
Chapter 264 Finally met

Ichigo appeared before the vampires with his casual Shunpo. 

The vampires were taken aback by his sudden appearance, their eyes widening in surprise. Ichigo smirked confidently.

They put their guard up. Those who could move like him were those who had special powers.

They could not even sense him with their heightened sense, which meant the one in front of him must be very strong. 

Ichigo's reiatsu was overwhelming, causing the vampires to hesitate in their attack.

"Who are you?"

The vampires settle by just asking, their voices filled with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Ichigo didn't answer them. He looked at the people they had kidnapped. They were all unconscious and tied up, with bruises covering their bodies from head to toe.

They adeptly lured the passersby toward a blind spot. They were likely dragging them here so they could drink their fresh blood.

They treated them like cattle. 

Ichigo would help them later, after he finished dealing with them.

"Do you guys know Kimitsuji Muzan?"

Hearing the name, the vampires let their guard down a little. They thought that Ichigo must be just Muzan's underling.

"Do we know him? Of course, we know him—the worthless bastard who thinks that he is as noble as us. Humph, just a delusional fool who will soon meet his end."

One of the vampires showed clear contempt toward Muzan. He thought he was far superior to Muzan, as Muzan was not from pure blood like them.

"So you all didn't come here to help him?"

The vampires laughed. They thought that his question was funny. They had no intention of helping Muzan, as they were looking forward to witnessing his demise.

"Why should we help your master? To be honest, we are interested in your immunity to the sun. How could you walk around in broad daylight without burning up like the rest of us?"

Ichigo didn't think that the vampires would think that he was Muzan's underling. But he didn't care to fix it. They would die here anyway.

"Well, it really doesn't matter if you all want to help him or not. The result would still be the same."

"What do you mean—"

He couldn't finish his sentence before he got whacked in the face. His face was destroyed, and blood was pouring from his nose and mouth. If he were a normal human, he would have died right away.

The other vampire saw that and immediately attacked Ichigo. However, they were far too weak to post any threat to Ichigo.

He didn't have to use anything but pure physical power to overpower them. He smacked and cracked their bones, like they were lacking calcium.

"You—you are not his underling. Who the hell are you, and what do you want from us! Are you with those bastards, Yokai?!"

Ichigo didn't respond, and the vampires started talking and gave him information for free.

He now understands the grist of everything. There were not only Yokai but many other races here as well. They just hide in plain sight because they fear humans.

These vampires might show a strong front, but in reality, they also tried to hide themselves from humans.

Ichigo beat them until they could not stand anymore. He then pulled Futsunomitama out of his inner world.

"Just in case, Tama, cut all of the connections they have with everyone they know. I don't want to make a mistake and kill the innocents along with them."

"Yes, I will do as my father wishes."

Ichigo then slashed Futsunomitama toward the vampires. The vampires screamed in agony as their connections were severed.

They could not feel the connection between them and their servants. Now that the servants that they forced them to work for were free, they knew that they might already have wreaked havoc in their castle.

"Father, all the connections have been severed. Please punish them as Father sees fit."

Futsunomitama then went inside Ichigo's inner world. He still had something to do with his new found power. He behaved like Ichigo when he was very busy with his work and research.

'I think I don't have to do anything. They are going to die in the sun anyway. But to make sure, I think I need to wipe them out.'

Ichigo used POD to erase them. He then brought all of the victims to a safe place nearby.

After he finished helping the victim, He then spoke toward a black cat that was following him around.

"Kuroka, why don't you just use your Nekoshou form? In this world, there are Yokai as well. And if you want to hide from humans, you just have to use magic."

The black cat was Kuroka. She found Ichigo but didn't turn back to her Nekoshou form yet because she didn't want to draw attention to herself. However, after Ichigo's suggestion, she transformed into her Nekoshou form.

"I finally found you, Nyaa. Do you know where I ended up when Ophis threw me inside the black hole? It was America, Nyaa! It was really hard for me to come here…Nyaa"

Ichigo chuckled when he heard her and saw her reaction.

Kuroka wanted to bring Ichigo back with her right away, but he told her that he wanted to bring someone with him too.

"Oh, no, don't tell me you have more girls. Nyaa!"

Ichigo was embarrassed, but he couldn't deny it. Kuroka rolled her eyes and didn't say anything more. She really wanted to know how big his family would be after he settled down.

Craze: Hey guys, my female friend DizzMe has writen her first fanfic [Naruto x ATG] I am Cultivator. If you interested, Please go and mess up with her, hehe.

Just kiding. She was trying to write fanfiction to get some money to make her end meets. She has been trying for months but didn't seem to be successful though.

Ps: She is a woman but she didn't against harem but also didn't like them please be sure to ask her for harem okay. She is a softy I tell you and I like her fanfiction and want it to be harem hehe.


My page: www.p@treon.com/phelio

Her page: www.p@treon.com/dizzme