
Bleach DxD

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 4.3M Views
  • 265 Chs
  • 4.8
    28 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Bleach DxD

Read ‘Bleach DxD’ Online for Free, written by the author Phelio_n_Craze, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering Fanfiction, Fan Fiction, Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: A man with a mysterious past had been reborn as Kurosaki Ichigo. He knew how to utilize his power even when he was just ...


A man with a mysterious past had been reborn as Kurosaki Ichigo. He knew how to utilize his power even when he was just a baby. With his supressed emotion release and genius mind. He would soar through heaven and earth! World Bleach x High School DxD

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ENG: (PATHOGEN) - JP: (病原体) - CHI: (病原) - KOR: (병원체) Cal was born with a Pathogenic dad, and a human mother, making him half-human and half-pathogen. Pathogens spread their infection when killed and will infect people who get their skin exposed to it or it gets inside the body. Pathogens can change their bone and flesh to create guns and other weapons, and Pathogens look human, with no difference physically, with their only weakness being that they cannot answer any type of riddle or questions correctly. More experienced Pathogens can however fool humans easier. Each Pathogen has a unique ability that is only theirs. Pathogens are known to kill and eat each other and they heal slowly by keeping calm. If they are not calm, the wounds will not heal. The government defends people from the Pathogens, with the full moon being a time when the creatures uncontrollably attack in large hordes. Pathogens look different from their human forms and are highly affected by blades, especially if the blade is covered in a certain powder that melts them. The government uses people to fight, also adding different things in the suits to explode or light on fire when the person inside is infected, as to prevent more Pathogens being created. The lower the power of the Pathogen, the lower their IQ is and the lower their power/ability strength is. The weapons they can create are based on ones they have seen or what they can think of. Pathogens are NOT human and can infect humans, turning them into Pathogens, the infection then uses their human form to walk around and blend in. Each Pathogen is better at using different weapons. Shooters are good with guns and usually have armor all over their monster form. Slashers use claws and swords to fight, they seem to have high amounts of energy. Assassins make daggers/throwing weapons and have high agility and speed. Shadows use silent weapons and are good at dodging attacks. Switchers use all types of weapons but gain no physical buff like defense or agility.

_Sunk_ · Horror
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47 Chs

Labirin Nestapa

Memiliki luka bakar pada wajahnya yang mengharuskan Qin Yi Yue menutupi wajahnya dengan kain putih di wajahnya dan juga dia tidak bisa berkultivasi dengan baik karena inti spiritualnya rusak. Banyak hal yang terjadi pada gadis sepuluh tahun ini, awalnya dia hidup dengan baik saat waktu kecil namun kehidupannya berubah saat ada iblis yang menyerang desa kecilnya, membuat Qin Yi Yue kecil terpisah dari keluarganya, dia masih bisa hidup dari bencana besar itu karena dia pingsan di tumpukan mayat pada penduduk. Saat dia bangun dia berada di tengah-tengah kekacauan yang sangat mengerikan, banyak orang-orang yang dia kenal tergeletak menjadi mayat dengan tubuh yang tidak utuh dan darah berceceran di mana-mana, rumah penduduk banyak yang rusak dan saat ini tidak ada satu orangpun yang ada di sana. Qin Yi Yue menangis melihat hal yang mengerikan ini sampai dia sudah tidak bisa mengeluarkan suara lagi dari mulutnya, Qin Yi Yue tidak menghiraukan tulang kakinya yang patah dan tubuhnya yang berlumuran darah, dia lebih takut pada mayat-mayat yang tersebar dengan tubuh yang tidak utuh bahkan di samping kakinya yang tidak bisa bergerak ada kepala seorang wanita yang terlepas dari tubuhnya tergeletak dengan mata terpejam dan rambut menjuntai. Kekacauan ini sangat mengguncang Qin Yi Yue kecil masih berusia sepuluh tahun, Qin Yi Yue si selamatkan oleh seorang pemuda yang bernama He Qiao Yan yang merawatnya dengan baik bahkan Qin Yi Yue sudah menganggapnya sebagai guru dan ayah bagi Qin Yi Yue. Selama hidup dengan baik bersama He Qiao Yan dia banyak mendapatkan pelajaran dari He Qiao Yan meski He Qiao Yan sangat galak dan disiplin Qin Yi Yue tetap dengan senang hati mengikuti He Qiao Yan. Namun karena suatu hal mereka tidak bisa bersama lagi dan membuat mereka berpisah, Qin Yi Yue kembali mendapatkan musibah inti spiritualnya di rusak oleh seseorang dan wajahnya terbakar. Membuat gadis itu menjadi manusia mengerikan dan tidak berguna, yang membuat dia balas dendam atas apa yang dia terima apalagi dia harus melihat seluruh keluarganya mati di depannya. Qin Yi Yue menyalahkan nasip sialnya pada He Qiao Yan karena dia telah meninggalkan Qin Yi Yue sendiri, He Qiao Yan berlagak jahat dan tidak menginginkannya lagi didepan Qin Yi Yue yang membuat Qin Yi Yue salah paham padanya dan berniat balas dendam dan membunuh He Qiao Yan. Qin Yi Yue mempelajari kultivasi hitam karena sudah tidak bisa lagi berkultivasi dengan benar dengan inti spiritualnya yang rusak, dia berniat membalas dendam pada orang-orang yang sudah menyakiti dirinya dan membunuh habis seluruh keluarganya. Qin Yi Yue memasukkan nama He Qiao Yan di salah satu daftar nama itu dan berniat menyusup di sekte Rufeng untuk mendekati He Qiao Yan untuk mencari kelemahannya. Jika dia melawan langsung itu tidak akan mungkin karena He Qiao Yan sangat kuat, namun saat kembali dekat dengan He Qiao Yan dan sekali lagi menjadi muridnya Qin Yi Yue baru tahu jika He Qiao Yan sangat menyayanginya meski He Qiao Yan sudah menganggap dia mati. Perselisihan itu tidak berhenti di situ, awalnya Qin Lang Qin sangat menyayangi He Qiao Yan karena menjadi pahlawan di hidup Qin Yi Yue kemudian dia benci pada perlakuan He Qiao Yan, setelah berpisah selama dua belas tahun Qin Yi Yue yang membencinya kembali menjadi sayang malah tumbuh perasaan suka tapi sekali lagi perasaannya di patahkan dan menjadi kebencian karena He Qiao Yan membencinya saat mengetahui jika Qin Yi Yue mendalami kultivasi hitam. Ternyata kisah mereka tidak hanya melibatkan dua hati ada satu hati lagi yang terlibat akan perselisihan ini yaitu Jing Yi, dia murid He Qiao Yan.

Kim_Mieya · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Weak Princess (ID)

Kekaisaran Lumerian dapat menguasai sepertiga dari benua hanya dalam waktu 20 tahun. Mengubah kerajaan kecil menjadi sebuah kekaisaran yang besar. Sang penakluk itu—Kaisar Amos, konon sangat kejam dalam masa penaklukannya. Anehnya ... di tahun ke 560, entah kenapa mereka tiba-tiba saja berhenti dan mundur untuk menaklukkan lebih banyak wilayah. *** Anne adalah salah satu pelayan di istana pusat Lumerian, hidupnya pas-pasan, apalagi dengan fakta bahwa ia mempunyai kepribadian ganda, Anne merasa bahwa kehidupannya di istana tidak akan pernah bisa tenang. Beruntungnya ... di antara banyaknya bangsawan, tugas Anne adalah untuk mengurusi Putri Lavinia. Tubuhnya sakit-sakitan, kakinya tak bisa digunakan, dan yang paling parah adalah ... Putri Lavinia sering sekali tak sadarkan diri—Aneh memang, tapi dalam sudut pandang Anne yang seorang pelayan. Mempunyai majikan yang sering tak sadarkan diri itu lebih baik daripada mempunyai majikan yang temperamen, dan banyak maunya. Singkat cerita, semua berjalan dengan baik selama 6 tahun. Sampai Anne dipanggil ke kamar Kaisar ... dia merasa cemas, seluruh tubuhnya gemetaran. Kaisar yang mempunyai ratusan selir, Anne takut bahwa kini giliran dirinyalah yang disetubuhi pria berumur setengah abad itu. Namun tak disangka-sangka, apa yang Kaisar katakan justru membuat Anne merasa bingung .... "Itu bukan kepribadian ganda, kau dirasuki." Kenapa Kaisar justru membahas tentang kepribadian gandanya?

radiumruby · History
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Table of Contents
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Volume 1


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Story is decent, but the english isnt great. First 2/3rds of the book need to be fixed up as they have a lot of grammer mistakes along with poor dialogue and descriptions. Its not the worst thing ive seen on here, but it definitely needs to be fixed. Storywise its pretty good, the plot is good and I like that the main character is basically on the spectrum. Social awkwardness is a great and compelling flaw for an op mc to have, and I love how he does it in a way thats realistic, as in the mc is snart, and can understand a lot, but he doesnt always understand some social ques as well as not totally understanding how to interact with people, but still trying. Honestly the plot, mc, and all of that is fantastic, its just the english needs some work


Hi... This is me, the author of this book, but I will let phelio upload it for me. Please enjoyed.


This is written by craze, not me, so if you want to scold him, please do so 😉


Heh, another Bleach FanFiction and with Sui Feng as a Main Waifu? Self Insert Ichigo.? I will save it to my collections.


this because it is you who wrote the novel makes me want to read it


Really good, ita a hârêm with Soifon and Rias as the first 2 waifus. my recomendation? ADD THE TAGS. i found this novel by coincidence. Really like it so far. Redheads, cat girls and foxgirls for the win!!


Soifon for harem pleaseSoifon for harem please


Hmm.... Harem...... ...... .......... ....


It's not bad, in fact, it's incredible how well the two worlds were fused. Of course, despite being a great story, at least as far as I read it, it has characteristics that I personally don't like, it's up to you to decide whether these characteristics are benefits or deficiencies. 1. It's an amalgamation that diverged, basically instead of an expected fusion where the author just changes small parts to merge the two worlds without too many problems, you have a version of the world where it really seems that due to the overlap, there are several divergences with the two stories, whether in world building or character characteristics. Of course, I really admire the author for creating such an elaborate version of the merging of worlds without making me feel like it's stupid or impossible, but a truly possible version, yet, due to me liking how the two worlds worked before, i do not like how this overlap turned out. 2. 2 is actually a continuation of 1, due to the overlap where there is a huge difference between the plots of the two stories, the world created a wide range of mysteries, due to how the author approaches the story, many of them must be unraveled little by little with the fluidity of the story. Basically, I don't like mysteries, especially in Fanfics, even in original books, this type of story full of unknowns often irritates me, which is why I hate detective stories and things like that. Of course, this is all personal opinion, that's why I still gave it 4 stars, even with my personal dislike, I really recommend this story if you, who don't have my two problems above, are interested in reading it.


it's an amazing read that's kept me very interested with a really well done fusion of worlds. My only issue after reading 90 chapters is that there are no fight scenes. Tons of grandstanding and kneel before me scenes but no actual action. Bleach and DxD were jam packed with action yet I'm not finding any here which is a huge bummer when the mc is as op as they are.


Crazy how he just changed the main image and now I'm willing to read.


Is this Harem category? because there’s a lot of girls in the story that were interested in MC




Yo, i droped this story for some time,and want to know if the some proper Romance and action do happened already bettwen Ichigo and others.?


Give it a try, and you will like it. The world in the fic was vast and explorable. It's a good read.


The story is Awesome. I advise everyone to read it. I started browsing it blandly, and honestly, I thought it was your typical fanfic. But the more I dive into it. The more I see, that it's highly unique. And very alive. the world. The characters. Dialogue story, etc., everything is excellent. Keep it up, author




All I have to say is that this novel is amazingly professional and the dxdXbleach world design is wonderfully written and it is not just canon, it is an au mixed between the two anime.




quick question i have stated reading this and i know he is reincarnated but does he have any meta-knowledge e.g. know about bleach and dxd considering who he is now if he knew bleach i think I would have been mentioned but it seems like he has only discovered kido in his new life ????????????????


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