
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 3

they packed everything

Ariana's mother took 2 flights to Finland

Mom where are we going?



but why

we can see a house anywhere here, right?


I can't say anything right now

but all I can say is that I did whatever I felt like doing

( Ariana left From there without saying anything )

After some time

( Ariana's mother went to Ariana's room )

there is a flight the next day, be ready tomorrow morning

we have to catch a flight at 11:00 Am

and have you packed all the things?

just check ones

ok mom

next day

( Ariana's mother is calling Ariana and asking )

Ariana, are you ready?

yes mom

so come down for breakfast

ok mom

( Ariana comes down for breakfast )

come on have breakfast early

ok mom

after breakfast

a car came to take household goods to the airport

( we're keeping things in the car ma'am )

ma'am there is no more stuff left, please check it


there is no similar

ok, we are taking the luggage to the airport.


you will get your belongings to your new home.

okay thank you

Ariana come ok we have to take a taxi now

ok mom

( they caught a taxi )

some time later they caught the flight to Finland

they reached Finland

Ariana wear a jacket it's always cold here

okay mom

they took a taxi to her new house

they reached their new house

they opened the door

some sounds came from inside

Mom, you heard that voice

yes, but what are you doing

( Ariana picked up a stick )

checked to see who was inside,

someone was standing there

she picked up that stick to hit him

till then he looked back and caught hold of that wooden stick

who are you?

The owner of that house asked

first, tell me who you are.

and what are you doing in my house

she asked the question and her mother came in

Ariana, Ariana are you okay?

yes I'm okay

Ariana stopped

what are you doing?

we bought their house


I_ , I_ , I'm really sorry

John is looking at Ariana

and nothing was heard or seen from him

Mister white, Mr. white what happened to you?


he asked Ariana's mother who is she.

oh! I'm sorry

I didn't introduce you to my daughter.

Ariana this is Mr. white,

Mr. white this is Ariana, my daughter.

hello Mr. white

you can call me John


umm sorry my name is John

you can call me John, Ariana

ok John

Mom I am going to see the house

okay Ariana

you can continue talking

John, what are you doing here?

I was waiting for you, ma'am

Ariana's mother: okay

John: I am leaving now, I have a lot of work to do

but if you need some help then you can call me

okay, thank you, John.

( John is going )

Ariana is looking at the garden area outside,

Ariana doesn't ever know John is watching her

( after 10 minutes later he left )

Ariana comes inside the house.

Mom, where is John?

he left because he had some work

Ariana let's go and get our stuff done

yes mom

( they put the things in their place )

all their work is done.

after all the household work is done

Mom, it's night

I don't realize while working

you are right Ariana, I lost track of time while working

I'm a tired mom

now let's eat and then go to sleep, Ariana.

ok mom

( they ate and went to their room )

Ariana was very tired so she went to her room and slept deeply

there was someone in her room who was watching her.

he went close to her and touched her cheek

he whispered, how beautiful

you are so beautiful

some time later he went away