Seed Carnavine.


Ashh:- They are going to attack Starly, counter with Whirlwind Attack.

Brock:- No Ashh!!

(Carnavine's Bullet Seed attack get deflected here and there by Whirlwind and punches holes through Team Rocket's Meowth Balloon.)

Ashh:- Ah!

Dawn:- Now what?

Meowth:- Twe~rp!! I'll get Pikachu~~~

Ashh:- Where did they fall? Let's go search for them!

Brock:- Go Golbat!

(The Meowth Balloon falls in the forest and Pikachu escapes.)

James:- He is running away!!

Meowth:- Where are you going Pikachu?

Jessie:- Seviper, use Poison tail.

James:- Carnavine, use Get ready for a bite– Don't bite me. Use bite on Pikachu.


Jessie:- Ah! What happened Seviper? Who tackled it?

Meowth:- Look at that~ Who is this little sapling?

James:- That's not a tree Meowth, it's Sinnoh's Grass type Starter Pokemon.

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

Meowth:- So you are called Turtwig! Nice name twig.

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

Jessie:- What is it saying Meowth?

Meowth:- It says that ganging up on Pokemons is not allowed in his area.

James:- His area?


"Pikachu! Pika-Pikachu!"

"Turtwig -Turtwig!"

"Pika-Pi! Pikachu~"

Jessie:- Haha! Can you... translate Meowth?

Meowth:- I don't know what you two will do without me. Turtwig asked Pikachu why we are attacking him. Then he said that we were trying to steal him from his trainer. Then Turtwig asked where his trainer is.

James:- What did Pikachu say so happily?

Meowth:- He said, My trainer will come looking for me.

James:- That's not wrong. Let's finish this conversation and for our of here.

Jessie:- Go Pokeball!

(Jessie suddenly throws her Pokeball at Turtwig.)


(Pikachu hits the Pokeball with his tail.)


(Turtwig attacks Team Rocket with Raid leaf.)

James:-Use Bullet Seed Carnavine.

Meowth:- Can your Carnavine use any other move James?

James:- Of Course! Carnavine, use Scary face!

"Carnavine!! ~"

(Carnavine's face becomes very scary. It's like the happy demon shows it's true colours.)

"Meowth!~!!! It's so scary!!"

"Pikachu! Pika-Pi!"

(Pikachu helps Turtwig so that it doesn't get scared. It seems like Pikachu knew Turtwig is younger than him.)

Jessie:- I'll have to say James, I didn't expect Carnavine to be so good at this.

James:- Hm*! My Carnavine is the Best Carnavine in the world.


James:- Don't bite me! Ahhhh!



Meowth:- Huh?

(Thunderbolt and Seed bomb takes them by surprise.)

Team Rocket:- Huh?!!! We are blasting off again~!



Ashh:- Isn't that Team Rocket?

Dawn:- That means Pikachu is safe.

Brock:- Come back Crobat.

Ashh:- Pikachu!

(Ashh approaches Pikachu with a big smile in his face.)

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

Ashh:- What happened?

(But Turtwig blocks his path.)



"Pika-Pi! Pikachu~"


Ashh:- Did Turtwig help you Pikachu?

"Pikachu! " (Pikachu answers cheerfully.)

Brock:- Pikachu is in full spirit, isn't he?

(Brock comments with a smile on his face.)

Dawn:- Let's check about Turtwig.

Ashh:- Yes.

{Pokedex- Turtwig, a Grass Type Starter Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region. This Pokemons like to eat juicy green fruits and leaves. But even if tens of them are left in a garden, it will be safe. Turtwig is merry and cheerful Pokemon. It is calm and confident. Plus it is very protective of the surrounding}

Ashh:- You are such a good Pokemon. Thankyou.

Dawn:- I hope Team Rocket didn't cause too much trouble for you.

Brock:- Let me know if someone is hurt. I can help them with my medicines.

Ashh:- Pikachu, come here.

(Pikachu goes into Ashh's arms.)

("Who might you be?" An old lady questions.)

Ashh:- I am Ashh Ketchum, and this is my buddy Pikachu.

Brock:- I am Brock. We just came here. Do you like nearby?

"Yes. I have a small house not far from here."

Dawn:- I am Dawn. And-


Dawn:- This is Piplup.

"It's nice to meet you all. Did you already meet Turtwig,?

Ashh:- Yes, it just helped us. Is this Turtwig yours?

"No. No. I don't train this little boy. Instead he teaches a lesson to all the bullies in this area."

Ashh:- Oh! He looks quite strong.

Brock:- Hm*! Do you want to camp somewhere near Ashh?

"Oh you are going to camp here?"

Dawn:- Yes. We decided to camp here because of the vast Pasture.

"Would you like to come to my house for a moment?"

Ashh:- Sure we would love to. Thank you!

Brock &Dawn:- Thank You!

"Its no big deal."

(When Ashh and his friends, Brock and Dawn, reach the old lady's house, they see a field of herbs. )

Ashh:- Do you take care of it all by yourself?

"Yes. I used to help my husband when he was alive but then, after his death I had to do it all. The Pokemons here are very good so they don't destroy our field."

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

(Turtwig asks Pikachu to come play with it.)

" It seems Turtwig wants to play with your Pikachu Ashh."

Dawn:- You should also go Piplup.

Ashh:- Yea~! Let's go!

Dawn:- No!! You should rest.



Ashh:- But we have got the whole night to rest.

Dawn:- We are not going to camp anymore. Lets rest for sometime and then leave. If someone lives here, it means this place isn't afr from the Jubilife Town.

Brock:- That makes sense.

Ashh:-Ok. Don't go too far Pikachu.

Brock:- You should also play with them Bonsly.

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

"Ah~ A Bonsly, I havn't seen such a cute Pokemon in my whole life."

(The old lady and Turtwig both take a liking to Bonsly. Pikachu, Piplup, Turtwig and Bonsly go to the forest to play and Ashh goes inside the house.)

"I am sure those Pokemons will have a blast."

Brock:- Turtwig has a really good heart. And so do you. Thank You for all your hospitality.

"It's fine."

[|]Answer Last Quiz [|]

d) Flint, Brock's dad is the Pewter Gym leader.

(I'll let you on a Secret, he surprisingly strong.)


Which Pokemon did Brock get first?





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