
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 14 Prince Starly✨!

(After saying goodbye to Nando, Ash and his friends continued their journey towards Jubilife town. On their way, a sudden accident happens which led them to a different path that was not mentioned in the map book.)

(Now Ashh, Brock and Dawn are wandering around without any clue about their location. Let's continue to observe them and find out what happens on their 'lost in the woods' adventure.)

Ashh:- Ah·––·!

Brock:- What happened Ashh?

Ashh:- We are lost again, right Brock?


Brock:- *Hm!! I know we are lost, bit their is no need to worry. I'll find the right path again.

Ashh:- No, let me do it. You have been trying for an hour and we are still lost.

"No way!"

Brock:- You are the one that caused all this! If you had just looked carefully at the tree, so many of the spinarak wouldn't have attacked us.

Dawn:- Ah....! Please forgive me for panicking. If I hadn't panicked, there was no way our Pokemons wouldn't have been able to deal with them.

Ashh:-Yes that's right.

Dawn:- Aah....

Brock:- You shouldn't say that Ashh, she is still a new trainer.

Ashh:- No, I mean, she was right about Pokemons not being able to fight when she was panicking.

If you used Piplup to fight in that situation, there was a high chance that Piplup can't give it's all.

Brock:- Oh, you are saying that.

I agree, when the trainer is panicking their Pokemons also tend to panic. So, from the next time, find a safe place after running away then challenge the Pokemon.

Dawn:- Hm. Ok, thank you Brock! Thanks Ashh!

Ashh:- Hahaha.. It's fine. We'll find a way to leave this forest very soon.

Brock:- Do you want to try your luck Ashh?

Ashh:- Sure, let me. Come out and help us, Starly!


Ashh:- Go up in the sky and see if you can find a path. We'll look on the ground.

Dawn:- We are not in more than danger friends. This is the seperation we had taken after getting lost.

Brock:- So we are back to the starting point.

Ashh:- It makes things easier, we will take this route.

Dawn:- I think there was once a signboard telling about this path.

Ashh:- Are you sure?

Brock:- There is a mark of a stick, but I can't find it anywhere.

Dawn:- Either Pokemons destroyed it, or there wasn't any signboard here.

Ashh:- Let's go!!

(Ashh, filled with excitement and certainty, leads the way. He was so confident that Brock and Dawn thought Ashh knew about this path. But what they didn't notice was that Ashh has just started his Sinnoh adventure, so how can he pass on such a lucky once in a lifetime adventure.)

Ashh:- I am so happy, to get lost in the woods.

Dawn:- What?!? What are you saying Ashh!!?

Brock:- Don't tell me you are enjoying this.

Ashh:- Ofcourse not. But I cannot get the chance to explore a mysterious path everyday either, right?

Brock:- Let me find the way.

Ashh:- No! No! Let me do it. Afterall, i am the best navigator in the world.

Dawn:- You are that good at finding path Ashh?

Ashh:- Yes·–·! There is no way I would lie to you.

Brock:- I agree that he is the best navigator.....

but at finding trouble not paths.

Dawn:- Then is it right to let him lead us?

Brock:- There isn't a separation yet, so let's just walk behind him since that would look like we are following him.

Dawn:- But if there is a separation?

Brock:- We'll discuss that then.

Ashh:- The path ends here.


Ashh:- There is no path ahead.


Ashh:- Lets go!!!


Brock:- If there is no path then...

Dawn:- Ashh will take us wherever he wants.

Ashh:- Which way should we go Starly?

"Starly~! Starly!"

Ashh:- Did you find something?

Brock:- Maybe there is a human in the forest?


Ashh:- Wow! Now we can easily go back to the right path. And we can also ask that person about this mysterious path.

Brock:- Let's Go!

(Ashh, Pikachu, Starly,Brock and Dawn run towards that person in hopes to find the correct path to Jubilife Town. But wait....

Isn't it possible to find a criminal in these woods?)

[200m Away From The Path]

Ashh:- Hello! Can you help us please?

Brock:- Where is the person Ashh?

Ashh:- Where did that person go?

Dawn:-Is it possible that Starly mistook a Pokemon for a human?

(Starly shook his head in denial...."Starly!!~ Starly!")

Ashh:- It is possible that the person already left.

Brock:- Let's go back to the path that ended.

(Brock seems to be worried about their situation and recommends going back.)

Dawn:- Ashh is going the other way Brock.

"What are you doing Brock? Let's go find that person."

Brock:- 😑


Dawn:- We should start running right?

Brock:- Ruunn!! 💨

(After a failed attempt at getting help, they start looking for the person Starly saw.)


Brock:- Hm?

Dawn:- What's that sound?

Ashh:- What sound?


"Pika! Pikapi!"

Ashh:- What happened you two? Did you notice something?


Brock:- Whatever it is, it's very big. It is enormous in size...

Dawn:- Is that a Pokemon?

Ashh:- Which Pokemon is it? By any chance, is it an unusual Pokemon that has been living here for ages?...


Dawn:- Ah!!! What is it?!

(The sound scares Dawn to her bones.)

"Shh~" 🤫

Dawn:- Who is that?

Ashh:- It's me. Why are you so fearful?

Brock:- There is no need to be horrified, it might just be a —

"Starly~ Starly!! Starly!"

Brock:- Huge flock of Pokemons!

Dawn:- AhhAaa!!

Ashh:- Hey! They are all Starly. I wonder how many there are. 🤔

Dawn:- It's not time to think about that Ashh! Be it a big Pokemon or a flock of small Pokemons, they are both terrifying.

Brock:- That is correct, and this number is not small..

Ashh:- Huh? There are...?

Brock:- More than 200 of them!!

Dawn:- Ttt..tt..two..Hundred? More than two hundred Starly?!! How are we going to fight them?

Ashh:- We are not completely hopeless.Who said you always need to fight in these situations, Starly can just talk it out, right Starly?


Brock:- Starly is afraid of them Ashh.

Ashh:- Do t worry, they won't harm us.

(Seeing more than 200 of its own kind, Ashh's Starly was unusually nervous and timid. He hid behind Ashh when the Big flock of Starly circled around them in the air.)

( In an instant, 10 Starly from the wild flock dived on Ashh.)

Ashh:- What?!!

(Forced by the situation, Pikachu uses ThunderShock to scare them away.)


Dawn:- Why are they attacking us?

Brock:- Maybe because we are in their territory. These Pokemons don't seem to have a quiet personality.

(Another group of 5 Starly dive on Ashh.)

Brock:- Marshtorm! Use Mud Shot and defend Ashh.

(Brock assigns Marshtorm to defend Ashh since the Pokemons were only attacking him. But they soon realise that the one being attacked is not Ashh but his Starly.)

Ashh:- Why are they targeting Starly?

Brock:- I dont get it either.

Dawn:- Piplup use tackle.


Ashh:- Ah!! They are seriously annoying me now! Pikachu, Let's paralyze them all!!

"Pika!!~" *sizzle~*

Dawn:- What are you doing Ashh?

Brock:- Marshtorm, use Protect to defend us from the shock.

🛡️Marshtorm,Brock, Dawn, Piplup and Starly🛡️

(After all that assault and harrassment, Ashh had lost his patience and decided to knock out the wild Starly's flock)

Dawn:- Can he do it?

Brock:- We can only see what happens.

(Brock continues to think ..." At the level of his normal battles, only half of them will be affected. Did he seriously meant that when he said all of them?")

Ashh:- I won't use too much strength...

Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!!!

"Pika~!Chu!!!" ⚡⚡⚡

""Flock defence, Wing×Attack""

(A deep mysterious voice guides the Wild Flock.)

(The flock of wild Starly comes together in a formation and uses Wing attack but instead of attacking, they use their wings to cover their body. This lasts for only a couple of seconds when Pikachu stops his attack.)

Dawn:- Did you hear that voice Brock? There was definitely someone giving them instructions.

Brock:- I know. What I find hard to believe is that a wild flock of 200 Starly listened to it and succeeded in defending themselves.

Dawn:- Ashh failed, huh...

Brock:- Most of the Pokemons who were on the outside can't fly properly.

(Brock points at those Flying Pokemons and says.. "I bet more than a hundred Starly can't fight anymore.")

Ashh:- How are they still fine after this?

" I am surprised that you can injure most of them in this formation."

Ashh:- Who is that?

!! Is she the person you saw Starly?


"Do you know why these Pokemons attacked you?"

Ashh:- Yes!

Dawn:- How do you know Ashh?

Brock:- Ah~ Ma'am, can I know your sweet name~?

Ashh:- She!!.... is trying to steal our Pokemons. You gave them that instruction earlier, didn't you?

Dawn:- Right! You are right Ashh!

"I am not a thief, rather you are."

Brock:- No ma'am, I am still not a thief yet, but I am trying. I am trying to steal your heart~❤️

Ashh:- Can you not create confusions Brock? 😑

We are not thieves, stepping in this territory was just a mistake because we got lost. If you can help us leave this forest, then there won't be any problem for either of us.

"Trainer, do you think these Pokemons attacked you because of me? If so then you are mistaken."

Ashh:- It's hard to believe that such a flock is controlled by a human, but it's not impossible.

Brock:- Yes, Yes. I believe you are capable of doing this Madame, even I am getting affected by your pure and strong charisma~

Dawn:- Is he really alright Ashh? I think one of those Starly hit Brock in the wrong place.

Ashh:- No he is alright. I would be worried if he didn't react that way.


Ashh:- Brock isn't someone to be fooled by makeup and clothing. He can see right thorough it and discern if the person is a Man or a Woman. Also if she is good looking or not.

Dawn:- That's an amazing skill. I can't believe he is talented in so many different things.

"Are you Ashh?

Ashh:- Huh?..Me?

"Then that man is Brock. Who are you girl?"

Dawn:- Eh~`` Why do you only not know my name? My name is Dawn, don't ever forget it. I'll soon be a Top Coordinator in Sinnoh.

"Starly!!~ Starly! Starly! Starly!"

Ashh:-:Why are they crying again?

"Because of him. You have stolen their family member."

Ashh:- What!?? Are you talking about Starly??!

"Yes, who else would it be?"

Brock:- You must be mistaken ma'am, I am the family member they are looking for. Let's go home and relax. I am on the road for quite some time now.

(Dawn looses her temper and yells—

"They are not talking about you!"

This breaks Brock's heart—

💔 "Am I really not the one she is looking for? Wuahahanhan~" and starts crying.) 😿😿

" That Starly you are keeping is their family member. Return it to them."

(All this confusion has blown Ashh's fuse. He is only left with his Spinal Cord that gives instant and sudden responses which are very fast and aggressive.)

Ashh:- Did you think such a way of stealing Pokemons will work on me? If you can't help then it is better to not talk anymore.

Dawn:- He is very calm and confident.

Brock:- His fuse is blown.... that means every action will be very violent. Why is he talking that way to a lady..?

Dawn:- I hope you would also do the same.

"I told you boy, these wild Pokemons are the ones who want that Starly back. I am not trying to steal your Pokemons."

Ashh:- Who are you? How can I believe you?

"I live in the village protected by this flock of Wild Starly. It is my duty to help them."

Ashh:- It seems you dont know who I am. Let me introduce myself, I am Ashh Ketchum from Pallet Town. And I am a Pokemon Trainer. These two Pokemons, Starly and Pikachu, are mine. Maybe that's good enough.

"Are you saying that Starly belongs to you?"

Dawn:- Who else would it belong to when Ashh is the one training him.

"You must have caught Starly when no one was looking. Who knows what tricks you used to get him."

Ashh:- Now let me ask you a question, If Starly was a part of this flock, then how come he was flying around the Sandgem Town? Either the flock left him or,

Starly left the flock.

"The young Starly was lost"

Ashh:- How come Starly left this secluded territory, flew so far, and started enjoying his life in the forest?

"He was lost that's why Starly went so far. Otherwise he would have never left this territory."

Dawn:- Starly never showed an ounce of sorrow after seperating from the flock, how can you explain that?

"Starly is still young that's why many of these wild Starly kept an eye on him. He must be happy to see new places is all."

Ashh:- Why? Why do you want him back? Starly doesn't want to leave. He didn't feel happy after seeing this flock either. Starly is training with me to become the best Pokemon in the world. We are enjoying our adventure together. Why do you think I would leave my Starly?

"You can take 10 Starly instead of one. And the stronger ones."

Ashh:- !!? What did you say?

"In exchange for Young Starly, you can bring ten Starly with you. And these are stronger."

(Ten of the Starly who were less injured came down.)


Ashh:- Why are you startled? I am not going to leave you even for a hundred Starly. Trust me!

Brock:- Ma'am~ Why do you want to get Starly back in the flock at the expense of ten stronger members? I don't think Pokemons work that way.

Dawn:- Won't those ten be more useful than Ashh's Starly?

"Because that young Starly is the Prince! Prince of this flock who will lead them in the future."

Ashh:- I don't get it.

"The Prince leads the flock until he has evolved. After that they leave and someone from the new batch of eggs will be chosen Prince. They compete to see who is faster and that one becomes the leader for until he evolves and leaves."

Brock:- and the ones who left after evolving?

"They come back with their eggs to drop them. This cycle keeps the flock in full strength."

Ashh:- You are saying my Starly is the Prince so they want him back.


Ashh:- He isn't the Prince. My Starly isn't part of that flock anymore. Ask them to decide on a Prince from themselves.

(Ashh's face was dry like Sandshrew. His tone was cold. His words were sharp. And his intentions were clear. There was nothing on his mind other than his Pokemons.)

Brock:- Ashh....is very quiet, that's a bullet stance.

[|]Answer Last Quiz [|]

c) Max

Max is May's younger brother. He has started his Pokemon Journey.


Who is the current Gym leader of Pewter Gym.






Enjoy the story with some spices!

There is more where this came from. You should also see the anime all the way till Kanto, that would make it fun and easy to imagine. Recommend this story to all those who love Pokemon Anime. Enjoy!

rd_mohib_creators' thoughts