
Found A True Love

Autor: anna_1703
Contínuo · 2.7K Modos de exibição
  • 16 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Found A True Love

Leia o romance Found A True Love escrito pelo autor anna_1703 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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The 90's Kid - Season Two

In this second season, tensions on the playground rise with the heat, water guns and laser rifles shoot into the fun-filled air, and Millie steps out of her destined timeline to help the uncle-nephew duo made up of Wes and Jace. But their antics haven’t gone unnoticed by the Time Cops and other prying eyes. Now Royal Valley itself could be in danger. And what secrets may be buried underneath the King Arcade amusement park? Season One: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-90's-kid---season-one_21714385905126005 This is a novelization of a cartoon show that never existed. But now it can, inside your head. Formatted like a show, every episode is the same length, so it's easy to fit into your busy schedule! Or just do how the modern kids do and binge it. The 90's Kid is a fun, mostly light-hearted romp oozing with nostalgia but also written to appeal to anyone from any generation who likes Back to the Future, time travel in general, fun, pop culture, media, callbacks, obscure references, water gun fights, sleepovers, amusement parks, classic Nickelodeon, vaporwave, video games, lazy summers, recess, secret kid clubs, or even school itself, if that's their thing. The series website has art, nostalgic commercials, a cast page, more background info, and even Spotify playlists! www.90skidstory.com As it was written prior to our troubled version of 2020, the story partially takes place in a more idealistic version of the year. But that's okay; time travel is all about alternate timelines anyway.

digiGekko · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


NENY ROBIN, pekerja di sebuah syarikat yang terkenal. Sangat lama tempoh si gadis berkhidmat di syarikat itu sehinggakan majikannya memintanya berkhidmat di sebuah syarikat maju iaitu El Qiansilouki Sdn. Bhd. selama empat bulan. Dia setuju. Tidak sangka pula pengurus syarikat itu adalah lelaki dari Itali! KIM ROSSIN STUART, sebaris nama yang Robin membuatkan dia tersenyum. Tambahan lagi, lelaki idamannya jejaka itali. Walau bagaimanapun, mengetahui lelaki itu tiada agama, Robin melupakan hasratnya.            "Why you didn't hand shake with me?"-Kim Rossin Stuart.            "My religion said forbidden for touching who's I don't married with. Including hand shake or whatever."- Neny Robin. Pada mulanya, semuanya baik-baik dan menjaga jurang hati agar tidak terjatuh hati. Tiada siapa tahu, apabila hati berubah rentak. Robin terperangkap. Terperangkap dengan hati celarunya. Bait-bait yang dia sendiri tutur memakan dirinya semula. Love trap? Mata mereka bertaut.            "Then, will you be my imperfect's perfection?" - Stuart            "Hold tight, mia amore." - Stuart Segalanya berubah tatkala dugaan menimpa Neny Robin dan dia terpaksa menahan diri kemudian mengingati dirinya bahawa dia tidak boleh sesuka hati mengurangkan jurang di antara mereka. Mereka di antara dunia yang berbeza.            "You're just my boss, Stuart... and no one to me." - Robin. Wajah lelaki itu jelas terluka. Namun wajah terluka itu pantas berubah riak menjadi kosong. Dingin.            "No one to you? Then, if you say so." Lelaki itu melangkah pergi. Bergenang air mata si gadis. Betulkah perkenalan mereka hanya sebuah memori kenangan? Mampukah mereka mengubati duka lara hati yang dibawa pergi? Benarkah takdir mereka sampai di situ sahaja? Note. Buku ini mengangdungi banyak kesalahan tatabahasa dan grammar mistake. © 2021 Raenees. All Right Reserved. Dilarang plagiat karya saya

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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating