
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13 Championship or Contests?

(When Ashh, Brock and Dawn are at the Pokemon Center, they meet Nando for the second time.)

Ashh:- Are you staying here Nando?

Nando:- No, I just came to get my Pokemons checked.

Ashh:- Oh.

(After some time, Nando returns to the forest.)

Ashh:- I guess he likes living in the forest.

Brock:- Most likely, the forest and its Pokemons keep him calm and worthless.

Nurse Joy:- Nando is facing a tough time right now. He came here a week ago and still hasn't been able to overcome his problem.

Ashh:- Ah!..I forgot. I havn't registered for the Sinnoh Championship!!

Brock:- Do it now or you might forget it again.

Nurse Joy:- Give me your Pokedex Ashh.

Ashh:- I have to win 8 badges as every other Leagues, right?

Nurse Joy:- Yes Ashh. Do you also need something Dawn?

Dawn:- Can I also register for the Grand Festival?

Nurse Joy:- You can't register for that here. But you can register for it at the Contest location.

Dawn:- Oh! Thank You!

Nurse Joy:- Ashh Ketchum from Pallet Town. It's done Ashh.

Ashh:- Thank you Nurse Joy!


Brock:- Nurse Joy~ What were you saying about Nando~?

Nurse Joy:- He is confused wether he should take part in Sinnoh Championship or Sinnoh Grand Festival. Nando is a Pokemon Coordinator as well as like Pokemon Trainers who challenge Gyms.

Dawn:- I knew he looked like a Pokemon Coordinator. He was so good with his words and his Budew's fight was also Contest level.

Ashh:- I knew he was a good Pokemon trainer. His words gave it all away.

Dawn:- No! He seems to be a Pokemon Coordinator.

Ashh:- I don't mean Pokemon Coordinators don't dress like that but, Pokemon trainers are very unpredictable and can be found wearing anything. So clothing can't tell you what a Pokemon trainer does or is good at.

Dawn:- But–

"His words though, were pretty clear. So what he is confused is wether or not he should also enjoy Pokemon Contests."

Brock:- It's very hard to do both. Even if you are experienced, there is no guarantee that you will succeed in either of them. But it's possible to do once there is a proper planning behind this.

Nurse Joy:- If he can find the right Gyms and Pokemon Contests that are close by, there won't be a Problem.

Dawn:- Let's go and help him. His Budew is perfect for Pokemon Contests.

Ashh:- It might be, but Nando can't participate in Contests just because his Pokemon looks good. For a Pokemon Coordinator, coordinated attacks and proper use of attacks is very necessary. He will have to make plans and charts for his strategy in Contests, as well as Train his Pokemons to their limits. It's not easy to do both.

Dawn:- Why would he train his Pokemons extra? He has to use the same Pokemons in both Gyms and Contests, right?

Ashh:- Yes, but their is different strength requirements for Gyms and Contests.

Dawn:- How!?!

Ashh:- You can have less strength than the opponent but still win Pokemon Contests. First round focuses on the beauty of the Pokemon. And even I the second round, scored get affected by how much a Pokemon looks good and sustained injury.

Dawn:- I get that in the first round, many strong Pokemons can get disqualified. But didn't you say which Pokemon sustains less injury also has more points?

Ashh:- I said even when the opponent is stronger. If it was a normal battle, their wouldn't be any problem as the opponent is stronger and has more stamina and defence.

So even if it received more injury, the weaker Pokemon would have the same strength left or even lesser.

Dawn:- ...

Brock:- Ash!~ I am so proud of you! I can't believe you gave such an incredible speech without stopping.

Ashh:- Yeah~.. I heard Professor Oak was explaining this to someone and I overheard the conversation. Then he explained it further to me.

Brock:- So....it was his–

Ashh:- I told you the essence of that conversation, Dawn.

Brock:- Oh! Even then you did an amazing job.

Dawn:- Let's leave the decision to Nando and only try to convince him not to leave Pokemon Contests.

Ashh:- What?!..

(Dawn leaves with Ashh to find Nando.)

Brock:- Nurse Joy~ We'll meet again, bye!~

Nurse Joy:- Take care Brock, the forest can be dangerous at nights.

Brock:- Yes Nurse Joy!!

He Ashh wait for me···· Didn't Nurse Joy say that Nando can do both?

(Ashh's team enters the forest and searches for Nando.)

(Finally they meet him. Nando asks them to first listen to the Forest's Song. Then before anything, Ashh challenges Nando. Nando accepts to battle in the morning.)

Dawn:- Where is Ashh going Brock?

Brock:- He is probably going to train since he can't sleep now.

Dawn:- He is that excited even though it's not his first battle?

Brock:- That's the thing Dawn, Ashh enjoys every battle to its fullest even against Team Rocket and people like Paul.

Nando:- Let's cam here and wake up early.

Dawn:- Ok~ I hope no Pokemon Kidnaps me. Piplup, come out!

"Pip! pip-pip-pip"

Dawn:- I hope we don't get Kidnapped.

"Pip~lup! Piplup!!"

Dawn:- I am sure we won't get Kidnapped but even if someone tries, you will blast them off with your Bubble Beam.

Brock:- Let's go to sleep Bonsly.



Brock:- Are you ready Ashh? Are you ready Nando?

Ashh:- Yes!


Brock:- It's a one on one battle so choose your Pokemons.

Ashh:- I'll choose Pikachu.

"Budew, it's time for the battle."

Brock:- The fight has to end within 5 minutes or it's a tie, got it?

(Nando asks...."Why?")

Ashh:- Yes, why is that?

Brock:- Because I made this rule. Now either fight with this rule or without any rules.

Ashh:- Ok, we can do that.

"Yes let's do it."

Ashh:- Are you ready Pikachu? It's our first battle against budew and, it's also our first battle without any rules.


Dawn:- What are you saying Ashh?

Nando:- He must be joking Dawn.

Ashh:- I wasn't though, if the match continues for more than 5 minutes, how can I fight?

Brock:- Input that rule because both of you have fought many battles and you know they many battles get decided within 5 minutes.

Nando:- You should accept Brock's rule Ashh, I also want to fight a quick battle with you.

Ashh:- Ok... Let's start the battle.

Brock:- Begin!

(From the start Ashh goes offensive, Pikachu gets closer to Budew to launch a Quick Attack. Budew increases the gap a little by Stun Spores, but Pikachu gets back close from behind.)

Dawn:- Brock! The Stun Spore won't hurt us,right?

There is no protection barrier.

Brock:- Stun Spore attack doesn't last very long, when Pokemons are fighting, the effects disappear much faster.

Dawn:- I hope so.

Brock:- Besides you are standing behind Ashh who is on the sides.

Dawn:- But it's in the air you know.

Ashh:- It's already over Dawn.

"Bullet Seeds."

(Pikachu dodges the attack but gets hit by another attack called Giga Drain.)

Brock:- Giga Drain helps the user recover from any injury that can be healed quickly. And it's opponent is also robbed off of energy.

Dawn:- But Pikachu looks fine.

Nando:- Ashh, your Pikachu is very strong.

Ashh:- Shouldn't you have used this attack later in the match?

Nando:- I might not have got the chance, besides my goal was to make Pikachu weaker.

Ashh:- Good, then I will also show you something similar.

Dawn:- Can Pikachu also use this attack?

Ashh:- ???


Dawn:- Oh.

Ashh:- Pikachu use Thunderbolt.

Dawn:- How is that similar?


"Wait. Wait. Wait."


Ashh:- Use it so that the thunder is together and not branched.

"Pi·––·ka! Pika -Chu!"

Nando:- Use Double Team.

(Suddenly there are now 4 Budew. But Pikachu somehow, mysteriously hits Budew.)

Nando:- What!?

Dawn:- That's crazy. His did you do that Pikachu?

Ashh:- Hahaha! Its my secret technique.

Nando:- Use Sunny Day Budew.

Ashh:- Wow~! The same warm and happy feeling.

Dawn:- You are in a battle Ashh! Budew started preparing for Solar Beam!!

Ashh:- It won't work.

Iron Tail Pikachu.

Nando:- Do it fast Budew.



(Budew is hit by Pikachu's Iron Tail.)

Nando:- Budew!!


Dawn:- Wait! What's happening?

Brock:- Budew is glowing, that could only mean one thing.

Ashh:- It is evolving!!

(Budew evolves into Roselia.)

Ashh:- Now I can flex that I saw a Budew evolve into a Roselia.

Dawn:- I wonder if mom also saw this.


Nando:- Ah! I am so happy Budew, I mean Roselia.


Ashh:- Let's continue Nando!

Nando:- Roselia, Petal Dance if you may.

Dawn:- That looks so beautiful ~

Ashh:- Pikachu, let's shock them with Thunder, Shock!


(Petal Dance and Thunder Shock cause a lot of trouble. Even fire breaks out.)

Dawn:- It's possible?

Nando:- It's very rare that someone lights fire in Petal Dance using electric type moves.

Ashh:- Take it down with an Iron Tail.

Nando:- Protect yourself with Poison Jab.


(Then comes the final moment. There is a little distance between them.)

Nando:- Roselia, use Magical Leaf Attack.

Ashh:- Wait....

Nando:- It's going to hit Ashh.

Ashh:- Thunderbolt Pikachu.


Brock:- Uh..oh!


Dawn:- Will it work?

(The Magical Leaf Attack was destroyed by Pikachu and Roselia is hot by Thunderbolt again. After that-)

Ashh:- Quick Attack, two times!

(This leaves Roselia with no power to fight.)

Brock:-... And the battle is over! Ashh and Pikachu wins!

Nando:-It was a lot of fun to fight you Ashh!

Dawn:- I hope we meet soon.

Brock:- Bye Nando.

Ashh:- You were going to leave as l

soon as the battle is over?

Nando:- I know it's rude to do, but I have to leave soon. I have decided on what to do now.

Dawn:- He will do both of those.

Ashh:- Which means I can fight him in the Sinnoh Championship!

Nando:- That's hard to guarantee.

Ashh:- But if we both reach the finals, it is decided that we will Battle.

Nando:- There will br trainers who are stronger than me, I have to be prepared.

Ashh:- Goodluck Nando!

Nando:- Bye, well meet again!

(With this, Ashh and Nando say Goodbye to eachother.)

Brock:- We should also get going.

Dawn:- Hm.

Ashh:- Yes!! Let's go and win all the badges Pikachu!

I can't wait to fight the Gym leaders of Sinnoh region.

[|]Answer Last Quiz[|]

d) Gloom

Gloom can evolve into both Vileplume and Bellossom.


Who is closer to Pokemon Coordinator May?




